Sumarni's current changes

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Saturday afternoon at the Kembang Market, Sumarni chose clothes at the Mawar shop for her to wear the next day at her best friend's wedding. So many people flocked to the shop because there was a big discount. Tio, Sumarni's husband, was getting bored waiting in the shop chair, finally turning on his cell phone to play a game.

After two hours of choosing clothes, Sumarni finally bought a dress for the wedding, two t-shirts, and three pairs of trousers for her. When paying at the cashier, Tio was finally relieved because he was no longer waiting for his wife to shop for clothes.

While in the car, Tio said to his wife "Darling, you have too many clothes in the wardrobe, why to buy more clothes?" asked Tio while driving the car.

Then Sumarni replied, "You know that I shop for the peace of my soul."

"Okay, I'm not commenting anymore" Tio replied.

Sumarni likes shopping. Every time she got her payday, Sumarni would buy what she liked even if it was useless stuff. She did this only for self-satisfaction and to cover up her difficult past.

Sumarni was born to a poor family, her father was a farmer and her mother died when she was born. When she was in elementary school, she never had a new school uniform. The uniform she was wearing was that of her cousin who had graduated from elementary school.

Every Monday, the school holds a flag-raising ceremony. At every ceremony, all students are required to wear black shoes and white socks. If anyone breaks the rules, the student will be punished by paying a fine of a brick to be given to the school.

Usually, Sumarni goes to school only wearing sandals because she doesn't have shoes or socks. So, she asked her father to buy her white socks and shoes. Sumarni was so sad because her father could not afford to buy shoes and white socks. This made her never attend school every Monday to avoid being fined.

Even, when she graduated from elementary school, Sumarni's diploma was withheld by the school because she had not completed the school administration fee. Luckily, Sumarni's uncle named Anto was able to help her niece to pay off all the unpaid fees so that Sumarni got her diploma as a condition for continuing her education to the junior high school stage.

Sumarni's childhood was sad that year. Sometimes her father scolded her for asking for something not of her own will, but from circumstances that forced her to have it. Therefore, a bitter situation made her become an independent woman. When she comes home from school, she works in a restaurant as a dishwasher so she can buy her school supplies.

Her habit of working hard from a young age made her a successful woman when she grew up. Sumarni is now able to make a lot of money. Every month she sends money to her father so that he no longer has to go down to the fields and can enjoy old age.

It can be said, the former Sumarni is not the current Sumarni. A past that was full of difficulties, as if it seemed that they would not have a good future turned out to be wrong. In fact, some humans, including Sumarni, were able to rise and make use of past capital that was full of difficulties and full of shortcomings to achieve a better future. In the past, it was difficult to just want clothes, now it's just a matter of going shopping, if in the past it was difficult to eat well, now it's just a matter of ordering without having to bother cooking.

Sumarni's best friend's wedding day has arrived. That morning, Tio, who had finished changing his clothes, then waited for Sumarni, who was preoccupied with dressing up in her room. Tio waited in the garage while heating the car. After several twenty minutes had passed, Sumarni suddenly approached Tio and said, "Morning honey! how do I look this morning?"

Tio was amazed by Sumarni's call. Then approached slowly, watching Sumarni from front to back, then Tio said, "Oh my wife, whose beauty surpasses the moon and stars. You are very beautiful, elegant, and charming. Aaah, I'm lucky to have a wife like you." Tio replied while hugging and kissing his wife's forehead.

The End.

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