Between threads weaving the tapestry ✨

Greetings friends of Hive

Between threads weaving the tapestry

I was exhausted, twenty-four hours of continuous work. I needed an exquisite and relaxing bath, a prelude to a well-deserved and meritorious rest. It had been a difficult, laborious, and intensely active day. My body was screaming and rebelling. It was time to rest, my contracted and sore muscles joined the revolt, and in unison my feet formulated their discontent through discomfort and edema.

My tired eyes avidly and greedily roamed the fascinating anatomy of my wristwatch. The cardinal purpose of impatiently visualizing the elongated, pointed pieces, which never ceased in their "Tick tock, tick tock" They desperately sought with impetus and frenzy, to accelerate the time, consuming the remaining minutes, so that my turn would come to an end, as a resident doctor.

Only something remained unscathed, without deterioration or fatigue. It was my alertness and my mind, it was intact, focused, and prepared to avoid mistakes.

Going over the details, to make the delivery of my on-call shift, I was surprised by a voice "Hello Maria, I come to receive the guard" "Tell me" I answered excitedly, at lightning speed "Hello JP, it is pleasure to greet you, let's start"

We went through the patients under my responsibility one by one, along with information about their status, condition, and whether there had been any eventuality or not.

As we did so, I was overcome with uneasiness, my senses were disturbed. The receiving group gave off aromas and sensations of freshness, clean clothes, and a bath made with care, a medley of exquisite fragrances danced and permeated the place. Unlike us, the outgoing group, 24 hours without seeing water or soap.

I thanked the team "Thank you, guys, for all the support during the activity, rest and recharge your batteries" All that was left was to introduce myself to Dr. LC, the Head of the Unit; my going home depended on his decision.


Dr. LC was a professional in the broad sense of the word. He was impressive for his ethics, his morals, and his dedication to his patients. He enjoyed great admiration and respect, a paragon of virtue.

His long and extensive career made me uneasy and puzzled me. It was a challenge for me to address him. He knew the effect it caused, so he mitigated it skillfully, engaging in a relaxed and friendly conversation.

"Hi Maria, how is everything going, how do you feel in our institution, do you feel identified with what you do? We as a team are very happy with your performances and your performance."

His words made me blush and also suffocated me. My pulse quickened, as did my breathing. When I caught my breath, I replied, "Thank you very much for your comments. I feel good about the service. I can relate and I like what I do."

"That's very good. By the way," he continued, "how do you manage your free time, do you celebrate it, or do you share it? I replied, "I don't have time off to celebrate."

He frowned, annoyed and angry, and said loudly, "Don't say that, girl. There are always opportunities to celebrate. There are many ways to receive and give joy, celebrating is the true happiness and essence of life. It's not all big parties."

He continued, "What mode of transportation do you use to get home? I answered "The metro Dr". He said "Perfect I am going to give you the following task to do" "When you are in the subway car you are going to observe and reference the different types of celebrations you identified" "You must also include the celebration you developed in that space" "We will discuss them at our next meeting".

It seemed like a crazy idea, but I immediately responded "Yes, doctor", he immediately got up from his desk and mentioned, "Go on, go get some rest, you deserve it, you need it. Thank you for all you do for our patients."

I left his office and headed to the room assigned to the residents. Overwhelmed with satisfaction, I began to gather my belongings and put them in my backpack. I was on my way home. But to get there, I first had to go through the experience of riding the Caracas subway, quite an odyssey in the urban jungle.

Walking towards the station, I remembered the importance of precautions, to avoid discomfort. I had nothing of interest with me, my cell phone was at home. No money either, just the ticket for the return trip. In a visual review, I immediately saw the watch, I took it off and put it away in an unusual place. It was the third one I had bought in a month. The lesson had been assimilated.


When I arrived at the station, what I saw did not surprise me. It was crowded everywhere. I could hardly walk.

I had to queue for more than an hour to get into a carriage. Until, surprisingly, a strong impulse, associated with a stampede of users did the same and without perceiving it, I was already inside the carriage.

For my benefit I got a seat, an almost exclusive condition, due to the number of people, it was a divine offering, granted by the gods.

Despite my exhaustion, the scenario demanded full alertness, so I had to give my best. I could not afford to nod off and doze. I would take advantage and try to fulfill Dr. LC's assignment.

I started a tour with my eyes, at first I could not identify anything. Everything was blurry, many environments were happening at the same time in the same scenario, which was the subway car.

I could not get the job done, so I calmed down and let myself be carried away by observation. Little by little, representations emerged as social constructions, which explained and signified the narrated environments; to find the essence of understanding myself in life.

It was at that moment my encounter with an endless number of symbologies that manifested themselves before my eyes, my cognition captured the mundology and generated the perspectives to make my thinking more flexible and understand the connections that arose.

Sketches of celebration appeared with different contextualization, from otherness, individual and collective.

I had in front of me examples of celebration without expense, without much selection, all expressions of the small, generating shared joys.

They affirmed with certainty that we are beings in need of society, with a relational emotionality that feels and expresses itself beyond the intangible. The celebrations were filled with a subjectivity that did not allow planning or foresight to emerge at that moment.

To my right, some high school students celebrate with joy and happiness, the success in passing their exams. The reward for their efforts. Boisterous, sharing their joy.

Further back a couple of grandparents, holding hands, both in silence and on each side their respective canes. They were silently celebrating the joy of being together, who knows for who knows how many more years. They shone like stars, in the routine like rarities.

In front of a couple, where the woman held a baby in her arms. Taciturn and enraptured, stunned by the gestural language their offspring was giving them. They were joyfully celebrating the arrival of the new member.

Next to them was a man who, by his characteristics, was a man of letters. He read in another dimension and, despite the chaotic environment in which he found himself, he celebrated the calm, the solitude, which was interrupted by the company provided by good reading.


And I was missing, who on that stage was celebrating the time I had to think, to reflect on the value of the little big things, those that allowed you to celebrate with happiness and joy.

I had before my eyes, the celebration of the everyday, the day-to-day. Where there was no planning or long-term goals. Where the opportunity was not wasted and was celebrated without qualms.

Thus the tapestry was woven between threads, through the interweaving of events that a priori seem isolated, but in them there is reciprocity.

I had accomplished the task entrusted to me and it had become a great teaching of applicability in my life.

My stop arrived, a few minutes from being at home.

This is my entry to the Creative Nonfiction call "Celebrate"

Thank you for your visit.


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