A look at the universe


A looks of the Universe

On the moor the fog covered everything and visibility was poor.

Carmen walked hurriedly along the path that led to the Llano de Alto Astronomical Observatory, it was very cold at that altitude and the dew in the form of frost covered the typical vegetation of that area, the frailejones that were sheltered with their leaves full of a fluffy layer of hair.


Carmen was also very warm with a cap, gloves and her very colorful wool coat that her mother had given her, days before she left to study in Merida. She was remembering her as she approached the three domes that stood on the hill, the three telescopes.

"Daughter I'm going to miss you so much."

"But mother, I'm not going that far away, I'm barely 12 hours away from you and also communicated through telephones."

"That's no consolation," she told her with a smile. But I know this is what you want and I support you. By the way, let's go tomorrow and buy you some clothes for the cold. And there was no way she was going to let her pick out the coat...the one she was now wearing."

In the morning they had the first class in the Astrology course she had taken as a supplement to her geography studies and she was very excited to see through the large telescope the immensity of the universe.

When she arrived at the facilities located more than 3000 meters above sea level, she came out of her memories and saw her friends and fellow students waiting for her at the entrance.

"Hurry up Carmen", says Alberto grabbing her arm and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "you fell asleep, hahaha, with this cold anyone can get stuck to the blankets."

"If you only knew what happened to me," says Carmen with a gesture on her mouth.

Alicia approaches her and greets her with a hug, "come on guys, now talk, class is about to start."

Hurriedly they head to the conference room.

There they receive their first introductory class with Professor Gonzalez, an eminence in the field of black holes and all quantum theory. The students were amazed and the professor had managed to make this first class as understandable and simple as possible to excite the youngsters.


"I would love to be able to observe everything that is beyond our sight, all those wonders that are so far away," comments Carmen. "I think we are so attracted to each other because we come from some distant star."

"Well, that's what they say in the movies you've seen," says Alicia in a mocking tone.

At the end of the lecture, Professor Gonzalez invites them to tour the Observatory's facilities, while he explains to them. When they arrive at the main telescope hall, he tells them:

"This marvelous work of man arises from his need to discover beyond what he can observe with his sense of vision. He began by wanting to see the smallest things, and lenses were created to amplify the images of microscopic organisms, a universe within a universe. Then he wanted to fulfill his dream of reaching the stars and lenses were created that bring us closer to what is millions of light years away from earth."

And as he spoke he walked them through all the rooms full of equipment to record everything the telescopes were observing.

"Since I know you're looking forward to seeing the stars, we're going to do some observing practice. Organize yourselves so that you can go through one by one."

The ten students shouted happily and lined up in a row.

Each one had the opportunity to see what they had never seen live before: the planets of the solar system, masses of gases, constellations, and beyond that, the shining stars.

It was Carmen's turn, who excitedly approached to look through the mirrors of the telescope. She stayed there for a long time, so long that they had to tell her to give way to someone else.

"What did you think, Carmen?" asked the teacher who had already learned her name from all the times she had asked in class.

"It's amazing...I didn't imagine"


"Each one of you saw a minute of that constantly changing image, each image is unique."

After class, they gathered in the cafeteria to have a hot chocolate to calm the cold and to eat a delicious breakfast that had been prepared to welcome them. Through the large windows they could see the beautiful mountain scenery.

Carmen was very quiet and concentrated in her thoughts, and while her friends ate and chatted happily, she could not understand what she had seen through the telescope.

The images of her world, of planet earth, from space, it was as if others were watching us, observing us with a lens so powerful that the details of each person's life could be seen. He saw his mother in the house, watering the plants in the garden and was talking to the man selling fruit.

"You didn't see anything strange in the telescope?" she asked her friends.

"Everything was amazing to me, but I don't understand what you mean by strange," Alberto answered.

"Something that shouldn't have to be seen."

"I don't know what you saw, but it was as if I was in the movie Interstellar," answered Alicia, always with her mocking tone.

Everyone laughed at her witticism.

At that moment Carmen remembered that when she was coming down the road, a speeding car almost ran her over. She had to pull over and jumped to the side of the road.

"My God, I'm dead!"

But she remembered that she had hit her head and fainted. And see thought, "Is that why I can see what others can't?"

At that moment she thought it would be useless to tell them what she had seen because they would not believe her. But she felt grateful to know that we are not alone in the universe, that there is something beyond our comprehension.

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