What does burning the World got to do with it? - Hero

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The Ring

Estate Mansion: Training Grounds

I have been called a lot of names The Greatest Knight of all the Seven Kingdoms, God's chosen Hero, direct descendant of the Immortal King, Legion Commander of the Imperial Army, but what I most proud of is...


"Father look, I can finally do the Dragon Lance! This was the technique you used to defeat the Black Dragon in the last campaign. Right!?"


I smiled as I ruined his beautiful black hair with my hand.

My proud heart aches. Is this the only thing I could pass down my son, a sword and a profession that I myself am not proud of. In his eyes, I am no less than the heroes the bards sings, the stories of legends that is often told, the envy of kings and princes, but does he know how much it hurts, to just hold him with this blood stained hands.

My mind is slipping into the oblivion of thoughts and disarray of my emotions.

"Father, is there something wrong?"

I shook my head slightly and grab my son, raised him, then gently placed him over my shoulders. He was so happy, if only this could last forever, but sadly as I look at the horizon, a familiar figure is fast approaching.

Seven Horsemen stopped direct in front of me. The one whose armor is
adorned by the The Conquering Lion, King's Crest, that symbolizes the strength of our Empire's military, spoke with dignity and honor.

"Lord Commander! By order of the Great and Noble King of our proud Empire you are called to arms, and must now join the ranks, to reclaim our lands that is now inhabited by the evil that we know as Demons."

The knight sat on his horse motionless. I nod my head in agreement and slightly raised my hand to signal them to send the message back. Without a moment to spare they rode off and disappeared like they were never really there.

My heart was in tatters swirling around the chaos of my soul, as I stand there pondering about the decision that I was about to make.

"Father, Are you going away, are you going to slay the Demons and bring peace?"

Hearing his question made me feel like, I am bleeding from the inside then it just started pouring out of my eyes.

I lowered him, look straight at his innocent eyes. My heart keep stuttering, unable to say the words, that I want him to hear. I held him close, to feel his warmth, to feel the beating of his heart, and finally gave him the only thing in this world that gave meaning to my existence.

Our wedding rings.

I turned my back and walk away, my retainer waiting already packed and ready to go.


The King

Demon Continent: Forward Base

I knelt in front of him, like how every knight was taught to do in front of their King.

"Lord Commander, we need to drive off this — filthy savages. You hear me!"

"Do you even know how much resources are wasted here with this ANIMALS!"

I shook my head, kept my mind open but my heart close. Greed is the sole motivation, and this is not a Crusade but an invasion. He kept on talking about his dreams of the future, and how these 'people' are in the way of progress.

My mind kept drifting away to that lush evergreen, where my wife is waiting for me, wearing her favorite white dress, calling my name...

"Lord Commander, are you listening?"

I slammed my right fist to my chest in salute.

"Very well you may leave... and Commander, don't disappoint me."



Demon Continent: Front Lines Final Battle

As I pushed forward, every town, every village, every family I encountered, all I see are people, not demons. My heart wavers but duty compels me to move. Especially now, there, right in front of me is my way back HOME.

I stared blankly as the Demon Queen's army rushed down hill to meet us with their steel and magic.

My mind was not into it and so is my heart. A simple question has been swirling around the vortex of my consciousness. Do I see my self as a Hero worthy of my son's praise?

The clashing of steel resounded and it brought me back from the pandemonium inside my very soul.

I hardened my resolve and claimed my determination. I rushed forward, cutting down anything that stands on my way, anything that stops my desire to go home. I ran up the hill, like the unstoppable juggernaut of legends that were once foretold.

My eyes grew wide in astonishment.

Up that very hill I saw her, a young girl not much older than my son, hair as red as the sunset and wings as black as the crows. Her tears ran like a river, with both her hand on her chest, as she stand and stared at the havoc in front of her.

She took a glance at me, before her royal guards drag her away.

My mind felt at ease, my heart felt light and my soul rejoiced

For the first time in many moons I saw true compassion, maybe not for us, but that is enough for me to remember what I am most proud. I remembered his eyes looking at me and I want to meet those eyes and say the words he wants to hear with dignity and honor.

I saw the swords coming my way, I met them with no resistance. I heard panic in the battlefield and soon enough, the horn sounding retreat echoed throughout the battlefield.

I smiled, as I slowly close my eyes and uttered these words with my last breath.

"Son, I am sorry, but know this... your father is a real Hero."


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