The wooden table shook as the scroll landed on it, Judith took another scroll, she thudded it on table. She sighed, her heart fluttering with a mix of fear and doubt, yet nestled within those emotions lay a glimmer of excitement and a flicker of courage.

Her gaze swept across the massive tome before her, the very book she had dedicated Five years of her life to studying. Its title, 'The Treasures Never To Be Found,' Yet, resolute and undeterred, she remained steadfast in her determination to unearth them.

"The Treasures Never to Be Found" was a remarkable tome penned by the renowned Ojula R. Anthony in 1896. A labor of determination that spanned two decades, this magnum opus delves deep into the realm of skepastós thisavrós—Greek for "covered treasures." Although fate denied Ojula the chance to complete it, before his passing, the book stands resolute, encompassing the knowledge needed.


Sara loomed over Judith, her foot tapping impatiently, her hands fidgeting, and her entire body exuding restlessness. Her eyes filled with unmistakable fear as she yearned to speak, to intervene, but the weight of countless discussions stifled her resolve.

"I'm coming with you; I can't bear to let you go alone, Judith. I simply can't," Sara's voice quivered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about me. Trust me, I've gathered enough information, honed my skills; it's in my blood. We come from a long line of treasure hunters, our family legacy. I may doubt myself at times, but I need you to believe in me." Judith gently clasped her sister's hand, offering a reassuring pat.

Sara's intense gaze locked onto her sister, Judith, who had always been the brave one—strong, well-built, and seemingly unstoppable, she took after their father, a fearless and courageous man.

Sara couldn't help but notice Judith's newfound muscular physique, a testament to her dedication to working out. Yet, beneath the brawn, Judith's beautiful face resembled their mother's. Sara loved her sister fiercely; she had been a constant presence, a mentor, and even a rival. She couldn't just let her go.

"Yes, it is our family legacy, but none of them has ever dared to uncover the secrets of 'skepastós thisavrós.' And those who did try... they are all dead," Sara stated with urgency.

Judith embraced her sister tightly, whispering into her ear, "That's because they never gathered enough information. But I have gathered every fragment of information, every hidden clue. Sara I need to save our mom with the cup. She needs us now and we can’t be a coward"

"Allow me to accompany you," Sara commanded, her voice tinged with desperation. "It's either we embark on this journey together, or you won't be going anywhere." Her plea followed swiftly.

Reluctantly, Judith conceded, "Fine... but you must follow my every instruction." She untangled herself from her sister's embrace.


Though she loved her sister dearly, Judith wished she could shield her from the dangers ahead. Yet, she knew Sara's determination would not yield if denied. As she met her sister's gaze, those captivating eyes that held a persuasive power, Judith recognized the fading happiness in Sara's countenance since their father's passing.

"Daddy would be proud of us. I promise. I promise you, Sara," Judith affirmed, gripping her sister's hand as they stepped out of the house, venturing into the unknown.

It was a stormy night, yet Sara and Judith held their hands tightly, their eyes fixed upon the eerie silhouette of an abandoned palace nestled amidst a labyrinth of hundreds of rocks known as 'the rocks of shadow.' This place that is filled with treasures yet believed to be cursed by all, the gods had condemned it for the king's reckless defiance. Within its walls lay doorways that led to otherworldly dimensions, where unspeakable horrors lurked. Those who dared to enter never returned, and those who returned were forever changed, their souls ensnared by an unfathomable darkness.

Judith drew a deep breath, acutely aware that beyond the door lay not only vast treasures but also the embodiment of unparalleled power—the legendary 'Cup of Life.' This fabled chalice had the ability to heal any ailment with a mere sip of any contents put into it.

“Remember, it is all in your mind. You don’t let it control you, let go your fears. ” Judith said, giving Sara a reassuring pat.

Sara mustered her courage, her voice resolute.
“We can do this, together, we will help each other.”

Without a moment's hesitation, Judith strode toward the door and swung it open, she paused and lingered by the doorway. Casting a glance back at Sara, she extended her hand, silently beckoning her to join. Sara, taking in three deep breaths to steady herself, grasped Judith's hand firmly. Together they stepped in, only to startle as the door abruptly closed behind them. Their gazes darted back swiftly, they turned to face ahead but they had inexplicably become separated.


"Sara! Sara!" Judith's voice echoed desperately. "Can you hear me? Please, answer me." Her voice trembled with worry. "Sara..." she shouted.

Looking around her surroundings, she realized she was no longer in a palace but at the heart of a strange white place, encircled by numerous red doors. Each door seemed to beckon her, calling out her name. Summoning all her courage, she approached one and stepped through the doorway.

Inside, she found herself immersed in her own memories—the haunting recollections of her beloved aunt, her fearless mentor and favourite relative, who had been ruthlessly murdered in her presence by the guardians of Judgog's tomb on their last adventure. The memories overwhelmed her, and she collapsed to the ground, she screamed "Stop! Please, I beg you, stop!"

In a moment of clarity, Sara wiped away her tears, reminding herself that, it is all an illusion. As she fortified her mental defenses against the memories, two giants appeared and throw her out back to the heart of the white place. Her body collided with the solid floor, and a cry of pain escaped her lips.

The process repeated itself, each repetition inundating her with a deluge of wretched memories: the day her father passed, the tragic accident caused by her that claimed her neighbor's son, and the countless torments endured during her adventures as a treasure hunter. Every time she fortified a mental defenses, the giants hurled her back onto the solid floor with brutal force.

Judith's anguished cry pierced the air, pain and terror coursing through her. Her grip on control slipped away, her body aching and every bone protesting against further movement. Collapsed on the floor, she accepted the inevitable, aware that death loomed. Tears streamed down her face until her weary eyes surrendered, willingly embracing the darkness

“Get up, Judith. You have to save your mother,” a voice called out urgently. Judith looked up and saw her father standing before her.

Weakly questioning, she asked, “Dad, how are you alive?”

“No time for that. Rise and do what needs to be done. I raised you better than this,” her father's harsh voice pierced her ears.

“But I can't, Dad. I'm trying.”

“You can. You know what to do. Get up now!” his voice thundered.

Gathering all she got, Judith rose and opened a door, unable to block her painful memories. Overwhelmed, she felt her soul getting consumed, she whispered, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.”


“Get up, Judith. This is the right time to perform the ritual,” her father's voice echoed in her head.

Summoning all her strength, she took out a pocket knife and cut herself, and chanted
‘Oromai, dynameuomen stin isykhia.
Katharisou mas, anakyklothei mas.
Epanarise mas, stegnose mas.’
She kept on chanting, until she couldn’t feel any breathe in her.

Judith woke up in a palace-like place, surrounded by skeletons. She found her sister Sara lying half-dead on the floor, she whimpered. “Sara, please stay with me!” she cried.

Frantically searching, she located the cup of life, administered drops to Sara, who quickly woke up. They hugged tightly. Weak as she was, Judith also took a sip from the cup.

They joyfully went on to heal their mother, earning respect and wealth as people sought them out. Their mother was proud of them, and their lives took a new and prosperous turn.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈....

All images are sourced. 

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