Ballrooms And Masked Secrets

Photo by JJ Jordan:

The grand baroque architectural ballroom was well decorated with ornate designs, the likes of the ancient aristocratic architecture. It had balconies which ran round the edge of the room, each with tiny doors that led to hidden rooms. There were tables filled with different kinds of foods. And there was Rebecca who looked uncomfortable and worried and seated beside her was Lizzy her best friend

"You need to calm down Rebecca. Girl, you're going to hurt yourself. Maybe his phone is switched off"

"Switched off? At this hour, that should be the most beautiful day in our lives?" Rebecca said with worry laced in her voice. She sat up from her chair, and paced the room. "He shouldn't miss this day, he shouldn't , he actually was the one who brought the idea of a masquerade ball for our engagement night. So I don't get the idea why he should be running late or his phone switching off!" She yelled.

"Okay girl, at this point, I think you need some alcohol to calm your nerves" Lizzy said, standing up and walking over to her friend, then she dragged her back to her seat. "Just sit tight and make sure you don't go anywhere, I'll be right back" with that she dashed off for the bar.

Rebecca concurred within her. Truly she needed that drink. She sat there looking dejected. She felt like she was drowning, but she couldn't tell why. Was it from the crowded ballroom or the mask she wore?. She found it hard to breathe. She regretted not going with the mask Lizzy had chosen for her. She tugged hard at its edges, but it was no use. Now she wanted some fresh air, she really needed to get out of the hall, far away from the ballroom.

Rebecca was about to sneak out of the ballroom when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Angrily she turned around to see who it was and standing there was a masked man.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice muffled by the mask but it sounded familiar.

"Tony?" Rebecca called instead.

The stranger removed his mask, and there he was in person, Tony , the man she had been waiting for "Leaving so soon?"

Rebecca's heart leaped with joy, truly it was him, she looked into those familiar eyes of his that always gave her a feeling so soothing. A tear dropped from her eyes as she quickly rushed into his arms and without thinking she buried her face deep into his chest.

"Where have you been? You got me so worried," she asked, emotions filling her voice.

Tiny returned the hug holding her tight to his chest, the embrace warm and reassuring. "I'm so sorry. There was an unexpected emergency at work I had to attend to. Also my phone died so I couldn't reach you." He released his grip and held her face in his hands and with a finger he wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead "But I'm here now, so let's get the party started."

With that he took her hand and walked her to the center of the ballroom. Soft music played in the background, a perfect tune to spice up the romance in the air. With that they swayed gently to the rhythm of the music, it was as if the world faded in the background for Rebecca as she melted in his hands. Just the night she had wanted.

Just as the last tune played. Tony excused himself and walked to the stage. He picked up a drink from a waiter passing by and clinked the glass with a pen he took out from his pocket. This drew the attention of their guest as they all turned to focus on him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to have your attention please. To make the night special, I've prepared a video dedicated to my special person, a proof of just how much she means to me." He blew rebecca a kiss, "I love you"

Rebecca blushed hard, then the DJ played the video, and immediately the room was bathed in the soft glow of the projector.

Everyone watched with excitement and anticipation.

There on the screen was a lady in silhouette and a mask dancing gracefully. Silent murmurs engulfed the room. Then the woman in the video reached up and removed her mask to reveal her face.
And behind the mask was Tony's ex-girlfriend, Sarah. With a wicked smile, Sarah spoke

"Rebecca, how dare you think that you could keep Tony all to yourself. Well, here's proof that ecen if you marry him, i will always have a special place in his heart."

Immediately another scene popped up showing Tony, wearing the exact suit he was wearing that night, with Sarah by his side. They were locked in a tight embrace, kissing each other.

The murmurs increased as some guests removed their masks to reveal the shock etched on their face. They needed no soothsayer to tell them that the scene had been filmed earlier, on that very night of the engagement ball.

Rebecca couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that Tony had been lying to her all along. She felt her world shatter. The pain she had earlier returned, she gasped for air as tears gradually welled up in her eyes. She looked from the video then to Tony trying to process what was happening.

Tony on the other hand rushed to stop the video but it was too late, for even if he stopped the video the damage had been done. The disappointment in the people's faces proved that. He walked up to Rebecca to plead but she pushed him away in tears and fled the ballroom.

That was the end of the ballroom. An evening that started with smiling faces behind masks ended with the unmasking of true secrets behind the mask. Sadly, it was the groom's secret that was unmasked.

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