The night was cold and lonely for Theresa, while other teens her age were out with their not-so-scary costumes, she stood at the window watching the snowfall. She watched as teens and children went trick-or-treating, as the mean ones played tricks on the others. She would laugh at their funny costumes wondering why they thought they looked scary.

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Children! They have no idea what fear is, looking tough because they are together. Isolate them and you will be amazed how scared they are; Jasmine said as she joined Theresa in watching everything going on from their skyscraper glass house.

Why don't we play a little with these kids and show them what it means to be truly afraid? Jasmine said with her seductively scary tone.

I wish I was like them; I wish my childhood would be as fun as theirs, but I do not wish to ruin their illusion of what fear truly is. You know sometimes I wish we never saw the things we saw at age five, now see how we have forgotten what it means to be happy; Theresa said not knowing she just shed tears.

Is that what I think it is? Theresa is those tears you just shed?

Now realizing what was happening to her, Theresa went straight to the mirror to have a glimpse of her own tears, she quickly reached out to her wardrobe for a small container and hurriedly took what tears were left before it dried up.

Turning to Jasmine; I know what I must do now, it just became clear to me that I have a chance to get back my humanity, and I will take it.

You can't be serious Theresa; Jasmine exclaimed with a surprisingly terrifying tone.

Theresa bringing out her proud witchly nature said in a calm but dangerous tone; You have known me since I was a baby, we have stuck together since the night our parents gave their lives to save us from the Necromancer at the graveyard, we have been fighting demons to keep the balance within realms since I was five and you were eight years of age, it's been thirteen years down the line, and all through these years you have known me, have I ever made a joke out of anything?

Our humanity was taken in exchange for immortality without our consent as children, and if you think that I love the life the Necromancer subjected us to after our parents' demise, then you do not know a thing about me.

The room they were in began to shake as Theresa spoke. She realized and took a minute to breathe so everything would come back to normal, afterwards she continued, turning towards Jasmine with her facial expression looking helpless. While Jasmine stood in disbelief at the words coming out of her sister's mouth.

I want to be loved by real people, by ordinary people who have never experienced what we have experienced in life.

Jasmine; but Uncle Eric and I love you Theresa, we've got each other and need no one else…

Uncle Eric has a child with a woman in France, he goes there once a year to visit them. I'm guessing you didn't know that. You also didn't know about the times Uncle Eric gets scared of us whenever it's a full moon or our birthday. He wishes he never had to bear the burden of taking care of us after our parents died.

He loves us, but he wishes to have a life of his own, a life where he could be with the love of his life and his son. Can't you see how much of a burden we are to him?

Jasmine; how do you know all this Theresa?

I can read minds, I've been reading minds secretly since my sixteenth birthday two years ago. I know how scared you still get of the dark fearing a demon might be lagging behind it, or worse the Nechro….

Jasmine; stop, never tell me about my fears. Okay, you are right, I get scared and all, but it is our life. How do you expect us to survive in the real world with all those normal kids who only know how to bully? How do we survive without our powers?

Theresa, I don't know Jasmine, the thought of it scares me too, but I think a life of uncertainty is better than a life of loneliness and fear. Join me, my sister, let's get out of this hell of a life where we can't feel anything once and for all. The tears in this jar are our key, and luckily it's a full moon, we just have to go back to where it all began and reach the point where the light sets in the graveyard. It's almost time, make your decision fast and join me.

Theresa disappeared into ice, leaving her sister to wonder about what she would do. Jasmine in the process of wondering realized something, reached out for her wardrobe, and disappeared in flames

Wait!!! You forgot something…

Seeing Theresa standing before their parent's grave where the light set and a small flame of ice and fire burned. Theresa had poured her tears into the flame, but the reaction wasn't what she expected.

Jasmine; it takes two for it to work, ice and fire, and the tears of blood sisters will break the cause of the Necromancer. Uncle Eric told me about the prophecy.

Theresa; It's all a waste then, I'm the only one who shed tears, I'm sorry for putting you up to this, I thought…

Jasmine; I shed a tear too. I think a bit more than yours. It was immediately you left, something in me broke, and for a minute it was as though something came alive.

Like a heartbeat (They both exclaimed together)

Jasmine went on to the point where her sister stood, as she poured her tears into the ice-looking flame. The flame went up like an explosion, and a light erupted out of it surging through them as they held their hands together as tightly as they could.

In split seconds everything had changed, they felt different, as though electricity was moving through them

Jasmine; do you feel that Theresa, it's a heartbeat, we are free.

Theresa; Yes I can feel it, but something is wrong. I can hear your heartbeat, and read your thoughts… I don't understand, I thought…

You two had always been witches having these powers in you from the beginning, the Necromancer saw your powers and wanted to use both of you as his puppets. That was why your parents who were also witches made the ultimate sacrifice. I am the only full human in the family.

Theresa; Uncle Eric, how long have you been here?

I've been all the while when I noticed you two left the mansion, I had to follow up to see what you two were up to this time. I must confess I couldn't be more proud of you girls, working together to fulfill the prophecy and break the Necromancers' cause. Now there's a lot to learn about the real world, and I hope you are ready for your next life adventure.

Jasmine; wait…

She shot a fire bolt out of her hand into the bush nearby

Jasmine; just to confirm, I haven't lost my touch… will you do us the honors Theresa?

Theresa shot an ice bolt out of her hands to quench the fire her sister started

Theresa; Of course… It feels good knowing we are no longer heartless humans.

Uncle Eric; I think the good news is, now you can join your kind fully…

Theresa and Jasmine; our kind?

Uncle Eric; oh yes, Don't think for a second that you are the only magical humans working the earth? It comes at a cost though, there are more dreadful things to fight out there. But I trust you girls are up to the task.


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