Justin sat on the edge of the bed, grief weighing heavily upon him. His head hung low as he fought to suppress the flood of tears welling up inside. Society's expectations of masculinity forced him to conceal his sorrow.

Rose, his wife, longed for the return of the vibrant man he used to be, not this hollow shell consumed by despair. Justin had withdrawn into himself since receiving his devastating diagnosis, distancing himself from his beloved daughter, Alice.

Desperate to break the silence, Rose pleaded, "Justin, We can find a way."

Overwhelmed with frustration, Justin's voice cracked as he shouted, "How can I tell our precious 13-year-old daughter, who adores her dad, that soon I'll be gone? I despise my fate." Regretting his outburst, he quickly apologized.

Understanding his anguish, Rose reassured him, "I know it's challenging, my love. But Alice deserves to know the truth. She needs to understand that you have been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis."

Tears streamed down Justin's face as he confessed, "I can't bring myself to do it. I can't bear to tell our daughter that I won't be there for her anymore." His words choked by sorrow, he sniffled.

An idea flickered in Justin's mind. Taking a deep breath, he mustered his resolve and said, "I have an idea. Alice adores Crystal Coastal. I'll take her there, create beautiful memories, and make her happy. When we return, I'll find the strength to tell her." He reached out, gently clasping Rose's hands. "I promise."

Rose sighed, harboring doubts but eager to bring him solace.

"Alright, my love. It's a wonderful idea," she smiled, hoping their plan would carve out precious moments of joy amid the looming sorrow.


Justin entered Alice's painting room, finding her immersed in her artwork. She delicately added brushstrokes to a tree near the water, contemplating whether to introduce a touch of red.

"I have a surprise for you. We're going on a trip to a stunning coastal town," he announced.

"Really, Dad? But there's no special occasion," Alice replied, excitement lighting up her face.

"I know. Tomorrow, right after school, we'll embark on our journey. We'll explore the city on Saturday and visit the Crystal Coastal on Sunday before returning home," her dad explained.

Alice's heart swelled with anticipation. Eagerly packing her essentials, she radiated with excitement.

Uncle Felix's visits were rare but enchanting. On one occasion, he whisked her away on a captivating sea voyage. Uncle Felix, a sailor and a rugged figure emanating strength, bore a distinguished scar across his face and a polished scalp that invited jest.

"Ready to go?" her dad asked, stepping into her room.

"Yes, Dad," Alice responded promptly, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Let's go, love," he said, and they embarked on their journey.

The trip unfolded as a seamless adventure, with Alice relishing every moment. Despite the inherent stress, she embraced it wholeheartedly, capturing the captivating sights with her camera. Excitement propelled her steps as they arrived at Uncle Felix's house.

In an embrace, Uncle Felix enveloped his niece tightly, playfully calling her "My little pumpkin." Alice burst into laughter and called him the nickname she gave him due to his bald head, "Baldix!"

Mock-punching her, Felix reminded her to abandon that name. Alice retaliated with a punch of her own, asserting, "Yeah, and stop calling me pumpkin too! I've grown, you know!" Their laughter and friendly punches filled the air as Felix warmly welcomed them inside.


The following day, Felix led them on an enchanting tour of the city. Alice marveled at the astonishing changes since her last visit, as the city had transformed into a magical wonderland, captivating her with its beauty.

Regrettably, Felix couldn't join them on their trip to the Crystal Coastal. Nevertheless, he bid them farewell, wishing them a marvelous exploration. Justin and Alice excitedly prepared themselves for their journey.

Alice's heart raced with anticipation. She had heard captivating tales of the breathtaking natural vistas from both her uncle and her father. They had always said she would have to wait until she turned 15 to experience it, yet here she was at the age of 13, wondering why her father had chosen this moment to take her.

"Dad, it's absolutely enchanting out here!" Alice exclaimed, her voice filled with pure joy as she skipped over a rock. Her smile beamed as if she had just won the lottery.

"Be careful, my dear. Watch your step, for there are many treacherous small rocks. Oh, and watch out for snakes too," Justin warned playfully, earning a nod of acknowledgment from Alice.

After a long trek filled with awe-inspiring sights and her father's lectures about the intricacies of nature, Justin grew weary and could no longer continue.

"Are you tired?" he asked, trying to conceal his discomfort.

"Not at all. Are we still far from the Crystal Coastal?" Alice inquired.

"Not really," Justin replied, coming to a halt. "But I'm exhausted. Let's rest beneath this tree."

Observing her father's weakened state, Alice became concerned. "Dad, are you alright?" she asked with genuine care.

"Yes, my dear. I'm fine. Now, let's eat and rest. We'll continue our journey soon," Justin assured her, gently ruffling her hair. Alice nodded, cherishing their special father-daughter moments.

As they conversed, time slipped away unnoticed. Suddenly, Alice realized that two hours had passed, and the sun was descending rapidly.

"Dad, we should continue. The sun is setting," Alice urged, pointing out the vanishing daylight.

"Ah, yes. We wouldn't want to be late getting home," Justin agreed, summoning his strength to rise and carry on.

As they continued their journey, the coastal view gradually came into sight. Alice's excitement soared, and she couldn't contain her joy. She jumped and shouted, "Dad, look! I can see it from here!" But there was no reply.

She turned around and was met with a devastating sight. Her dad lay on the ground, his breathing labored, struggling to speak. Alice's heart shattered, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. She held her dad tightly, desperate for answers.

"Dad! Please, what's happening?" Alice cried out, her voice trembling with fear. She watched him struggle to speak, his words barely audible.

"Dad, I can see the coastal view. It's beautiful," Alice choked out through her tears.

"Felix," Justin managed to utter, his voice strained.

Understanding her dad's plea for help, Alice reached for her phone. Despite her trembling hands, she dialed Felix's number, tears flowing down her cheeks. He reassured her that he was on his way, urging her to stay away from the woods and head to the shore.

Summoning all her strength, Alice lifted her dad's hand onto her shoulder, determined to guide him to safety. With each step, the rugged path threatened to impede their progress, and her father's weakened legs trembled beneath him.

But Alice refused to succumb to despair. Whispering words of encouragement, she urged her father to find the inner strength to push forward. Together, they navigated the treacherous terrain, their bond unbreakable. The beauty of nature served as a testament to their unwavering determination as they made their way towards the shore.


With great effort, Alice managed to bring her father to the shore, gently laying him down by the seaside. Overwhelmed by the strength she had summoned, she marveled at her accomplishment. As darkness descended, she anxiously awaited Felix's arrival.

Amidst the beauty of the view she had longed for, Alice's heart ached, unable to find solace in its splendor. Pain gripped her, each breath feeling like a bitter pill to swallow.

Hours passed, fear and fatigue taking their toll as she tended to her father, singing and sharing her perspective on the crystal coastal with him. In the midst of her worries, she yearned for a glimmer of hope.

As her weary eyes struggled to stay open, a light pierced through the darknessβ€”a beacon on the sea. She knew it was Felix, arriving on a boat. A smile graced her face, and she finally let her eyes succumb to rest.

The following day, Alice awoke in Felix's house, the events of the previous day rushing back to her. She leapt out of bed and hurried to inquire about her father, only to discover that her mother had traveled to be with them. Tearfully, her mother explained that her dad was in the hospital.

Without wasting a moment, Alice rushed to the hospital. There, she found her father lying in bed. Overwhelmed with emotion, she threw herself at him, pouring out her heart. Her father, weak yet filled with love, assured her, "Even if I am gone, I will always be with you."

Helplessly witnessing her father's condition, Alice steeled herself, vowing to do anything in her power to support him until his last breath.


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