An inkwell prompt: Spirit Week Chaos


Friday morning at Chestnut High school

All the students were gathered in the auditorium for the announcements to be made by the principal of the school.

“Good morning students!”. Principal Harold said through the microphone.

“Good morning principal Harold”. The students replied.

“As we all know next week is the school’s annual spirit week. Normally we have a performance by the cheerleaders squad and also a school float. Am I right?” Principal Harold said and asked.

“Yes Principal Harold”. The students replied uninterestedly.

“Well things are going to be different this year. This time around everyone is open to form their own group for a dance presentation!”. Principal Harold called out

The students immediately started murmuring amongst themselves. This was a first in the history of Chestnut High school.

“Now that’s not all students. As usual we normally have just one float designed by the cheerleaders but this year we would have various floats for different student groups! We would have a float made by nerds, float for the jocks, float for the preps,float for artists and musicians. Literally any group you can think of!”. The principal finally called out.

The whole assembly was in a frenzy. There was a lot of side talks and the students were excited. Meanwhile the cheerleaders weren’t happy and Maya their main cheerleader was the most upset. The spirit week has always been a means for the cheerleaders to shine but this year their shine would be taken away from them.

Meanwhile Principal Harold was done yet.

“And finally! There would be a grand prize for the best dance performance and another grand prize for the team with the best float. All entries should me made by the end of school on Friday!”. He said finally.

There was an uproar and outbreak of clapping. The students were sure fired up after hearing there would be a grand prize.

Back In the cheerleaders locker room

“Can you guys believe this!”. Maya the main cheerleader screamed.

“I know right!”. Heather replied

“Arrrrghhh I can’t believe we have to compete with the rest of the school for something that clearly belongs to the cheerleaders!”. Tracy said angrily.

“Well girls, we all know what we have to do. We have to claim our spot. We’ll register for the competition, make the best dance choreography, make the best float and win this thing! Even if it mean sabotaging other people’s floats”. Maya said while she dramatically flipped her hair.

“That’ll teach them not to mess with us!”. Heather said.

The cheerleaders left the locker room determined to make spirit week theirs again.

Throughout the week there were a lot entries for both competitions, school was in a frenzy. Everyone was busy with after school choreographies and making their floats. Meanwhile Maya and her group of cheerleaders were up to no good. They divided themselves into three groups. One group would build the float for their entry, the second group would act as spies for other people’s float and look for ways to make their own better and then the last group would sabotage other people’s float and also their choreography.

Finally it was the day of the of them competition. The float competition would be first followed by the dance competition.


Once the floats started to come out one after the other, it was just mayhem after mayhem. Some floats became deflated, some had mechanical issues, some kept spilling green goo onto audience. Everyone’s float had issues asides the float made by the cheerleaders. This raised the suspicion of the other contestants.

After the display was completed, it was time to announce to the winner.

“Well with no further ado. We are all aware of the winner. The winner of the float competition are the CHEERLEADERS!!!”. He announced.

Maya and her friends immediately screamed in excitement while the rest of the students were unhappy and murmuring complaints before one of the students by the Rita finally spoke up.

“How come its only the cheerleaders floats that didn’t have issues”. She said while she collected the microphone from the principal.


“It’s our fault that you guys can’t build a simple float”. Maya retorted rudely.

“Come to think of it. I saw the cheerleaders sneaking around I and my friends floats”. James added.

“I also saw a cheerleader around our floats as well”. Clara said.

“Maya, girls, did you guys have anything to do with the messing up of the floats?”. Principal Harold asked sternly.

“No sir”. All the cheerleaders said simultaneously.

“Then I know you guys won’t mind me playing the schools CCTV tapes in front of the whole school”. He said while he pulled his glasses down.

Immediately the cheerleaders started to feel frightened and started looking amongst themselves.

The CCTV tapes were played and truly they saw evidence that the cheerleaders were behind sabotaging the other floats. Principal Harold completely disqualified them from the float competition that was to hold again and the upcoming dance competition. Each of them were also given a week of suspension.

After the dust had settled, the whole competition was done again but in a free and fair manner and the winners called were truly deserving.

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