Memories by the Beach


Helen was running away. She was running away from her problems. From the people who broke her heart. From the people who destroyed her trust. From the people whom she thought treasured her but threw her away in the end.

It was too much.

She didn't know where her feet took her but what felt like hours of running and walking, she found herself at the beach. A very familiar beach.

Looking at the beach where children were playing under the heat of the sun, enjoying the waves crashing on the shore, made her remember memories she thought she had forgotten.

"Dad used to bring me here." she muttered to herself. The scenery made her calm her racing heart. The bad thoughts drifted to the back of her mind, letting her breathe.

It was years ago, when she was just a little girl. When her father was still alive. When their family was still happy. He used to bring her to that very same beach she found herself in, teaching her how to swim and helping her find seashells.

Memories surfaced in her mind.

'Beach Memories.' she fondly thought of.

One particular memory stood out.

She was ten years old, and her father brought her to the beach for her birthday.

"Daddy, are we going to find seashells today?" she asked curiously.

"No baby, we're going to find a treasure today." he answered with a smile.

Younger Helen's eyes lit up with excitement and childish glee; "Treasure Hunting!"

Grown up Helen smiled at the memory. She remembered her dad telling her that the two of them were pirates looking for treasure. She giddily agreed at it.

"Yarr!" Helen's dad exclaimed, already in his pirate persona. An eyepatch, Helen was sure was not there, was already on one of his eyes. "My first matey, let us find the treasure!"

"Yes captain!" answered the young Helen with a piece of paper on her hand serving as their map. "Wait, shouldn't you have a hook as a hand daddy? And a peg leg."

"I'm a powerful pirate baby, I've never been injured." he replied with a wink.

"Okay daddy!"

The two of them scouted the beach, looking under the small boats found there, and dug on the sand.

One of the clues led them to climb a big rock that overlooked the sea. The young Helen volunteered to climb it.

"Okay, but be careful alright?" her dad reminded her.

"Yes Captain!"

She made her way upwards carefully, just to find the clue placed at the top of the rock. With patience, she reached the top and found the clue, a drawing and a magnifying glass.

"I found it daddy! I mean, captain!"

"Good job baby! Now climb down carefully, okay?"

Despite trying to be careful, Helen slipped. Fear gripped her heart. She was afraid she'd be hurt.

...or worse.

Arms caught her and embraced her hard.

"Helen? Helen, are you okay?" she heard her dad's frantic voice.

"I'm okay daddy." she said, her voice shaking. But then she saw the items in her hands. "Look daddy, I did not let go of the items!"

"It doesn't matter baby. As long as you're okay, you understand?"

"Yes Daddy."

Secured in the arms of her father, the fear she felt vanished.

"Can we find the treasure now da- captain?"

"Seriously?" she flashed him a smile. "Fine, let's proceed my first mate."

They spent two more hours looking for the treasure. The treasure turned out to be a new bike for her, something she had been wanting for the last three months.

"Happy birthday Helen."

"Thank you daddy!!!"

Helen was brought out of her memory lane by a hand in her shoulder. She turned around and saw her sister, someone she loved and hated at the same time.


"What do you want?!" she growled. "You already took everything from me! What more do you want?!"

"For a chance to explain. For a chance to talk to my sister. For a chance to apologize."

Helen was silent at her words.

"Hey, wasn't this the beach dad used to bring you all the time?" she did not answer. "I used to envy you and dad at those time. I never really had the chance to join you guys in your adventures."

"Those are nothing but memories of the past now. I thought you wanted to explain?"

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I... Lucas and I... It just happened, okay?"

"Something doesn't happen because you didn't want it. What you guys did, it wasn't a coincidence. If neither of you wanted it, it would never happen."

"Helen, we..."

"Lucas is, no, was my fiancé, but you know what? Forget it. You can have him for yourself. I don't care." she threw away the engagement ring at her sister's direction. "Now leave me alone. Don't bother inviting me to your wedding or the baby's baptism."

Helen walked away, deciding to look forward to the future. Remembering her memories with her father in the beach cleared her head.

Her father did once tell her that people who hurt her does not deserve to be hated.

Well, she can always plan her revenge later on.

(Note: The picture is mine.)

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