Lucky stars

Tory stood In front of her mirror putting finishing touches to her makeup. She had opted for a natural look tonight and had settled for eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Tory combed her hair until it shone and fell in long, loose waves.

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Turning around, she nodded with a satisfied smile at her appearance and decided to wear her brown boots. It would go well with her jean trousers, white T-shirt and brown jacket. Grabbing her keys from the bowl in the living room, she headed to the door, pausing to sling her guitar across her shoulders.

She stepped outside and took in a lungful of crisp fresh air. It was dark already, and the sky twinkled with stars. Tory looked up and smiled as a star streaked across the sky, she couldn't tell if it was a shooting star because she didn't know much about astronomy.

“Please let me be lucky tonight. I really want tonight to be my lucky night” Tory said, hands clasped.

“Hey girl, you look great!” her neighbor Mrs. Summers called out to her from her porch.

“Thanks Mrs. Summers” Tory replied, waving at her.

“Break a leg!” Mrs. Summers called after her as she headed out.

She definitely would break a leg as usual tonight. Tory had always wanted to be a famous musician all her life. According to her late mother, she had been singing as soon as she could speak. Music was her passion and the love of her life.

After high school, she had been waiting for her big break, but sadly, even with her glorious voice and various gigs, she hadn't gotten the big break she had always wanted. So now she performed at the local bars in her town at nights and worked as a cleaner during the day. With both jobs, she had been able to survive and push on.

The neighborhood brimmed with life as she walked by, smiling and greeting the residents who she had known for a long time now.

“Come to the bar tonight. I'll play something special for you” Tory said to an old timer simply called Major.

“Hey Tory, where will you be singing tonight?” her high school friend Tom asked.

“I'll be at Rave's hub. See you and the rest of our friends there” Tory replied, hurrying along.

Her show was slated for 8pm and her watch showed her it was 7pm, she liked to arrive and settle in before performing. Tory arrived at the bar, blowing the bartender a kiss as she leaned on the table.

“Hi Big Joe” she said to the bald hulking man behind the bar.

“Hi gorgeous, you want something to drink before you go on stage?” Big Joe asked.

“No, I'm not nervous, I've been doing this since you let me up on that stage at 16” she replied chuckling.

Big Joe winked at her and waved her to his office. He had always treated her like a daughter and was the first person who had given her a chance to showcase her talent. Even when her mother had passed away after she graduated from high school, Big Joe had helped her until she could stand on her own two feet.

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She sat in the office, playing her guitar and warming up until the drum guy and piano player came and when it was time for her to perform, she was more than ready. She headed to the stage and picked up the microphone.

“Hi everyone, I see we have a full house tonight” she said winking at Big Joe who rolled his eyes. It was always a full night whenever she performed, and she knew it.

The crowd whooped and whistled and chanted her name. She waved to Tom and her friends and then signalled the drum guy to begin their set. The crowds hushed as she started with something sweet and melodic, letting her powerful voice wash over them and lift their spirits.

Big Joe and his servers were busy attending to the customers, but he noticed when a man who wasn't a regular walked in and sat at the bar. He also noticed that he watched Tory with admiration and rapt attention.

After the slow music, Tory moved to a fast-paced song of hers that had the crowd dancing and singing along. By the time it was midnight everyone was jumping and begging for one more song which she graciously granted then ended her performance.

“It was a pleasure singing for you all. You are the best! See you during the weekend” she shouted into the mic, taking a bow and running offstage.

“Excuse me, the girl…what's her name?” The stranger at the bar asked Big Joe.

“What girl?” Big Joe asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Sorry um my name is Jude Simmons. I meant the girl that just finished performing” the stranger replied.

“Oh, that's Tory, she's the best singer I've ever seen. Her voice is terrific” Big Joe replied proudly with a smile.

“Yes, she's extremely talented. Do you know how I can contact her? Is she still here?” Jude asked.

Big Joe replaced the smile on his face with a menacing scowl and glared at Jude from his head to toe.

“Young man, why do you need that information? Tory is like a daughter to me, and I don't appreciate strange men asking after her. I've never seen you in this town or this bar before” Big Joe said.

Luke smiled and nodded, then he brought out his wallet, slid out a card and handed it to Big Joe.

“You still haven't told me what you want” Big Joe said dryly.

“Please, If she's back, there just hand her my card, then ask her to please meet me here. I'll be honored to meet her” Jude pleaded.

Big Joe stared at the card for a while before looking up at Jude. He grunted and instructed one of his workers to man the bar, then went searching for Tory.

“Hey gorgeous” he said, walking into his office.

“I was just about to head to the bar, I need a Shirley temple and plenty of chips” Tory replied, collapsing into Big Joe with a hug.

“You should probably see this before coming to the bar” Big Joe replied, handing her the card

Tory looked one look at the card, let out a scream, and promptly dropped the card on the floor.

“What's wrong?” Big Joe asked worriedly.

“The…the card, how…how did you…who gave you this card?” Tory gasped.

“Tory, what's going on, is this someone I should beat up or chase out of the bar?” Big Joe asked.

“No!” Tory shrieked, picking up the card again and staring at it in awe.

Tory…” Big Joe said impatiently.

“Sorry, Big Joe, this card belongs to a highly renowned talent scout. His record label is like the best in the city” Tory said dreamily.

“That's great then” Big Joe said, letting out a sigh of relief, “He says you should please come meet him at the bar”.

“What! Now?” Tory squeaked.

“Young lady, you've been praying for this your whole life. Now get yourself together, go out there and grab your opportunity” Big Joe replied walking back to the bar with a stunned looking Tory following close behind.

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The meeting between Tory and Jude lasted until closing hours, and as Big Joe walked her home, she told him what they'd discussed. Tory was supposed to go to Jude's office later in the day to meet with Jude and his team for further discussions and if all went well she would be signed.

Of course, she would go with Big Joe and his lawyer to help with the legal part of things. Tory still couldn't believe her dreams were finally coming true, she was going to be a star. As they arrived at her home, she said:

“You know, I made a wish upon a star tonight and I think it worked”

“Well, gorgeous, wishes do come true. It must have been a shooting star” Big Joe replied.

A delighted Tory stood at her door and waved to her friend as he walked to his house. She gazed up at the sky and mouthed the words “Thank you”.

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