All for you.


I sat in my room waiting for Diane. Everything was set, the food, drinks, rose petals were scattered all over the room. I had candles placed at strategic places leaving only the light from the TV on. The music had soothing romantic songs emanating from the speakers. The atmosphere smelled like a scene from a romantic tv show. The atmosphere was just as I wanted it to be.

I was gonna propose to Diane that night. She wouldn't see it coming. It was a surprise proposal. Carefully planned by me and a few of Diane 's friends. They had stopped by earlier to help me with the cooking. I had also selected the best engagement ring from the expensive jewelry store downtown just as my finances could afford. But at the same time costly.
I wanted it to be perfect.

I wasn't ready to wait anymore. I had everything working great for me. A nice job and a promotion which I just secured months back. After years of being due for promotion. I have a nice apartment and a car. Everything was in place ,so I saw no reason waiting any longer.

Diane was my heartbeat and my everything. She has really been supportive with me all this while. She always had my back. Like my backbone she helped me stand in any way I could. She is my blessing from God. In a world filled with billions of people, if I was given a chance to choose again, I would definitely go for her over and over again. And now I know it was time to spend my forever with her.

She was running late but that was fine. She told me she had a meeting with a client at work so I didn't bother. I sat there reminiscing on the good old days when I was still struggling with work. I was paid peanuts. To survive was a miracle. This was just before I got the promotion. I knew I did everything I could that would warrant my promotion but of course my boss thought I needed to do more. I wondered why he had to be so tough on me. I guess what they say is true, when power is out in the hands of a wrong man it makes him mad. All that was in the past now.

Just then a Knock came at the door. I scanned the room again to be sure everything was in place. Then I got up and opened the door. It was Diane. She looked beautiful as always. She smiled, displaying her beautiful set of white teeths. Which made her smile beautiful. Anyone who met her for the first time would think she had a dentist job. I smiled back and stepped aside to let her into the room.

"Hey babe" she said. Clearly she hasn't seen the surprise.

"Hey beautiful," I replied. Hugging her and shutting the door.

"Babe what's going on,"she asked. Now she has seen the room.

"Come with me" I held her by the hand and led her to a couch." Sit" She sat still with a smile on her face.

"Babe you still haven't answered my question"

"I know but before I answer your question let's have a drink first" I felt like a man that just won a trophy. I picked up the bottle of wine on the table and popped it. Then proceeded to pour us a drink.

"Shit!' I screamed as I spilled a drink on the floor.

"Don't worry you go ahead with that I'll get a mop" Diane volunteered and ran off to the kitchen even before I could decline. I reclined on the couch and waited for her.

My phone beeped and I picked it up. It was from my boss. He never texts me unless I missed his calls. And as far as I could remember he hasn't called me all through the day. I tapped on the icon that popped up on the screen and what I saw changed my moods. For a moment I felt the room spinning. The music sounded so deep and a tear trickled down my eye.

"Okay I'm here babe. You mind moving while I clean up" Diane walked into the room with the mop. She tapped me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked instead. Now the tears were flowing freely.

"Do what?"

"Don't feign ignorance Diane. Is there something you should tell me?!" I yelled.

"Okay you only call me Diane when you're upset. What's wrong?"

"Are you cheating on me with my boss?"

"No babe!"

"Then how do you explain this video of you with my boss together in bed" I snapped showing her the video Message I received from my boss. I watched her as tears dropped down her eyes. She sat at the couch next to mine and bent her head in shame.

"It isn't what you think babe"she said.
" After the last time I visited you at your office months back, where you introduced me to your boss. He has been on my neck since. I was the reason you never got the promotion. He has been asking me out, telling me that I deserve someone better to take care of me. I declined the request and he threatened not to promote you."

"So?" I asked trying to hold my anger

"So after I visited you and you kept lamenting about how you deserve the promotion and you needed money to pay your bills. I couldn't stand watching you go through pain. I thought if I slept with him without you knowing he would get off my back and you'll get your promotion." She knelt beside me holding my legs. "I'm sorry babe. I made a mistake. I wasn't thinking straight at that point. I just wanted to see you happy again. I wanted what was best for you, for us." She pleaded, crying profusely.

I didn't know what to do. I was confused. I felt dizzy.

" You have to leave Diane. I need to think" I said.
She pleaded more and I didn't bulge.

"Whatever decision you make, babe. Just remember that I love you" she picked up her bags and left.

Now it's left for me to decide whether to forgive her or break things up. Whichever decision I take I hope it's the right one.

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