Power for power!


The day earth received two free souls, the witches chuckled all night until their stomachs hurt.

My pumpkin potion was brewing nicely in the corner of my room. I traced the smoke that filled the room to my opened door. Nakiya stood there. She came forward to hug me. I took her in with my eyes. She looked too prepared for tonight. If only she knew. I took out a pin from my hair and clipped the side of her parted hair. Adjusting her hat, I stroked her robe. I looked into her big brown eyes and they were warm. I adored my sister so much but it was something I had to do.

“Don’t be late. The conclave would begin soon. Nakiya smiled, strode to my window, mounted on her broom and made for the sky. Before she took off, she turned and gave me a long deep look. My throat tightened. “Had she caught up with my plan?” I always admired how good she was with the broom. There's no corner in the world she couldn't maneuver into. It would be sad to see her leave witchtown. I watched as she tore into the clouds and disappeared.

I dresses up in my finest robe and tried to catch up with Nakiya. The night was cold and dark. Only the moon posed ever so proud in its glorious sheen. Dodging some bats and bees, I tore into the clouds with full speed tearing a heap of cloud apart. I struggled to catch my balance as piles of clouds ruffled me and my grip. “ I will never be a master at this”. I sighed.

I got to the conclave just in time. All the other witches were already present. All stood with their hoods and brooms in hand. I took my position beside my sister. I could not look at her in the eyes again. I had already made my decision two nights ago. The grand witch had arrived. We could see her chariot of two gold horses glistening as she approached. The horses stamped their hooves into the clouds and halted. Grand witch descended in all her grandeur. We all bowed and bended a knee.

My sister and I belonged to the same coven. We were the last bloodline of our realm. Two nights before, I had visions. Visions that it was time to for a new high priestess to be chosen in our realm. It is what I've always wanted. However, for that to happen, it would have to be the witch’ code, power for power. You'd have to give up the powers of someone from your bloodline to ascend with more powers. I had already given the powers of all my children in the past and they had been cast into earth. So did my sister with her children.

My final resolve was to offer the powers of my sister. I had a private meeting with the grand witch the night before and she agreed to take my sisters powers and make me high priestess.

“Tonight's conclave...” the grand witch paused to look in our direction, my sister and I. “As you all know, the Tenth realm has been without a high priestess. But tonight is the night where one witch from the realm ascends that throne. Hmmh” she glanced at us again.

“The Shah family. Power for power”. She turned round twice and howled. Her caped made a display tossing peaks of cloud around. Lightning struck. She let her hand forward and seized my sister’s broom with her wand. “ No wait, you are making a mistake”. Nakiya cried out and looked at me. Surprise dangled in her eyes. I couldn't hold her gaze. I looked away. I had betrayed my sister for a throne.

The clouds beneath our feet opened up. Like free fall, Nakiya descended into earth. The world inhabited by powerless humans. She would become mundane and live with the humans without her powers for the rest of her life.

I looked on the brighter side. I would become high priestess of the tenth realm. “Zeeyah”. I smiled when the grand which echoed my name. I knew it was time. She let out a wicked grin and seized my broom immediately. The others witches gasped. I was confused. I lost my balance and fell on a heap of cloud.

“What? Did you think your sister didn't receive the vision too. She also wanted to be a high priestess and of course, she gave me your name. power for power. A grand witch never rejects an offer. She laughed again even more hysterically. The clouds parted and down I went.

“The Shahs! They have always been the foolish ones. It runs in their bloodline”.

The witches chuckled all night until their stomachs hurt.

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