Ekwetè; A kind Spirit

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“It isn't just a great honor for a maiden to be crowned the best dancer of Romi. It is a celestial charm - Like a spiritual rebirth for when the gods shower you Ekwetè. Then, you’d know that you are truly blessed and your life will never be the same again.” Mma grinned as if lost in the sweet bustling of memory lane. “I could almost see it that night. I could have sworn the grace of the gods washed all over me like twinkling stars.” She crooked a smile revealing two missing front teeth. Her smile was contagious and the maidens that surrounded her rattan mat beneath the clear moonlight giggled.

In a small village that revered dancing as an art and tradition, Mma was the best dancer - Ekwe of her time. She spent her retirement refining young women for the day when they would compete in the village's annual competition. Mma lived for the glamor of the event. It was no surprise when her daughter also emerged Ekwe. Now, she was hopeful that the title would see the third generation in her lineage.

Lani gazed at the sky with deep caramel eyes as she listened to her grandmother. The other girls eyed her with envy. She already knew in her heart that she was going to be the Ekwe of the season. She was the best dancer among her peers. She was sure the streak would continue in their lineage. “Not even Afiya. She wishes she could move half like I do.” Lani laughed heartily and eyed Afiya before hissing.

Afiya only smiled. She had been practicing day and night for the festival. She had nurtured that crown forever and by all means, she swore that this time, the title of Ekwe would return to her line.

“Young ladies, I shall rest now.” Wielding her walking stick to aid her every step, Mma made her way into her hut to retire for the night. “The night is still young for you youthful ones. But tomorrow is a big day. Get rest.” She left maidens to their rehearsals, gossip, and banter.

Daybreak came faster than the cockcrow. The day was spent getting ready for the dance festival. Maidens went shopping with their mothers for the best beads and wrappers. The young boys polished and practiced their drummings while the older ones were eager to choose a bride from among the maidens. The village bustled with so much preparation and jubilation. A contagious spirit of merriment was in the air.

The sun came down and the entire village was a spectacle to behold. Maidens lined up clad in the most attractive wrappers tied to their chests and waists. They held tiny calabashes of burning incense in their hands. Lots of waist beads and anklets let out wriggling sounds making them giggle, and the men teased. It was customary that a maiden must hold the pot while dancing. The wafting air was said to summon the spirit of the priestess of the gods. The priestess will then shower the best maiden with Ekwetè - the grace of the gods. Eyes do not see but the spirit feels the presence of the priestess.

The sound of drumming filled the air and it was time for the maidens to wow the village. They began dancing. Like an enigmatic spirit, their bodies vibrated to the sound of the samba while the villagers chanted their favorite hum. Soon, each maiden took the middle stage, and when it was time for Lani, the praises and chants grew louder. Her head swelled as her body contorted through wafting smoke. Suddenly, the calabash in her hand fell and broke into pieces leaving quenching embers.

A deafening silence ensued. Lani blinked severally, feeling all eyes on her. Her blood boiled and her skin crawled. She could not believe what had just happened. Immediately, she raced out of the festival holding her face in her hands. When she stopped to catch her breath, she could hear the drumming and chanting resuming. “Afiya!” the crowd yelled. She wept profusely. Just within the blink of an eye, the entire village had forgotten about her. Afiya was now the new sweetheart to be crowned Ekwe.

She walked down the silent path home wondering if she got what she deserved. Perhaps If she had not let the praises get to her head, she would not have embarrassed herself like that. Just then, Lani saw something glistening crash into a thorny path. Her vision became distorted and when she steadied her gaze, another light hovered around the path and above her head before flying away.

Her gaze returned to the thorns. She could now see clearly that a pair of small wings was stuck between thorns. One part was still fluttering lightly and white lights emanated from it like sparks.

“Wow.” Lani blurted. She moved to the light and carefully retrieved the wings. Her eyes glistened and she quickly forgot about her walk of shame. She was still marveling at her little discovery when she heard a small voice.

“Give me my back my wings now. I must deliver the Ekwetè. I have never missed a season.” Lani followed the sound of the voice to where she found a tiny creature sitting on a leaf. She had deep yellow eyes and tanned skin with curly hair. She was now crying softly.

“Are these your wings?” Lani was startled and stunned but she composed herself. She knelt beside the creature and opened her palm. “It is broken but we can fix it. Wait! Are you the priestess? So the Ekwetè is indeed a real thing. Grandmother said it. She could almost feel it, she said.” Lani’s eyes widened.

“The creature managed a smile amidst her tears. Yes, the Ekwetè is real but I'm not the priestess. I'm a Taura. Think of us as porters of the priestess. I've always delivered the Ekwetè but today? I have crashed and Nara has taken my place. I guess the shoe is on the other foot now. Aya will no longer be the golden porter.” she pointed to the direction where the second light flew. “I knew she was sneaking behind me. She could not wait to take my place.”

“You know, I think things changed for me too tonight. I was so sure I would be Ekwe. But I've learned and on the brighter side, I got to meet a porter of the priestess. I do not think anyone has ever had this honor.” she chuckled.

“And I do not believe that any porter has met a human. It is indeed a blessed day and I refuse to sulk anymore.” Aya looked at Lani and smiled. “I've always been curious about you lots. There is so much I want to ask.”

The duo spent the rest of the night nestled beneath a tree like they had known each other their entire life. As Lani tended to Aya’s wings, they shared stories, memories and a moment they would both never forget.

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