The legend of Morec and Solflorantis_Inkwell prompt : happiness


There were two creatures living inside the woods. They came from a family of hybrid man-werewolf. They were hunters living inside the Lupin Mountains in a cottage. One day one of them named Morec told his brother Magnesto that he was tired of being a man-werewolf hybrid who hunted down animals and humans at night.

“Hunting no longer gives me satisfaction,” Morec said calmly but with a sad voice.

“But we live so comfortably, we have a home now and we are good hunters,” Magnesto said trying to make Morec feel better because he saw that he was feeling sad, almost depressed.

“What if we leave everything and go on a quest to change who we are?” Morec said suddenly excited.

“Change who we are?!!” Magnesto said surprised. He continued “we are comfortable in our skin now in comparison to the past, do you remember how much time it took you to transition from human to man-werewolf and stay werewolf at nights. It was so hard for you in the full moon to control your bursts of emotions; and the death of our mother and father in a fight with humans who didn’t accept who we are was a huge burden for us,” Magnesto said trying to convince Morec to forget about his new ideas on life.

“But I don’t feel like a hero. I heard stories about people who change themselves many times and find true happiness, something unimagined by many. I want to experience that, I want to experience true love and happiness,” Morec said satisfied with his new belief and philosophy about life.

“But we already gone through so much change. The change from human to man-werewolf! We didn’t know our mother was a hybrid. This was demanding for us. We are creatures of the woods!. This is who we are now, and we don’t need any more change in order to be happy!” Magnesto said with a strong voice insisting on his beliefs about happiness and change.

Magnesto was convinced that his brother has set his mind to go through another change. So, he proposed:

“Let’s go to the wise magician who lives inside the “Grimwoods” to get advice about this. He is a master at morphing elements. He definitely knows how to quench your thirst for discovery”.

At last, Morec accepted and the two brothers embarked on a journey to a place so dark in the woods that few creatures lived there. They got a little bit afraid of what they will find there. They finally found the magician, master Maizo. Morec told him about his unsatisfaction with who he thinks he is and wanted to know how to change.
Maizo was wearing a black robe and his face was hidden in a cloak like outfit.

“You must find the opposite in order to morph to a better version of yourself” Maizo says with a heavy voice.

“I want to be stronger, I want more power and control,” Morec said with determination.

“You must go to a place called “Magus Planta” to master the art of control. You have to control your emotions. Strength and power will come along after that, and then you will change to the way you desire. Maybe illusions make you see the truth about life. Let’s see how Mother Nature changes you,” Maizo said with so much wisdom in his voice.

They went to “Magus Planta” where creatures who were hybrid female human-plant lived. They were human girls at morning, but turned into plants at night and rested on the cold ground near a big old tree in the middle of the “Magus Planta”.

“Their scent is so sweet,” Morec said while he couldn’t keep his eyes off those beautiful creatures. His lips hung loose and slobbered.

“Don’t go near them, maybe they are poisonous", Magnesto warned him and prevented him from going towards them.

One of the girls noticed Morec, while she was in the plant form ready to sleep because it was night time. Her name was Solflorantis. She was sleepy and her body was attached to the ground. She was a sunflower-human hybrid. She winked at Morec before she went to a deep sleep because a green light emitted from the big old tree in the middle, spread all through the ground and made all the girls go to sleep.

Morec went through a roller-coaster of emotions thinking about what Solflorantis’s wink meant all through the night. They wait until the morning for the girls to turn into humans. He thought he was in love with Solflorantis.

Morning came and Solflorantis woke up from a deep sleep. She looked for Morec, but she didn’t see him. It was because Morec and Magnesto hid themselves from the girls.

The girls of “Magus Planta” fed on dew. Each morning, each girl went into one direction in the forest and gathered dew to feed from it.

Morec and Magnesto followed Solflorantis to the deep forest. She was humming a song while walking. She stopped from time to time to gather dew in a small bottle. She didn’t notice them.

Morec who couldn’t control himself, went towards her. Solflorantis was surprised and scared to see a monster coming at her. Suddenly, Morec who came too close to Solflorantis realized that she was protected by a magical wall surrounding her and if he got too close to her, he would have been burned.

There was only a few inches of distance between them. They talk:

“Who are you and why are you attacking me?” Solflorantis asked with curiosity in her voice knowing that they cannot get to her.

“I am the great Morec, the werewolf of the Lupin Mountains, I want you to be mine. Will you be mine?” Morec said with persistence.

“I have one condition” Solflorantis said mysteriously.

