Tears of The Sun

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Two weeks ago, a lady who was given birth for the first time stood up against her inlaws who had opined through a family tradition that any woman married into their family who cannot give birth through a natural push means, is not worthy to be called a woman.


Anuli got married in her mid-twenties. She is beautiful and the eyes of every man in Aminyi. Her father, Nnabike was the catholic catechist of the only roman catholic church in the eastern region. He was a pious and devoted catholic. Debunking some of the barbaric beliefs held by the people had made him an enemy of the state.

When Anuli turned twenty-four years of age, trading in dried fish and crayfish from the east to traders from beyond the great river to the west. She had made so much money and influence and had become very famous. But men around the region were intimidated by her prowess and had feared to ask her hand in marriage.

However, she got married to Obolo, a yam farmer from Obodo-nta. He was a strong but gentleman. Their marriage had been for five years. And during the period, Anuli had never conceived, let alone had a miscarriage.

Her inlaws had begun to question her fertility and had started asking their son to consider getting another woman in the family way as he was not getting any younger. Obolo loved his wife passionately and is ready to wait till eternity to bear children with her.

On one of her trade journeys to the coast, she met a witch doctor who told her she was going to give birth to a set of triplets and that's all she would get as a mother. She was so happy hearing this. At least that will vindicate her from being called a barren woman.

On the contrary, twin children were seen as a curse and when they are born, would be taken as sacrifices to the gods in the evil forest. This is one of the traditional practices that Nnabike, Anuli's father had preached against as the catechist.

Finally, Anuli got pregnant. She started to prepare for the delivery of her child. As part of the celebration of the catholic mission presence in the eastern region for a century, they brought medical professionals to carry out free medical checks for the villagers and beyond. It was in that outreach that it was discovered that Anuli is pregnant with triplets.

She was advised to register for antenatal at the catholic clinic in the city beyond the great river for a check-up and medication to help her deliver her babies safely.
Obolo wasn't happy hearing the news that his wife Anuli had three babies in one pregnancy. As a local, he knew the implication of such a news.

Nkem, what do we do about this pregnancy?

Anuli was shocked to have heard her husband ask such a question.

Dim, we keep the pregnancy and the babies. They are gifts from God.

With a coarse voice, Obolo replied Anuli.

Don't you know what it means to deliver two children at ago? This one is even more than two, they are three. A whole three.

Tearfully, Anuli replied him.

I am keeping these babies and no one would ever come between my babies and I.

Obolo strolled out of the house in annoyance to join his friends to drink some palm wine and eat bushmeat.

While he was away, Anuli began to labor. Her time was due to deliver. Quickly, she asked that her father be sent for. When he arrived, he made arrangements to take Anuli to the clinic beyond the great river. There, the medical team did not waste time, she was taken to the theatre for a caesarian section and all three babies were delivered hale and hearty.
After about a week, she was discharged from the hospital. Nnabuike took her daughter and grandchildren to his house and threatened the whole community never to lay their hands on any of the triplets. Obolo saw the children as a taboo, he never came close to them.

The triplets were avoided by everyone in the community like a plague. They grew up in no time and were very brilliant. Anuli, being a wealthy trader left no stone unturned in bringing them up properly. They were educated. One, a medical surgeon, and the other two became an automobile engineer and pharmacist respectively. They built the first free medical centre in the region where their biological father who never wanted anything to do with them was treated for old age sicknesses like arthritis and diabetes.

Nnabuike's rugged persistence held sway. Following the success of the triplets, the belief that twins were accursed and that giving birth to children through a caesarian section is a sign of weakness soon faded away.

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