The Lost Hunters

Image credit: pexels
" I may look like a little boy, not really as people think I am. When the earth was young with me I behaved as a little boy but now I behave as an adult. Nevertheless I keep my passion as passed unto me by my Dad, no other but hunting during the dry season is my passion. Thank God it's dry season, it's time to show my skill in the bush before school resumption and I hope Mr Bright will follow me." Said Dave to himself.
" Wait! Is that not Dave? What is wrong with my friend talking to himself like a mad man. Dave! Dave!! Dave!!!...." Mr Bright calling but Dave did not answer.
" I know if I call him by his nickname, he will answer, Dave Da hunter!......"
"Oh yes, Bright I never knew you were the one, I was just thinking of coming to your house for us to go for our usual business"
"Which business is that? Asked Bright.
"It's hunting, we are going to make cool money if you take it serious as I do"
"Okay, I am ready at any time" replied Bright.
Both of them left for hunting early in the morning the following day. Unfortunately they couldn't get enough bush meat as planned until afternoon, then, Dave suggested to go farther where they could see more, both agreed and went. They kept on going for more animals until they missed their bearing. Mr Bright was already afraid they could get lost,
" Where are we now." Asked Bright.
"I think we have been moving west ward, don't worry we won't get lost."
"We are already lost, please I want to go home."
It was a big drama between Dave and Bright in the bush as none of them could point to a specific direction back home. It was a disturbing moment in the village as people in the village were looking for them all to no avail. Many People went into the bush in search of them. Bright could not hid his feeling as he softly talked to Dave,
" I think it's time to prepare for our last prayer since no one seems to look for us."
"Calm down, nothing will happen to us, we have enough bush meat here be encouraged."
Little Michael who was a close friend of Dave and was among those looking for them with a match box. His mum yelled at Him,
" Michael! what are doing with this match box? After all you are still young to go on a searching mission."
"Noooo Mum, I want to follow them, you know Dave like hunting, I know what to do to get him, please allow me to go with them."
" Hahaha....what do you think you can do that the elders cannot"
"Just allow me, Mum"
"Okay, best of luck"
"Thanks Mum........"
Michael was just following behind those searching for Dave and Bright knowing that they would not allow the person of his age mate. He said to himself,
"Dave once told me that burning a bush before hunting is the best and easy way to kill more more rats, grass cutters and antelopes, I am going to set bush on fire hopefully he will see it and come out from hiding."
Lo and behold, little Michael actually set the bush on fire.
"Hey Bright, look up and see smoke there. Someone must be there, I believe no smoke without fire."
"You might be right, but we may fall into the hands of strangers, be careful." Replied Bright.
" Right now we don't have any option, as long as we remain here in this bush, we are surrounded by many unknown strangers, we are going to trace that place with smoke to locate whoever is burning the bush, hurry up" let's go there."
Michael who was hiding somewhere looking out for two of them. He saw them from afar and called them, "hey, see me here"
"Who is that? I hope he is not a cannibal." Said Bright.
"Don't worry, I won't hesitate to shoot him with my arrow if he is a cannibal, let's move closer."

Image credit: pexels

"Hey it's me, Michael don't shoot....."
"Wow we made it, it's Michael." Screamed Bright.
"The whole villagers have been looking for you since yesterday, they are still in the bush, I just did what I once heard from you Dave about bush burning"
"My good friend you have really saved us today, we were no longer interested in the hunting when we saw the smoke, we just wanted to know who set the bush on fire. Thank you, you are my hero"
"Yes ooo, let's go home, the elders will meet us at home." Said Michael.
There was big jubilation in the community when the villagers set their eyes on them unhurt. Michael was applauded for his simple approach in finding the missing hunters. Bright concluded by saying,
"Sometimes the people you least expect are those that help you the most. Thank you Mike.

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