“What is it, tell me, I will bring the world at your feet” Morec continued. “Just let me touch you and I will be the happiest creature alive”.

“I have been looking for a carnivorous plant called Solusuna, they say it is dangerous to go to the mountains of “Vivita” and gather the dew on “Solusuna”. The dew on it can make any creature immortal. I want to be immortal. I am tired of living like a plant-girl hybrid!” she said with a childish look on her face.

Morec thought deeply about all this. He never thought about immortality. It could bring him the power he wanted. He totally forgot he wanted to have Solflorantis. Now, he wanted what she wanted.

When Magnesto saw that his brother was about to risk his life going to mountains of “Vivita”, he tried to force his idea on how he was having extremist behaviors. They got into a fight and separated from each other. Magnesto got back home to Lupin Mountains.

“I know someone who can help us. His name is master Maizo. He can show us the direction of how to get the dew” Morec tells Solflorantis with excitement.

They went to the Grimwoods again and sought the guidance of master Maizo.

He told them what to do in order to get immortality:

“You must mix the tear of a man-werewolf with the tear of a plant-girl and inject it into the plant to nullify the power of Solusuna”.

Morec remembered the moment he was born as a werewolf and she remembered the moment she was born as a plant and they cried and gathered their tears in a bottle.

They went on a journey to find that rare carnivorous plant. After much effort on their part, they found it. It was a gigantic plant with a big mouth ready to eat any creature alive. They would have been eaten alive, if they approached it.

They made a plan. They injected the tear drops into the plant and it was nullified to their relief.

Solflorantis gathered the dew on Solusuna and it was time to drink it.

Morec hesitated to take the bottle and drink, and he thought to himself “I will no longer be able to experience death,” so he refused to do it. Since he really felt deep emotions and love for Solflorantis, he tried to convince her to not do it either. But she did it. She drank the dews and became immortal.

They make Vivita inhabitable by nullifying the effect of Solusuna and other carnivorous plants. Other plants that grew there had magical healing powers. They sold the dews of those healing plants on the market to the sick and those who needed it, and became rich. They built a castle and continued their life there for years.

Despite their difference, they got married and lived together in the mountains of Vivita. Years passed and Morec became an old man-werewolf, while Solflorantis stayed a young plant-girl.

At his death bed, Morec told Solflorantis:

“I never thought that I would be with such a beautiful woman for a life time, it is my end indeed and I know it” he coughed.

“Time thought me so much about life that true happiness and strength lies in finding love and I found it, I can truly say even though we didn’t bear a child together, I was truly happy with you. You were the light of my days, the hope of my nights. I don’t regret any seconds spent with you, even though I cannot touch you” he stretched his hand and tried to caresses her face, but his hand burned from the wall that surrounded her. He cried and then he died.

She sensed an emptiness inside when she felt the loneliness after the death of Morec. Days and weeks passed, but her condition didn’t get any better. She finally decided to get advice from Maizo, the great magician of the Grimwoods.

“I am by myself and I feel a deep unsatisfaction in life, the life of an immortal does not suit me, offer me a solution great Maizo. Morec’s last words are excruciatingly hard for me to bear,” She said almost sobbing.

“Happiness means something to everyone, what happiness meant for Morec is different from what happiness means to you,” Maizo said with a softness in his voice, almost like a father to his child.

“You are right, I don’t know who I am anymore,” she said almost crying.

“You don’t know yourself in order to feel happy. You just “think” immortality brings you happiness. You should think twice about it all”. Maizo said ending the conversation.

Solflorantis thought deeply about how Maizo described happiness. She gathered up her strength to search for the real meaning of who she really is.

She went to every wise man and woman until the wise lady of the light forest, which was at the opposite direction of the Grimwoods told her to find and drink the water of a magical well called “Sapienta” in order to come to know the self.

She went there and fell into it. There alone in the depth of the well, she met two snakes who wanted to attack her, but at first couldn’t break the wall that surrounded her. Finally, they managed to make the wall weaker and weaker by the seconds.

She cried “Help……………….. Help…………..”

She saw her reflection in one of the snake’s eyes while the snakes were attacking her. She came to a realization that life can be cruel sometimes but in that cruelty lies an understanding that after some time brings true happiness within.

The snakes bit her several times. She lost all his immortality power and the wall which was protecting her was no longer doing its job.

She fell apart and laid on the bottom of the well unconscious.

A prince who was passing by heard her shouts of help. She found happiness at the moment she saw him from the well. He rescued her and they got married and they lived happily ever after. She bore one son and she named him Morec in remembrance of her first love.

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