Mission: Explore the sea trench

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At the edge of the Cariaco Trench, a team of researchers aboard the ship La Esperanza is about to embark on an exploration that could change the history of the American continent, and perhaps of all mankind. They are very close to the black edge where the depths reach 1400 meters, surrounded by an intense blue sea. The sun shines in a cloudless sky and seagulls and pelicans fly past the ship and swoop over the gentle swell, searching for food, an indication that the coast is near. But... what is the mystery that they want to unveil?

A few months ago an earthquake occurred offshore and days later some fishermen found floating very close to the sea trench, an artifact of unknown origin, some metallic boards of a bronze-like color, shining in the sunlight. On these there are some numerical symbols and figures made with lines, triangles, circles, which have not been deciphered. The studies carried out at a certain depth of the pit with special sensors that withstand the great pressures, have resulted in the existence of a kind of building, in the form of a vault and have also detected a series of sounds that are repeated every hour.

There has been a belief in the region for many years that there is something strange in the pit and many fishermen do not like to approach its boundaries because they say they have seen lights coming from the depths. This is what Julian, who with the rest of the crew accompanies the professionals who have come from other parts of the world, has told the group of researchers.

Clarisa is a young specialist in ancient languages and is very excited to belong to this group. She found what Julian has told them very interesting and during the break from the day's activities she comes over to talk to him. The swell is very soft, in the black sky the stars look like bright spots and a fresh breeze begins to blow and brings the smell of the sea and the saltpetre that sticks to the surfaces.

"Julian, I would like to know more about the stories and legends that are told about the pit". She tells him as she places her arms on the railing, the breeze moves her black hair over her face as she looks him in the face.

"There are many stories in these seas, my grandfather used to tell me that one time when he was fishing, he approached the edge of the sea trench and at that moment he felt something pulling him towards it. He began to ask for help from his companions and had to jump out of his boat and swim as fast as possible to get away and be rescued by the other fishermen. Here when boats are lost, people say that the trench has swallowed them".

"Tomorrow we are going to do an inspection with special equipment that allows us to go down to great depths. I made this request and it was approved".

"You shouldn't go down", Julian tells him on impulse. "It's too dangerous!. I don't think that's very safe".

"And why do you say that?" asks Clarisa, who felt in confidence with that young man, he seemed very simple and honest, she had liked him very much.

"I think there are things that should stay as they are, without looking for further explanations.

"And don't you think that having found those boards is a sign that we should investigate, to know what is in the depths, doesn't it make you curious?" and while he asked her, her green eyes stared at him.

Julian stood for a moment looking at that beautiful young woman and thought it was a pity that she wanted to risk her life in that exploration. He was there for the job, he was paid good money, but he didn't believe much in science.

"Forgive me if I don't agree with you very much, but in life there are other things more important, like love and family. It is very short and we do not know what awaits us beyond".

Clarisa smiles and says "Well Julian it has been a very interesting conversation, but I have to rest and get up very early, tomorrow is going to be a very good day for humanity. Good night, good night".

"Good night, have a good rest".

Julian saw her slender figure with her long hair walking away towards the cabins and felt anguish. I don't know what's happening to me, he thought, but I don't think everything is going to be as good as she expects. I hope I'm wrong and looking at that deep sea, she went to rest.


The next day people come and go, everyone has something important to do. The work team is ready to enter the underwater chamber adapted to travel at great depths. The design is able to withstand the pressure and maintain the oxygen level required to go down to three kilometers and up.

Clarisa along with four people, a marine biologist, a doctor, a geologist, an engineer, put on their suits, enter the chamber and begin to descend. Through the window she can see Julian at the bow, holding on to the railings. The sky is a deep blue.

As they descend, the light diminishes and the intense blue turns to a black color only illuminated by the lights of the underwater camera. The equipment begins to record temperature, pressure, oxygen and other gas concentrations and sounds and send this information back to the ship. When they reach 1000 meters they observe fish and other species adapted to that environment. They quickly see purple and green luminescent organisms, transparent and thin. A whole world of surprising life.


They continue descending, 1100, 1200, 1300 meters, but the equipment still shows no sign of the dome-shaped object. It should be close by. The engineer reviews the data and looks at the red needle marking the oxygen level below the value where it should be. He calmly reviews the logs, not wanting to alarm the others, but realizes that there is a leak, but does not know where it is. If it continues like this, they will run out of oxygen in less than an hour, there will be no way for them to return to the surface.

At that precise moment, the sensors indicate that the object they are looking for is at a depth of two kilometers. A very intense light shows them the way to it. Unaware of the problem with the underwater camera, the explorers stick their faces out of the windows. As they get closer, a magnetic force begins to attract them. When they get there, they observe on the seabed, a vault built on pillars on a cracked and shiny floor. Sensors begin to take data from the construction which is immediately sent to the boat.

The engineer who commands the ship does not manage to solve the problem of the leak and tells the others that they will not be able to return, that their exploration mission will unfortunately end in half an hour, the time in which they will have oxygen. The news is terrible, nobody wants to die, they hug each other and some of them cry, others scream and start banging on the windows, they are not prepared for that, although they knew the risks. Those responsible for this exploration are aware of it, but there is nothing they can do about it. The only consolation they have is that they managed to arrive and that with the data they are sending they will be able to unveil the mystery of the grave.

Clarisa thinks about Julian, about the conversation she had with him, she would have liked to know him better. But she is sure that there is something beyond death, her scientific mind cannot explain what she does not see, but inside she feels that it is possible,and that reassures her.

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