In medieval times, there was a great city called "Nirva". A time of magic, conflict and sorcery.



It was a prosperous and beautiful city known for its rich culture and religion. The town of Nirva was a hidden one known for its love for God and Christianity.

This city wasn't ruled by a king or queen. It was governed by the church. located very close to the forbidden forest, its citizens had a lot of attacks from evil spirits and demons, they trespassed the city walls looking for who to possess and destroy.



For this reason, magic and sorcery was highly forbidden in the land. Anyone caught practicing it was banished into the forbidden forest. They believed the only way to protect themselves from the evil was to be close to God.

The church was the city's largest and most important building, it was located at the top of a cliff overseeing the whole city. That's where the bishop's and priests lived like kings.



The citizens had to climb a very steep and high road to get up to the cathedral everyday for mass. It was stress but the sacrifice was actually very worth it because God loved them and so he poured his blessings, protection, mercy and favor on them every year.




"Jull" a youth of the great city of Nirva. He was born to an average family.

Jull and his family lived close to the border of the city. They had a very big animal farm where they raised cattle, pigs and sheep's for sale.



Just 19 years of age, he was the first son of the family, he had three younger sisters. Farming was the main family's business so everyone participated in the farm. Their family was patronized by the church, they supplied them with meat monthly.



Jull's father was a good and kind man, he trained his children to love and worship God with all their hearts although he lost his wife a few years back to a strange illness.

She got back from the farm one evening and fell very ill. Her skin turned purple, you could see her organs from the outside, and she couldn't speak. It was a very strange illness because no one had ever heard or gotten it before. The doctor couldn't diagnose her with anything, he just blamed where they lived for the cause of the illness.

But it was True. Growing up Jull's father told his children stories about his encounters with demons and evil spirits at night in his farm. They always tried to feed on his animals and live stock but he was never harmed.

One day while the family was working in the farm, tending to the animals. Something strange happened.

Jull was in the pig's pen in the evening, giving them food when he heard his name, it sounded to him like one of his sister's called him, but they're was no one there.



He continued doing his work, till he heard his name again, but this time much clearer.

He became scared as he suddenly remembered all the scary stories of demons his father told him about when he was young.

" Who is there!" he yelled in a loud voice.

He heard nothing.

Jull waved the crazy thought aside and continued what he was doing. He had to finish up before night fall.

"Am over here, can't you see me son?" the faint voice continued.

He immediately dropped the bucket he was carrying and made his way to the exit, when Jull was almost at the door, he saw his mother standing right opposite him.

His heart sunk down to his stomach and his bladder emptied all its content. But at the same time, she didn't look scary in any way. She wore a nice white dress and she still looked so beautiful just as he remembered.

" come here boy," she said while opening her arms wide. Without any hesitation Jull ran and embraced her with all his heart, " She was real" he thought. They hugged for about a minute before his mom slowly let go of him, she looked deep in his eyes and told him she loved him. Jull's eyes were soaked with tears.

He suddenly woke up, sweating profusely, it was all just a dream. Jull decided not to tell anyone of his dream.

Days and weeks passed without Jull finding any reasonable meaning to his dream. Was his mother calling for him?.

After his strange dream, Jull started hearing voices. He could hear voices coming from the forest, and they called on him to come into the forest. He could never go into such a treacherous place.

Two weeks had now passed and he continued to hear strange voices on the farm. But something strange was also cooking up in the city.

About five cases of the strange disease, which took the life of Jull's mother, had been reported, and it was spreading so fast. There was confusion everywhere.

The church quarantined every area where the disease was discovered, but it didn't help because it kept on spreading like wildfire.



In fact 5 priests had already been diagnosed with the strange illness. The church couldn't do anything about it, even with constant prayers to God. It just kept on spreading.

Meanwhile back in the farm Jull and his family lived normally. His father had banned any of them from entering the city until a cure for the disease was found.

"I Can't lose any of you," he said.

One evening, Jull was tending to the pig's again but outside, This time he saw his mother clearly walking into the forest, she wore the same white dress as before. She called on him to come with her.

Again without hesitation he followed his mother, leaving his pig's behind and unattended to.

When he got into the forest, he could see that it wasn't that bad, it was actually very beautiful, strange animals made strange sounds and he could notice movements all around him.



His mother called on him to come further into the forest, she brought him to a large tree, its roots were so huge they broke the earth.

But on those roots a beautiful type of flower grew. It was purple in color. It looked like beautiful mushrooms.

Jull's mother then explained the reasons behind his strange dreams and voices he had been hearing. She told him he had been chosen by the forest to bring the cure for the strange disease.

She told him she was the first to get the disease for a reason.

The forest was the dumping ground for the church, they banished anyone who they thought was possessed with evil spirits or strange powers. For that reason the forest laid a curse on the city through the strange disease.

But it was Jull's job to restore peace and good health. His mother explained to him how to use the strange flowers to cure the illness. He just had to marsh the leaves and mix it with a little warm water, then administer it to the sick patient.



He was scared but he believed everything his mother told him. At that moment she disappeared and he was left all alone. He quickly got as many of the flowers as he could and ran out of the forest.

He hid them in the pig's pen.

That night he got his family together and narrated everything that happened. His sister's laughed at him saying he was drunk or high on pig's dung but his father believed every word.

He then told his children that he had also seen his wife's spirit walking into the forest on a few occasions, calling him to follow her but he always resisted.

"First thing tomorrow morning, we are going to the cathedral, we have to show the priests those flowers. If we don't, someone might find out about them and tag them with dark magic or sorcery. We can't afford that now.

So the next morning Jull and his father set out for the cathedral with the flowers, it was such a magnificent building, Jull thought. He had never been there all his life.

They requested for an audience with the bishop and they were granted a hearing immediately.

Standing in front of the counsel which included the bishop and top priest's , Jull felt quite important for the first time in his life.

He explained to the counsel his findings through his mother's spirit. But no one believed him. They just laughed saying he had to prove it.

"Prove that your cure is real! treat the five priests infected in this cathedral and you will be made the chief doctor in the church and the whole city", the strange forest where you got the cure will be blessed by the church and incorporated into our great city. The bishop said.



Jull and his father were immediately taken into the quarantine section of the church where the infected priests where been taken care of.

Jull got out his flowers and followed his mother's simple instructions, he mashed and mixed them in warm water, after which he administered it orally to the priests.

Within some minutes, their skins changed back to normal and they were all awake and healthy again.

Jull had done it, he had killed two beds with one stone.

He found a cure for his city and he also resolved and brought harmony with the troubled spirits in the strange forest. The land was blessed by the priests and the citizens where allowed to build and live in it.


MONEY IS TIME……. @milezofplay


source - made with canva

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