The Rite Of Passage [Fiction]

Photo by Kellepics

Two strange things happened that day —my birthday, a day fated by the gods for me to discover my true identity, and a falsehood that lurked at the heart of my home.

The loud beat of the local drums in the early hours woke me up from a deep sleep where I dreamed of a weeping woman who called out to me from the recesses of a dark cave. I shivered from the cold morning air despite the beads of sweat on my face and chest.

It was still dark outside, the perfect time to gear up and sharpen my weapons in preparation for the hunt.

I couldn't shake off the gloomy memory of the strange dream. The cries of the mystery woman tore at my heart. I sharpened my sword forcefully.

It was my eighteenth birthday. The king decreed I had to prove myself as his first son and successor by bringing back the head of the beast that terrorised my village and prevented hunting in the deep part of the forest for some years.

This hunt was a rite of passage into manhood.

"Ah, the young king is up and busy," my best friend, Akpan, teased as he drew close to my hut. He held his sheathed long cutlass on his muscled shoulder. I continued with my task, my face grim and in no mood for his jokes.

"That look does not bode well. What is it, my man?" He asked. Before I could respond, a few boys from my age group joined us.

The sky was gradually lighting up when the queen came out of the palace first, already dressed in her fine royal regalia and adorned with beads on her hair, neck and hands. She smiled, her teeth white and in contrast with her smooth, dark skin.

My friends, except I, snapped to attention and bowed their heads in respect.

"My son, are you ready for your hunt?" She asked and gently placed her left hand on my heart area. I stared down at the hand. Her smile and the way she framed "my son" irritated me at that moment.

Being my stepmother, the queen and I were not really close but I'd learned to live in harmony with her since I was seven. I assumed the theatrics were for my father, the king, who followed behind her.

I stepped back from her touch and inclined my head in greetings to my father. He nodded in response.

"May the gods go with you, my son and may you come back victorious," the king said, his voice dark and commanding.

"Yes, your majesty!" The boys chorused as some male servants brought out the hounds. I shouted and led the boys and hounds in a race, the grounds trembling beneath our feet, as we ran into the forest.

We travelled into a deep part of the forest that was rarely visited because it was the abode of the fearsome beast. No one had seen this creature but the few hunters who had encountered it described it as gigantic and black with sharp teeth and fangs.

We spent all day scouring the forest for this terrifying beast. I was determined not to go home empty-handed. If we captured this creature, my age group would become men and the citizens would see me as a worthy king after my father stepped down. I dared not contemplate the consequences if we failed.

As we tread through the thick forest, dry twigs and branches breaking beneath our feet, the hounds began to bark ferociously. I spotted a blurry figure whizzing through the trees around us.

"Hold it!" I yelled.

A deep growling sound from up the trees made our hairs stand on end. Adrenaline was building up in us as sweat dripped down our faces.

"By the gods, I can't see anything," Akpan whispered harshly, as we glanced around the trees.

"Stand with me, boys!" I commanded. Immediately we formed a tight circle, our backs against each other so we were not left exposed or vulnerable on any side.

The growling continued and grew louder until a strange whirlwind out of nowhere blew and flung the boys and hounds around. They all lost consciousness.

Deadly silence settled on the thick forest. Even the birds went silent and the wind ceased. Fear gripped my heart. I almost dropped my sword and ran away.

Taking a defensive stance with my sword pointing forward, I bent and shook Akpan, trying to wake him up. Then something heavy dropped from the tree onto the ground, shaking the forest.

It was the fearsome creature, a beast, almost eight feet tall, huge and heavily muscled. It was hairy all over. It had a head full of sleek black hair like a woman and the face of a bull, with a pair of horns curved upwards.

I fell as the ground shook and scrambled to get up.

"Mfon," a whisper reached my ears. I froze and stared at the beast. Its eyes, a light tawny brown like that of a puma, stared back at me.

It was not possible. The voice was familiar, soft like my mother's.

"Mfon, it's me," the beast whispered and moved a little closer. How could a beast speak like a human?

"Stay back or I'll kill you!" I yelled, brandishing my sword. "Why do you pretend to be my mother? I'll have your head for this."

The beast stopped and gazed at me as I made my silly threats. "My boy, you know in your heart it's me. You were sent to kill me but I won't let that happen. Take me back with you to the palace. When your stepmother sees me, I will be me again."

I scoffed. "But my friends—"

"Your friends are well but asleep for a little while. I did not hurt them. I will never do that to you."

"How did this happen to you?" I asked and realised I was standing right in front of the creature. It was a magnetic pull —blood calling to blood.

"Uyai was my friend but coveted my throne. When I realised, it was too late. She bewitched your father and cursed me into the forest to never lay eyes on her again. There's a loophole. If she sees me, I'll be free and have my life back. Help me, my son."

"Oh mother, why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you."

The beast's shoulders shook as it chuckled. "You were merely seven. You couldn't lift a finger to save yourself. I had to protect you. Know that Uyai will not let you take the throne after your father steps down. Take me back to the palace now."

"But my friends…"

"They will find their way back to the palace. Let's hurry before it gets dark, for then I will lose my senses and attack you."

That was how I led the beast home in chains. Children, men and women sang songs of jubilation as they escorted me to the palace. It was the queen who stepped out of the palace first with her maids.

Seeing the face of the beast, she screamed in a voice loud and piercing, her hands pulling her hair as veins bulged on her neck.

Before the whole village, the beast transformed into my mother to everyone's amazement.

"Guards! Arrest her!" I shouted, alerting everyone to Uyai, my stepmother who was slowly transforming into a beast. I joined the guards to chain her and took her down to the dungeon.

The king was in shock for many days but I was happy to have my mother and our queen back.

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