MAY CONTEST: The unforgettable gardens of Mysterious Island



The gardens of Mysterious Island are famous for their past, but few people dare to visit them. The Grindler, Albornoz and Goddard families know what that means. The patriarchs of the respective families were there. It all began one night in the spring of 1950, when the children Peter, Merlin, Amanda and Alice stood gazing at the beautiful full moon......

Peter and Amanda are fascinated gazing at the moon, when a soft, fragrant breeze brings strange sounds. Peter, 12, is the oldest of the group. At his young age, he is a master in the art of communication, as well as a born researcher of the occult sciences, knowledge he shares with his friends. He sets the tone for decisions and asks:

-Amanda, what do these sounds tell you?

Amanda, according to Peter, is a sensitive. She uses these gifts only when she is with Peter, afraid of not being believed. Meanwhile, the curious Alice, 9 years old, is a dreamer who is never afraid of the unexpected. For her, fantasy becomes reality. She's attentive to her surroundings.... from afar she hears something..... She decides to go alone to see what it is.

-I can't make them out. They are far away, answers Amanda without noticing that Alice has disappeared.

Peter, all worried, asks, - What about Alicia?

Merlin concentrates and answers:
-She is with the statues at the entrance to the gardens. We'd better go with her.

Merlin is the introvert of the group but, he has the faculty of remote vision; that only his friends know very well.

To reach the gardens they have to cross a path of leafy trees. At night they seem to grow bigger and hug each other. The three children decide to walk holding hands, that way they feel connected. ..... Suddenly something appears that moves and turns.

-It's bright blue. It's a fairy. How beautiful, do you see it? asks Amanda.

-No, answers Peter.

-Oh Amanda! Remember that Peter has the knowledge and believes, but he doesn't have the gifts yet. I also see Alicia. She's talking to herself. Do you know if anything is wrong with her, says Merlin.

-No, I don't feel anything, replies Amanda.

The children continue walking together. Peter stumbles and falls, dragging his friends with him...A mysterious murmur is heard behind the trees.....Peter protests:

-Someone threw a rock and I tripped-.

They continue walking and ..... they hear a voice behind the smallest tree:

-Today you are going to know another reality, another reality, another reality.....he laughs and repeats again with joy, today you are going to know another reality....

A slender female figure, isolated, in torn clothes, with long blond hair and sad eyes, appears before the children.

-I am Fasmina, the caretaker of these beautiful gardens. They come alive at night, but everyone who comes here is afraid. Fear dominates them and they do not see beyond their physical senses. They leave without learning and give the island a bad name.

Merlin observes in detail and protests:
-You are a ghost!

-Yes. One of the men who visited the island hanged me because I wouldn't go with him. That's why my sadness is reflected in my emerald green eyes, as a symbol of exhaustion that produced me. ....

Fasmina stops, she does not want to tell the children how this cruel event happened, and continues:

-I decided to stay here to scare the men, with bad intentions, and try to make them change. If they don't, they will end up like me. That is my revenge. But nothing will happen to you. You are pure souls. Continue on your way. Surprises await you.

The children recover quickly from the fall and the appearance of the unexpected ghost. They continue their walk, as they are about to enter the fabulous gardens. The pleasant scents make their appearance. They are the sign that they are near. They already spot Alice and the statues. And, as a first surprise, the mischievous gnomes ..... appear.

One takes off Peter's cap, it's the naughty Orxim. Peter doesn't see it and becomes furious. A sigh is heard... and Orxim starts whistling Amanda's favorite song. She thanks him and observes another one, he is small, chubby, cheerful and says to her:

-Welcome to this beautiful island. My name is Gomo Koper and I hope you enjoy yourselves very much, tonight, in the beautiful gardens. I have a present for you. I will give it to you when you reach the rainbow waterfall. Remember, all the creatures here are beautiful. Learn from them.

The children follow the march...
Hidden and unseen, the elf Eolande scatters violets on Amanda's head. Only her voice is heard:

-My companion Goblin is left guarding the trees and Stogoros is protecting the jadinres from the bugs.

After these events they enter the gardens where beautiful statues, made of Carrá marble, welcome them. Merlin contemplates the perfection of the forms..... Alice embraces him and says enthusiastically:

-They are alive, I spoke to them.

They all look at each other... the statues begin to walk and, addressing the group, they say to them:

-Today everyone will learn from each of the inhabitants of the garden. This training will be of great use to you. Follow us.

They all trusted and obeyed. After walking for a while they stop; the oldest statue tells them:

-To my right is the garden of medicinal plants. It is important that you learn what each one will tell you. Then they will tell you how you can communicate with them when you are far from here.

Amanda almost steps on the mint. When she realizes it, she apologizes and gets her thoughts answered:

-When you need me ask me for permission, talk to me, tell me that you will cut me so that I can heal you. All the love you put in me I will return it to you by comforting you......

The same thing happened with the chamomile plant.

Merlin, interested in being a chef, observes some bushes in the garden of aromatic herbs. Without thinking twice he enters. He feels the freshness and the vibrant color and smell. They all happily pass on their wisdom to him .....

-We are used as seasonings, but we also have additional properties that no one considers...... Treat us with love and our bodies and scents will delight everything you do.

Further into the gardens are the beautifully trimmed hedges, then the roses, cayenne and orchids show them how to admire the beauty and point the way to the rainbow waterfall. Upon arrival, the children are amazed to see it. It is a spectacle of beautiful colors. The waterfall starts with the color blue and then all the other colors follow one by one.

A voice tells them:

-In the future the healings will be done using colors and sounds....

It is Gomo Koper who keeps the promise. He gives a gift to each child.
The children are dazzled...They all look at each other and at the same time say: -It is gold:

-It's gold. Thank you very much!

-Keep it, it will help you to pay for your studies. Remember everything you have learned tonight. Now you have to go home.

The children say goodbye to Gomo Koper and return happily to their homes. .....

The unforgettable gardens of Mysterious Island by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2022

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