The Ink Well Prompt #76: Roku’s Saving Grace

Roku's mother wasn't like most of her kind, while most had houses and places to call home, she stayed in the streets and ate from people's trash.

So, when she got pregnant with Roku and his siblings, she decided that since she couldn't cater for them, her best option was to leave them by the side of a road, and maybe, just maybe, someone might want them.

Doing this meant one thing, Roku had to take responsibility as the eldest and he would often have to leave the alleyway they called home to go on searches for food, and some days, when he didn't find anything, they would have no choice but to go to bed hungry.


One day, while Roku went on a search for food, he saw a beautiful garden filled with vegetables, and he thought to himself;

“I bet if I take just a few pieces, the owner wouldn't mind and my sibling could at least eat something not from the trash today”

He began walking to the garden but something held him back and he said to him;

“If I take this, I will be stealing and who knows if the owner also has a family to feed”


While he thought about that, he decided that he wouldn't take from the garden and instead, he would continue his search, but as he was about to walk away, the owner of the garden came out with anger and chased him away throwing stones at him.

Roku ran as far as he could and due to the adrenaline, he didn't realize that one of the stones had hit him, and that he had tear on his head which was bleeding.

When he finally stopped running, he decided to catch a breath near their alleyway, but he started feeling dizzy and fainted.

He was awaken by some bright lights and the smell of some delicious food, but he couldn’t understand where he was and who had brought him there.

Roku stood up wanting to run away, but he heard a voice saying;

“No worries little puppy, you are going to be fine, trust me”

He still felt agitated and scared by this strange person but, he heard something that made him feel safer, and that was the barks of his siblings.

Apparently, he was found by a nice woman where he had fainted and the nice woman had decided to help him and also keep Roku and his siblings which she had found after forever.

Finally, Roku and his siblings had a place they could call home and their days of struggle had come to an end.




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