An everyday but unforgettable day - Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #17

It was carnival days, we were on vacation. We spent all day watching cartoons on TV, my brothers and I, we went to bed late and of course we got up late. When we got up, we already had breakfast ready, my mother was in the kitchen preparing lunch, while my father was in the yard pouring water on the fruit trees. One night I told my mother "I want to have a butterfly costume and my brothers, one wants to be Superman, the other wants to dress up as batman and the little one wants to dress up as Robin", my mother a little crestfallen did not want to answer me, since what they earned was too little money to buy 4 costumes.

While she was in the laundry room, she visualized my swimsuit, which was one-piece. She saw a bag that had been given to her with some dresses of red, yellow, blue, green, green and black elastic fabric, she thought "problem solved", she transformed the dresses, from there she made the costumes of my brothers.

On the other hand, mom got pink tulle fabric, my father looked for wire. They spent all night and part of the other day making those costumes, dad made the wings, while my mother cut and sewed by hand each of my brothers' costumes.

Day of the comparsas

The long awaited day arrived, after we had lunch and took a nap, we prepared to go to the comparsas in costume. My brothers' costumes were beautiful, they looked like they were store bought, they had no details of a handmade sewing. I put on my one-piece bathing suit, my father sat me on a chair and poured school glue on my thighs, then he put diamantine, this is a colored powder that shines at any time, especially at night.

We were going with my mother in my father's car, we went to the parades, when we got out of the car, my father put my wings, it was an unforgettable moment, I really felt like a butterfly, I just wanted to have a magic wand to touch my wings and they moved by themselves. My brothers thought they were the characters, they ran and jumped as if they were really flying, it was really an epic day, being in the parade some girls with butterfly costumes passed by, they danced in a troupe, dad told me "get in the troupe with the girls", the truth was very embarrassed and I didn't do it, from there we went to my grandmother's house with our costumes on, all the neighbors were delighted with our outfits.

The most unusual thing is that when those vacations were over, we went back to school and in the afternoons my brothers did not watch cartoons, they put on their Superman, Batman and Robin costumes and spent the whole afternoon running and playing around the house. Mom and dad would laugh at my brothers' antics.

This is a non-fiction story.
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The drawing was made by me.
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