Does Santa truly exist?



I just couldn't wait for the dawning of the day,I was almost exploding with joy and excitement,I was no different from a watchman on a watch tower because I struggled to catch some sleep,all to no avail. I was locked up in my imagination as a lot was running through my small mind.

Is it really true that santa will be coming down to my school tomorrow all the way from London? This thought kept sending goose bump down my body parts. The thought of it alone is thrilling as I could not wait to experience first hand everything I've heard about the so called Santa claus.

Our teacher told us just few days ago at school that santa claus will be coming to our school to celebrate the festive season with us and also share with us his amazing gifts just before we finally vacate. What do you expect from us as children,we were joyous and full of hope,we've heard so much about him,infact we've seen movies about the man santa🎅 and can't wait to see him.

It's Friday, the long awaited day is here,even though I struggle to catch some sleep the previous night. The arrival time was suppose to be 10am. I quickly went to the bathroom around 7am ready to bath. Everyone in the house looked at me with amazement because on a good day,they used to be the one waking me up from bed to get prepared for school but the reverse was the case this time.

All I noticed was that my elder brother and immediately elder sister who was 5 years other than me were muttering some words and giggling,it was as if they knew something I didn't know and they kept talking to each other underneath their breath,releasing some malicious laughter which I didn't even give a thought. All that matter to me was to get prepared and get to school.

I got to school around 8:30am and also met some of my curious friend already there awaiting Santa claus,we really wanted to know if what we were told about him was real and also to confirm if what we watched in movies were all true.. so we waited and also helped with the stage preparation for Santa. Our teacher were also around fixing things around just to make the environment perfect for the occasion at hand

At about 10am Christmas music filled the air and then almost immediately we saw a figure coming out from one of our classroom with cloth designed in white and red,putting on a cap,with a big bag looking bulky which looked like it contained some stuff which no one could really tell,the face was covered from the nose region downwards and he had a big spectacles on.

"This must be santa clause" said Henry who was standing beside me. I responded saying yes he look like the man we saw in that movie. Out of admiration and some hidden level of curiosity,we began to notice somethings that got us wondering even at that moment while santa walked through the school hallway from the classroom down to the stage prepared for him.

We notice the way he walked wasn't any different from the way Master Frank our head teacher walks. He had this poor walking habit or style,so to say which a toddler can quickly figure out. Well I overlooked but it left a question on my mind.Didn't they say Santa will be coming from London,why am I seeing a figure I seem to recognize,I mused.

Everything went well as children took turn in walking up to santa to have an handshake with him and get their gift. It was in the process of having an handshake that another mystery was unraveled,I noticed a thick dark skin under Santa's atire. This raised another question, are those from abroad black? Aren't they supposed to be white? We've been told majority of those abroad are white,why am I seeing black skin underneath Santa's attire? Or am I the only one seeing all these?

My expectations were at he verge of being cut short finally. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when Santa's cap or should I say hat was mistakenly taken off his head by a child he was trying to pet because he was very scared of his presence. That was when all my curious was satisfied and my expectation was totally cut short. "So it was Master Frank all along" I whispered in dismay, I couldn't help but express my disappointment.

It was at this point everything made sense to me about what my siblings were laughing about each time they looked at me as I prepared to meet santa,it was obvious they knew something which I was now knowing. So it was all framed. Why was my teacher used as Santa? Does Santa not exist? How much does it take to bring him from wherever he is?

I left there with disappointment and more unanswered question than I came. Maybe someone out there can help answer these questions.

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