The longest day.

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I looked out through the window and all I could see were smokes and sounds of gunshots. People's properties were being destroyed as a result of communal clashes. Lives were not spared.

I called my wife's phone number to ask where she was and she replied that she was doing some shoppings at the market.

"This area is peaceful for now. I will round up and find my way home." She replied.

"Our area is in turmoil. Please, be careful with your movement. If you can't find a safe way to come, don't endanger your life." I advised her.

The crisis was between two towns, my town and Ehi, the neighboring town where my wife had gone to buy some things in the market. If you are from my town and the crisis catches up with you on the other divide, you should expect the worst. The contentious issue was a boundary dispute of many years. When the problem happens, no one is spared by the opposing side.

In this particular case the fighters from Ehi had attacked my town stemming from a report that a farmer from there was earlier attacked on his farmland. When such things happen on either side, no one cares to investigate or report, the conclusion is that the enemies from the next town are responsible. They mobilized themselves to launch an attack on my town in retaliation.

I walked from the living room to the bedroom severally in total confusion. Each time I packed the curtains to see what was happening, all I saw were people running helter skelter. I live on the third floor of the building and it gave me a detailed view of other parts of the town.

I was thinking of my wife's safety and my son, Joe's picture was staring at me from where it was hanging. I checked the clock and realized that it was 1.30 PM, thirty minutes to the closing time of my son's school.

I picked up my phone and called the headteacher to know the situation in and around the school.

"The area is tense. We are doing all we can to protect the children but the school bus won't be coming till there is improvement in the security of the town. We have called for a police team to give us protection." She explained.

Immediately, I dropped the call with the hope that nothing untoward would happen to my son. I put a call to my wife to get the situation report from her end. Unfortunately, her number was off.

I was confused with many thoughts crossing my mind. My legs were shaking and my hands were trembling. Of what purpose would be my continuous living if I lose my wife and son. The scary sight of the burning town ceased to look scary again the moment I wasn't certain of my wife's safety. No matter how dangerous an area is, it becomes inevitable for me to enter if my wife is there. Moreover, we vowed that the union is for better or for worse. With this conviction, my mind was made up to get into the street and look for my wife.

My brother called me from another State when he heard of the crisis in my town. I explained everything to him including my resolve to look for my wife whose number wasn't connecting again.

"Since you said that your son is safe in school, don't put yourself in danger of making the little boy a potential orphan. Pray for your wife's safety and remain at home to see what happens next. It's not wise for you to go out at this point in time." My brother offered advice.

I sat down to ponder on what my brother said and in my sitting position, I was looking at my wedding picture and Joe's 1 year birthday picture. These were the happiest moments of my life and to think that both of them were in potential danger wasn't processable to me. I stood up and headed to the door.

"God, please give me this last chance. If we should survive this not shattered, my family is relocating immediately. May the joy of this family not cut short." These were my prayers as I stepped out of my house.

When I got to the street, it was calm with expected pin drop quietness. The sound of gunshots was a bit far away. I was walking like a helpless man in the wilderness waiting for the worst.

"Hey! Stop there." A voice commanded me unexpectedly from behind.

I shivered with the expectation of an attack. I felt a little sigh of relief when I turned back and realized that he was a military officer.

"Who are you?" He asked.

I am a man in a hopeless situation. I am almost dead alive. I didn't finish this when my legs became weak in carrying my body and I lowered my buttocks to sit on the ground.

"Young man, you can't move further than this. We can't allow you to endanger your life. Our men have taken over the situation." The military officer ordered me after listening to my explanation.

I had no option than to follow their order. My eyes were becoming blurry. My physiological system is responding to my situation. I was asked to be escorted back home but I wasn't interested. The home can't be a favorite place like it used to be without my wife and son.

A few minutes later, a Hilux van filled with security personnel drove past us. Following it was a coaster bus. As the bus moved past us, I heard the call of "Daddy!!!"

My son waved at me from through the window of the bus.

The muscles of my legs reactivated themselves and I ran after the bus till the bus stop closed to our house.

The first person that rushed to hug me was my wife whom I never knew was on the bus. Joe jumped on me in excitement.

"How did you connect with Joe?" I asked my wife.

"Shortly after we spoke, my phone went off due to low power in the battery. Prior to that time, I was communicating with Joe's school to know the situation there. I was hiding in a house after the market was deserted due to approaching fighters. Since I couldn't hear from my son's teacher again, I left my hiding place and headed to the school. I couldn't wait for a minute further without knowing about the safety of my son. I trekked to the school amidst sounds of gunshots. After each step I took, I knew I was getting closer to Joe. I either confirm his safety or die trying. I can't remain where I was without knowing the situation that Joe was in." She explained.

"Today is the longest day ever in my life." I declared.

I couldn't hold my tears of joy. The joy of reuniting with my wife and son. I hugged her and we trekked a few meters to our house. This time around, the area was filled up with security personnel.

It was when we got to the door of the house that I realized that I didn't lock the door when I left. In fact, all the windows were wide open. My joy knew no bound for stepping my foot in my house once again with my lovely family.

A few weeks later, I mobilized their relocation to another city devoid of recurrent communal clashes. It wasn't an experience anyone would want to pass through the second time.

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