Fortune Thief



Name them all.

It was at Bibi's disposal. She was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. Her parents were nothing close to nonentity; Her father was the minister of health and the owner of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the country. Her mother Madam Adeyeye was the most recorded richest woman in Nigerian who was currently running for the post of governor in Akirika state.

Bibi had gotten her Masters degree at the age of twenty two and immediately opened a breathtaking building as a boutique. She loved the life she was living, which was void of simplicity or any form of austerity.

Egin Akyurt

In a country like Nigeria where career women were reckoned by the amount of cars, houses and expensive clothes they had. She had proven them all wrong by doing more than what they expected.

Men had flocked in, all sorts, the pot bellied men on agbada, the young "junkies" in crazy jeans and even "men in suits" all filed with promise if only she'd say "yes" to their proposals. Like a Peacock she had flaunted her beauty and wealth in front of them jeering as no amount of money could buy her along with her fortune. Bibi considered herself the golden child who was born to live and enjoy her parents' affluence and wealth along with hers.

"Someone out there is struggling for your destiny- your golden fortune."
The soothsayer had told her when she had gone to meet him for divination. She was having scary dreams of a young girl like her, fighting over a clay pot filled to the brim with water. The dreams never stop coming even in her afternoon sleeps and sometimes when she closes her eyes.

"She is the original owner of the gold, gold and silver you have been having over the years but destiny has made her look like a fugitive, a thief with something that is rightfully hers."

Bibi was baffled at the soothsayer's words. She stared at herself in the small cracked mirror in the divination room, her fixed eyelashes clouding her eyes like big black umbrellas. Her make up was still glowing despite the growing rage in her.
"Who is she? The thief is trying to steal what is mine?"

"The gods have revealed her face but I'll keep trying to get an answer."

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She brushes through the inside of her purse and brings out a huge wad of naira notes, sending across the man who sat on his "magic mat". The soothsayer smiled thankful at her but she didn't reply with any expression. Raged at heart, she was willing to find whoever the thief was and eliminate her. Different forms of thoughts flowed through her head as she looked at the wall that had various forms of paraphernalia on it. Finally, she reached a conclusion. As she bade the soothsayer goodbye, she thought of her plan of finding the "thief" in question. Maybe her father had had another child besides her.

She paid a detective to find the "rats in her father's boxes" and asked questions where he could but all to no avail. Her father, Mr Adeyeye came clean.

Bibi received a message from the soothsayer that he needed the sum of ten million naira to appease the gods on her behalf in order to reveal whoever was the "thief". Without any reason to doubt she had transferred the money to him. It was a gesture to avert whoever was about to take her destined fortune.

Two weeks later, there were no words from the soothsayer. He didn't pick her calls or reply to any of her messages. When she visited his house, there was no sign of a living soul except for a paper on the floor which read:

There was no destiny thief or anything related. I just one make money out of the stupidity wey don cloud your sense of reasoning. If you like, do not learn your lesson and keep searching for your fortune stealer. Soothsayer said in pidgin English.

Bibi cursed herself as she threw the paper on the floor. She was indeed a fool for believing anyone would be after her right from birth fortune and even pay someone ten million for something that never happened. She was about to leave the house when a call came through. It was her manager:

"A woman just came by with some legitimate documents of being the owner of the Adeyeye's properties. She is also suing your parents for every kobo they have at hand for embezzlement and stealing."

Her phone dropped from her hand in shock. There was truly a fortune thief.

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