
created with dreamlike art ai.

Rayan carefully unlocked his doors by shielding the keys with his back as though someone was watching. He loved to think that his life was some sort of simulation. It was a reality that he had created for himself ever since he was ten years old. Perhaps he had played the game of Eldoria so much that he was now starting to believe that his life itself was a game.

He quickly threw his keys and coat on the couch. He had a long day but he was never too tired for the video game. Rayan’s mind had been occupied all day at work and he could not wait to come home in time for the game.

He switched on the console and the signal from his screen washed blue light over his face lighting up his dark living room. Rayan lived alone and he didn’t mind it. His life was a routine of going to work, grabbing dinner afterward, and coming home to his favorite video game. He loved the thrill and rush he got from playing Eldoria.

Eldoria used to be a board game in the past before it transitioned into a modern video game. The game opened up stages of virtual reality for players where you’d have to conquer great fears. The players who made it through each stage stood the chance of becoming king or Queen of Eldoria.

Rayan lived for the game. He loved the way it made his blood rush. He loved the scenes and cinematography of the game. Rayan didn’t mind being immersed in that virtual reality forever. He wished he could become a real avatar in the game. He’d be in Eldoria jumping fences and obstacles. He’d fight creatures and tribes and conquer the kingdoms. He was now in the last stage, Banana land. He had imagined looking the monkey king in the eye as he took over his kingdom.

“Incredible.” Rayan smiled at his thoughts.

The sound of a rousing samba drum from his console reverberated through Rayan's body. “Yes,” he cheered. The game had begun and in no time, Rayan finished the game. Just like that, he had conquered Banana Land. Rayan could not believe his eyes. He had been on that stage forever. No one on record had conquered Banana Land before.

“Congratulations Rayan. Your crown awaits.” his screen read.

Rayan felt so surreal. He had broken a record. He couldn't believe that he had come to the end of Eldoria. A game he had played for the last ten years nonstop. Days passed and Rayan began to feel a void. Eldoria was a part of his life and now that it had ended, Rayan felt so empty.

That night, Rayan went to bed early. The sound of a jingling bell at 2 am roused him. It sounded like the echoes just left his window. Rayan quickly jumped out of bed to peek through his window. He saw what he thought was a little person in a green hooded shirt riding away on a bicycle.

The stinging cold air, gentle breeze, and swaying trees outside made Rayan feel so strange. Just when he was about to shut his windows, Rayan saw a paper on his sill. The paper looked torn and archaic. It had the letters “D and O” inscribed on the top and there were grids on it. It was a piece of a map.

“Hmmh! What could this be?” Rayan pondered as he took the paper in and placed it on his shelves. The next night at exactly 2 am, Rayan heard the same jingling sound. When he peeked through his window again, the same hooded person was riding away into the night. “Little Green Riding Hood?” he laughed at his thoughts. Another piece of paper was sitting on his windowsill again. This time, it had the letters “E and L” inscribed on it.

Rayan’s interest began to pique. He had found something to muse about again. The next night, Rayan stayed up. As soon as he heard that jingling sound, he raced to his window. This time, a bicycle was parked against a tree in his yard. Another piece of paper read “RIA.”

Rayan quickly put the papers together. He had already deciphered the word in his head but he needed to see it.

“ELDORIA.” he gaped in astonishment.

Rayan quickly ran out through his front door. He hopped on the bike without knowing exactly where he was going. He just paddled away. As he did, a little green light trailed the path on the map he had. He was moving faster than ever before.

Rayan wasn't sure how long he had pedaled through streets and paths he didn't even recognize before he came to an armored gate with the longest fence he had ever seen. The gate opened before him revealing a scene he knew far too well.

“Eldoria.” Rayan was yelling now.

“Welcome to Eldoria.” A monkey in a green hoodie resting on the same bicycle from two nights ago spoke to Rayan. “I see you have followed the map.”

Rayan could not speak. He had his hands in his mouth. Soon, hundreds of creatures came out in masses to greet Rayan’s presence.

The scene of avatars from his game, talking animals, fantasy creatures, warrior tribes, and the alluring background of skyscrapers, forest grasses, and shimmering trees made Rayan's insides churn in amusement.

He couldn't believe that he was in Eldoria. This was his childhood dream coming to fruition and he wasn't sure how to feel.

The monkey brought out a royal Sapphire crown studded with diamonds and presented it to Rayan. “King of Eldoria,” he announced, and all the creatures bowed.

A feeling of uncertainty engulfed Rayan. To be in Eldoria was his greatest wish and fantasy but he wasn't sure why he was feeling the way he did. Everything was happening all too fast.

Rayan looked at the crown. He looked outside the gates and back into Eldoria. He shivered for a moment before a smile decorated his lips.

“Game on,” he whispered and the reverberating sound of samba drums filled the air.

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