Cupid ’s arrow

“Holy Jesus!” Xavier screamed, jamming his foot on the brake just in time, the car screeched to a halt, missing the furry creature by mere inches. He watched in further amazement as a lady ran past after it, her clothes were filthy and had holes. There was dirt on her face and in her hair, which was flying in long loose waves behind her. Xavier followed their movement, eyes wide, mouth agape, he didn't know whether to be mad, laugh or be grateful that he didn't hit the poor animal.

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He couldn't blame the poor animal for running for its dear life. If he was the one being chased by a mad looking woman, he'd run faster than that dog. He watched as they ran past his car for the third time, the lady was still struggling to catch up with the animal. She tripped and fell and before Xavier could make up his mind to help her or not, she stood up, flashed him a big smile, waved and mouthed Sorry then disappeared after the animal.

“What a shame,” he said to himself. She was stunning and had a stunning figure too. If only she wasn't loopy in the head. Sighing, he looked around carefully before driving off. He didn't want any more surprises. He was on his way to his aunts house. Aunt Margot and Aunt Clara were his father's sisters, they had both moved to this town some time ago after they had both become widows. They were 72 and 70 respectively, too agile for their age, childless and thought Xavier was the second-best thing after the invention of electricity.

He needed sometime away from work and the bustling city. He required fresh air, quiet, and most importantly, he needed to be pampered, and he was never in short supply of that with his aunties. They had practically raised him after his mum took off with her divorce settlement, never to be seen again, and his dad was always busy with the company. He was late now and Xavier had been running it nonstop for 5 years, and he deserved a break.

He smiled as he saw both of them waiting for him at the garage. Xavier turned off the car and stepped out.

“Well, if it isn't the loves of my life,” Xavier said, walking into their opened arms with so much joy.

“Oh my baby boy” Aunt Clara said with tears in her eyes “It's been ages, look at you all grown up, dashing and handsome”

“Just like his dad!” Aunt Margot shouted as they walked up to the house hand in hand.

“Yes, just like my dad, my darlings I've missed you guys so much, and somehow you guys are more beautiful than the last time I saw you” Xavier replied

“Which was 5 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 3 hours ago” Aunt Margot said with a feigned look of annoyance

Laughing, Xavier moved straight to the kitchen searching for food and was impressed with what he saw. They had prepared all his favorite dishes.

“Son, wash those hands before you touch anything in this kitchen” aunt Clara told him, dishing up a plate for him

“Yes mom” he replied, kissing her cheek as he walked past her to wash his hands.

“Well look at that” aunt Margot shrilled, “still knows how to turn up the charm doesn't he Clara?”

Laughing, they all sat down to eat the most amazing homemade meal Xavier had eaten in a while, catch up on gossip and reminisce. Later that night, as he lay in bed after unpacking his suitcase and taking a bath, his mind flashed back to the lady and dog he had seen on his way over. With that thought in mind, he drifted asleep…

After spending five days indoors, he finally volunteered to go grocery shopping, get some sunshine and meet new people. He walked to the store, saying hello and introducing himself to the curious ones.

He passed charming houses and breathtaking gardens. Xavier loved gardens and made a note to himself to work on the one at the house. Looking around, he, walked slowly to see if he would bump into the lady and her dog, but there was no sign of either of them, not even on his way back home.

“I’m home!” he shouted up the stairs, “and I got gifts for my mummies”
In ten seconds, they were in the kitchen, giggling like little girls over the expensive watches he’d gotten for them. He didn't get them at the grocery store, of course.

“Let's just say I took a little stroll to the jewelry shop searching for an engagement ring and I found these and… ” Xavier began,

“Where is the ring?!” they both asked at the same time, their eyes shining with tears

“Mmm, right” clearing his throat, he asked, “you guys don't think I'm serious, do you?”

Their looks actually told him they were serious, and it turned deadly when he confessed it was a joke. Oh boy! If he'd known this was going to be their reaction, he wouldn't have made a joke about it.

“You know we're not getting any younger, right?” Aunt Clara questioned.

“I think what she's trying to say is you better start thinking about a wife and kids. If we do not get to meet them before we join our loved ones, our spirits will haunt you for the rest of your life” Aunt Margot said, smiling at him eerily.

“Well now I'm scared and you guys aren't dying anytime soon. Anyway, I was thinking of working on your garden?” Xavier changed the subject, “so if you can point me In the direction of a place where I could get seeds and the rest, I'll be out of your hairs!”

Laughing, they directed him to Mr. Tim's shop. Apparently, he had everything related to gardening and farming.

The next day, he drove over and was happy that his aunts were right. He was carrying a large box of vases to his car when he felt something hit his leg. He screamed in pain, almost dropping the box.

“Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, let me take a look at your leg” a female voice spoke behind him.

After wobbling to drop his box at the back of his car, he turned around and discovered It was the crazy dog lady and that the item that had hit him was a wheelbarrow. She really was gorgeous, he smiled at her and saw her lips moving, he decided to pay attention.

“Sir, please say something, does it hurt too much, should I drive you home?”

“You're the dog lady” he replied, smiling at her, pleased to notice there wasn't dirt on her clothes or body, and she wasn't loopy either

“I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex. I'm not the dog lady, my dad owns this place” she said to him, wondering if a foot injury could lead to brain problems.

“You are” Xavier replied, still smiling “you and your dog ran past my car about 6 days ago, you were really filthy that day”

Covering her face in shame she laughed “Oh it is you!, that little rascal isn't mine, I was helping Mrs. Owen get her dog, he runs off all the time, and she's too old to chase after it. I was filthy because I was working on her garden too”.

“I'm Xavier, by the way, and I'll only accept your apology if you have lunch with me”

They both stood staring at each other, smiling, he felt his heart beating faster, she felt butterflies in her tummy. Surely, this was love at first sight, she thought to herself. I'm never letting her go, Xavier thought to himself….

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A year later........
They sat in the garden playing with the dog and pretending to plant, but they were just reminiscing and eating snacks. He rested a hand on her swollen tummy and felt the tiny creature in there give him a kick. He laughed and told her about the threat his aunt had issued the year before, but at least now he could rest knowing their ghosts wouldn't haunt him for the rest of his happy life.

“There are so many happy memories to share with our kids,” Alex said, sighing contentedly as Xavier wrapped her in his arms.

“Perhaps we should write a book about it, in case we lose our memories before they're born?”

“Not a bad idea, milady, and what do you propose the title of this book should be?” Xavier replied, giving the dog another treat.

“Oh, I finally got it!” Alex exclaimed after a long silence “Love, wheelbarrow, dog…”

He looked at her, and they burst out laughing hysterically, “Ohh, I love you”

“I love you too,” Alex replied

Somewhere at one of the windows, his aunties,stood hands on their hearts, smiling at the scene below.

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