Lana's Keepsake

You are my treasure, my only treasure,

You make me happy when skies are gray,

You know I’ll love you, and be there for you.

Every day and all of my life.


I hummed the words that were forever ingrained in my dark heart as I ran my fingers through the tall rose bush. Its thorns pricked at my skin and I was pretty sure blood was beginning to drip from them but I was numb to it. I’d stopped feeling pain a long time ago.

The loud music from the mansion interrupted the song in my head quite jarringly. I was immediately irritated. Loud music had always been Carl’s style. A classless man even to the very end. I didn’t think it would be so easy to gain entrance into the heavily guarded Stockholm mansion. But it’s amazing the miles a pretty smile on an even prettier face could go for you.

I stopped in front of one of the massive windows and ran my fingers lightly on my face with the non-injured hand. I blessed Doctor Smith for the thousandth time in my head. I did pay him a few hard-earned million dollars for this face but the man did do a perfect job so at least I got my money’s worth.

Looking discreetly at the thin watch on my arm, I realized I’d been dawdling and wasting precious minutes. I recklessly wiped my injured fingers on some fallen leaves and went inside the reception hall. The wedding reception of the man that I was supposed to marry seven years ago. The man who’d destroyed my life.

It wasn’t hard to spot Carl in the overly lit room. That jet-black hair of his and smile that made women of all ages putty in his hands was a dead giveaway and surprisingly still intact even after seven years. Good for him. He was currently ogling one of the bridesmaids even as he spoke distractedly to his wife. Same old Carl. Oh well, time was of the essence. Time to make my presence known to the pretty groom.

I laughed not so subtly at something I didn’t even know but I knew he’d heard it and it didn’t matter that I’d spent months practising a different laugh, he had a thing for the confident, sultry laughs and I’d perfected that in spades. I watched from the corner of my eye as he made his way to the corner of the room where I sat. He had two champagne flutes in his hand. Excellent. Certainly made my work easier.

“Hey, I wonder. Do I know you?” He asked, laying the charm thick. And I was immediately transported to another time. Seven years ago. It was that charming voice that got me. That easy smile. The same smile that looked down mockingly at me as I begged for my life. He’d left me for dead at the bottom of the stairs. I’d discovered his phoney, fraudulent ways and what he did for money and I’d been too naïve, too innocent. I confronted him about it. Worst mistake of my life. And he transformed immediately. The man who made that song for me. “You are my treasure.” Sang it to me every day. With smiles on his face and love in his eyes looked at me and sent me tumbling down.

“Hello. Are you okay, Miss?” I was jolted back from memory lane and cursed myself. I hope he didn’t notice my misty eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I gave him a winning smile. He relaxed again and sat on the next seat.

“So, I asked who you were. A friend of Maddie’s ?”

“Yeah. We’re not really close. Just knew her in passing from fashion shows.”

“Oh, I see now.” He beamed. “She’s a knocker, isn’t she?”

I gave him my beam as well. “That she most certainly is.” I took one of the champagne flutes and took a dainty sip. He didn't ask how I got an invite if we weren't close. Though I wasn't surprised. He'd never been a smart one.


“What’s wrong?” he asked. Looking at my stiletto-heeled foot that I pointed to.

“Think I sprained it a bit.”

“Oh, let me see.” He squatted to take a look. And that’s all the time I needed. One poison-laced finger deep into his champagne bottle. Two seconds. That's all it took.

“Looks fine to me.” He said from below as he straightened back up.

“Really? Thank you. These heels act up every time.” I took a sip of my own Champagne, silently willing him to follow suit. He did. A huge gulp for that matter. And I smiled. It really was over. But not yet. He had five minutes left of normalcy.

“So, it’s surprising that you really don’t remember me.” I began.

“I doubt we’ve met. There’s no way I’d forget such a breathtaking face.” He drawled. I fought the shudders sweeping through me. Once a pig...

“Are you quite sure?”

“Pretty so. Although, if you want us to know each other better...” He slid a card on the table and winked for good measure. Lecher.

“Oh, I think I know you quite well, my treasure. Wouldn't you say?” My eyes shone.


I saw the colour drain from his face and the thunderstruck look in his eyes even as I stood up and began to hum my way out. He was transfixed. As he should be. More time to make my getaway. I knew it was risky to remain in the Stockholm mansion. But as I watched the crowd rush to his side, from the comfort of a little window, their shrieks piercing through the loud music, there was quiet in my heart. Finally, I was at peace. The treasure was at peace.


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