Family Saga -| The Ink Well Fiction Prompt

In a family house, a group of family members resided, each with their own feuding sides.
It had always been a tradition for the Andrews to host annual reunions after each year of chaos and disagreements.

This year, as adults, they hoped for something different from the usual celebrations that often began and ended with quarrels and broken dishes.

In the parlor, they began to gather one after the other. Mrs Helen steps out after a short prayer for a peaceful reunion. As usual, Mr. Andrew had invited family members from far and wide to join in their grand reunion.

As the parlor filled with people, Kenneth, the firstborn, answered his ringing phone. "Manuel, I asked you not to sign those papers until I had confirmed them!"

"Hey, Ken! Can you keep that phone down? Can't that call hold? People are gathering here. Can't you save all your business talk for just a few hours and wait for Dad to join us? Don't make us look jobless!"

"Yea, yea, Mena! Mind how..."

Without letting the matter escalate, their mum intervened. "Please, guys, please be calm. Your dad won't be happy if he sees this. Relatives and guests are here, don't forget that."

Mena, again, began, "We have all passed through the walls of different citadels of learning; let's engage our brains while we wait for Dad. James, can you spell the word 'privilege' backward?"


James lounged on a sofa, uninterested. "Mena, I thought you knew better! This is a reunion. Do I have to spell and explain what that means? This isn't what you think it is, so quit and stop trying to show yourself."

"James... You don't have to speak to a lady with that kind of voice. She at least made an attempt to keep the room buzzing," Mr. Andrew, a father of three, walked in and took his soft and fluffy seat.

"Let's start with Mena's idea. We will spell some words backward."

"Dad, please don't go with that... Where's the fun in that? Spelling words backward, that's ridiculous and archaic," James fumed with anger.

"Let's keep it simple; that's a brilliant idea. Everyone will have the floor to come up with their own fun activity."

"Dad, with due respect, I'm out of here! I thought this was supposed to be a reunion. What does spelling have to do with R E U N I O N!"

Immediately, he stormed out, followed by Kenneth whose phone rang, and he left to answer it. Mena, burning with anger, hissed and walked out of the parlor, straight to her room. One by one, the invited guests began to leave, and invited family members covered their faces in shame and disappointment, each vowing never to accept a reunion invite from the Andrews' family.

At night, the family gathered for supper. With sad faces, everyone ate in silence. Mr. Andrew, on the other hand, understood that the silence wasn't due to table manners but rather regret for their embarrassing display in the afternoon.

"We often hear that blood is thicker than water, but I don't see that evidence in this family. We often hear that family is number one, but I don't see that among you. We are family, and we are supposed to get along, let go of certain things, protect our reputation outside, and not tarnish our image."

"Dad and Mum, I'm so sorry. I know I started the whole chaos because of my hot temper, but I promise this will never repeat itself again," James apologized remorsefully.

Kenneth apologized for stepping out for a call instead of sticking with the family bond. They all apologized and agreed to never let anything that would tarnish the family name happen again. After the promises, they made a toast to unity and peace in the family as they all drank and reveled at the dining table, the room filled with excitement.

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