Beacon of hope.

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"See this fine lady," I tapped Ike on the shoulder. We were five sitting on a round table with the table filled with different brands of alcoholic drinks. Drinking was my hobby and going down with women of easy virtue. As usual, it was getting dark and it was time they started displaying their body assets.

I am very selective when it comes to women and once I see my choice, I go for her with full force. Immediately I saw this lady, I developed some affections. I stood up with a bottle of gin in my right hand and a cigarette on the other hand. I approached her to negotiate a night encounter.

"Good evening damsel." My mouth was practically a chimney of smoke as I made attempts to talk. The more I did, the more she tried bending her head off the direction of my mouth to avoid inhaling the cigarette smoke.

She looked at me closely for a few seconds and she yelled my name, "Jolly."

I was not in my usual state. My entropy was at the peak. I staggered in my standing position, finding it really difficult to maintain my balance.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Jolly, when did you get involved in this kind of lifestyle? So, you can't recognize me? I am Ju-ju, the only Ju-ju of the universe."

Immediately she said this, I recognized her. Juliet was a decent student during our time in the college. If you are with her for a few minutes, you must have a reason to smile. She is jovial. Her name, Juliet was transformed into a nickname, Ju-ju.

"Ju-ju, what are you doing here at this hour?" I tried to compose myself to have a chat.

"My car developed a fault and I was directed to come inside here to ask for a mechanic. I was told he keeps his equipment in a room within this premises. I was looking for whom to ask when I saw you coming. I knew your face was familiar immediately I saw you and that was why I decided to respond to you to clear any doubt. Jolly, the Professor. What happened?"

"Ju-ju, it's not a topic for today. Let me check Paapa for you to fix your car." I moved two steps quickly but missed the third before I realized that I had to slow down to avoid falling. I met Paapa, the mechanic, and he immediately took his tools to fix the car.

Throughout this period, I was lighting one cigarette after the other.

"Jolly, we need to talk. Can we talk for some minutes before I go?" She demanded.

"This is not a good time for me to talk. We can make it tomorrow at your convenience."

Realizing that I wasn't in my normal state of mind, she agreed with my request and gave me her card.

The following day, I visited Ju-ju in her office.

"What happened, Jolly? You are a quiet and easy going type that detested this lifestyle that you later embraced. What went wrong Prof.?"

During our college days, I was popularly called Prof because of my intelligence. All my mates had conscripted me to become a University Professor.

"I gave up on life after searching for Job for years without success. The life is unfair to me."

"You resulted in excessive drinking because you could not secure a job. How is that one helpful? Do you think you can get your life fixed with such an attitude?" Ju-ju asked me.

"You have been structured by the system to believe that the only way to succeed after school is to get a well paid job."

"Is that not true?." I interrupted.

"It's not true. Have you ever thought of a business?" She asked.

In my mind, I was thinking and imagining whether Ju-ju didn't know that starting a business required money.

"I don't have money to start any business." I responded.

"What you need to start a business is the idea required and the zeal to face whatever challenges may arise."

I listened to her perfectly but was skeptical in believing the possibility of having a business without the capital war chest. My eyes were moving round the spacious office in admiration of the classic designs.

She opened her drawer and brought out a parcel. He brought out a form and gave it to me to read through.

"Jolly, what you need to start a business is a feasible business plan. We have many means of sponsoring such businesses. The banks are ready to fund your business if they are convinced that it is worth it."

Ju-ju was working with the Bank of Industry and their core mandate is to fund viable businesses. I went through the form and at this stage, my hope was raised. I never doubted myself when it comes to writing a business plan.

I wrote the plan and handed it over to Ju-ju to help facilitate the approval of the starting capital from the bank.

"I want you to stop your smoking and drinking habits." She pleaded.

"I will try and get out of the hook. It's for my own good."

A few weeks later, the bank called me to face a panel to defend my proposal which I did to the best of my ability. The money was later disbursed and I kick-started the investment.

"You are the beacon of my hope. I was on the path of self-destruction when our paths crossed again and you delivered me." I showered praises on her in appreciation.

I started the business and it was flourishing beyond my projected outcome.

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