Sitting In The Dark. (An Original Poetry + PROSE).


All Images owned & taken by me


Ambiguity sometimes paints a creative picture; as the title of this piece sitting in the dark suggests. Now sitting in the dark metaphorically signifies living in ignorance or being in a state of incomprehension or lack of knowledge however literarily it suggests living in a state of darkness or being encapsulated in darkness. However darkness is a state in which people can find themselves living and dwelling in without understanding the enigma that resides about them or even secrets that might reveal to them what might have happened about their life or what might have happened to the life of someone else of which if the knowledge came to light might change the ramifications of how things will turn out for them.

The ambiguity in this prose poetry suggests the same things. even if we can't say ignorance is synonymous to darkness it is the literal and figurative meaning of being in limbo which suggest unawareness archaism and redundancy and primitiveness. When one is in the dark, their eyes can't functions so they have to rely on their hands to grope in the dark knocking past object and living as a slave to the whims and caprice of their environs. So also when someone is ignorant about something it means they do not have informations through which they can work on to actually better themselves.

Sitting in the dark suggests relaxing, existing and being conscious without taking into cognizance the danger of being blind in a world of light. Sometimes our actions revolves around the things we know but most of the times it is the things we do not know that actually decides the outcome of our lives. So it is like a larger force and of course not being able to control some aspects of our lives suggest we do not have the key to totally be in control. knowledge is knowledge and we can't have it all so the knowledge we don't have suggests we're in the dark in that particular aspect. how about some of the tiniest knowledge about ourselves that can change or decide a different thing in our future? And we know nothing of them?




Seeking eyes
scampering to and fro
by and by.
from left to right!
foraging for stimuli,
to smell the light!
where the blackness lies.
in an ocean of myth!
truth is a nylon transparent
from the very eyes
so many tongues blabbering
of stories spurn and woven
with no basis of believability.

Ignorance is bliss,
a delight dish,
eaten at our very expense.
for how comforting,
are the things we know not?
knowledge is poison
that moulds a grotesque figure
of our reality
stark naked and staring at,
like our shame.
bitter to taste,

We're spectators,
sitting sternly in life's symposium
waiting to be amused,
by things that should sting the eyes!
we crave anaesthesia,
to numb the things we know,
for images of bleeding babies,
washing down reddened streams
brings ghouls
to the comfort of our dreams.

In nescience,
or when the cloud is out?
and candle sticks
have bent the knees
to the empresship of the night!
shall we sit again,
swords and shields on,
foraging for stimuli
or drown in the safety
of incomprehension?

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Dtuber, 📷 Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off steem can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother in pen and video 📷

*I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or rehive

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