Perseverance-The Ink well Creative NonfictionPrompt #20 .

By 1977, I was already married, at that time she had only two children, one three years old and the other 9 months old. I was working at the Republics Argentina Elementary School in the Library area as a Librarian. A co-worker of mine took me a sheet of paper with an advertisement where they were looking for a Library Assistant to work in the Central Library of the Rectorate -U.D.O. under the direction of Professor Fancisco Zapata. This position was to be filled through a competitive examination. An interview and a written test were required. In a footnote: "If you work in another institution, bring your resignation. And if you win the competition, you will be subject to a one-month probationary period. A good salary is offered along with all the demands. This would take place on 27/03/77. I had all my illusions in this announcement, it was a good salary. When I got home, I consulted my husband. He answered me that whatever decision you make, I support you. That was more than enough for me to take the leap I was about to make.

I only had two days to organize my résumé and all the required documentation. This situation made me worry because I had to take the risk of having to physically carry the resignation from my job. I could hardly sleep that night, and the next day as well. They were sleepless nights as I was thinking and asking myself, "My God, will my profile meet the requirements for this job? I said the Lord's Prayer. At the end of it, I uttered a cry:

"Lord, take away this uncertainty, and this torment. I am so afraid that after taking this step I will be eliminated, and I will not be able to apply for that job, give me security, to achieve the proposed objective". Those days I went to school to fulfill my work schedule and that worry filled me with sadness. On the third day, with my ideas more organized, I evoked a saying from my grandmother: "He who takes risks can win or lose. But he who does not take risks neither wins nor loses. I persevered and with that idea fixed in my mind. That day, I went to the Director of the República Argentina School and asked for my resignation. The Director did not agree but he saw so much determination in my face that he had no choice but to give it to me.

Finally, the long awaited day arrived.

I went to the Rectorate building. There was a small reception room on the second floor where the Rector's Office was located. With a secretary who was attending to the public, I told her: "I am here for an advertisement in the newspaper". She told me "In front is the Human Resources office with the manager, Mr. Jesús Rodríguez, you can go there, he will help you".
Armed with courage, I went in to take the test. The Manager kindly attended me once I finished my interview and the test. He told me, "You were very good, I will call you in three days to give you the verdict.

I went home very hopeful. The three days passed and I did not get any answer. My worries returned. I had so many hopes, in that job, that suffering I carried in silence. Then I tried to calm down. I could hardly get to sleep and stay calm, so that I could take care of my family.

The following week, I received a phone call from Mr. Jesus Rodriguez's secretary, informing me: "he was in another city with the family of a relative who had died. But that in the afternoon he would return to the office". From that moment on, I kept my attention on the phone. At about 4 pm, I answered the phone and ran very excited when I picked up the receiver and was told: "Hello, Mrs. Ramona?" I answered: "Yes", I am calling you to notify you that you were selected for the job at the Rectorate, you can start working tomorrow at 8:00 a.m." I answered:" ok, thank you very much", I hung up the phone and from my throat came out a shout of joy, my children and my husband came out amazed, I hugged them and told them I was selected, tomorrow I start my new job. Then I thanked God who gave me the strength to be able to endure that worry.

I started my job at the Rectorate. The trial month I did it with excellence and worked in that direction of Libraries for 5 years. Then I was transferred for a year to the Antonio Patricio de Alcalá University Hospital with the Librarian Alexis Arriechi, to organize the Library of the Postgraduate Medical School. After some time the Directorate of Libraries of the Rectorate disappeared and all the staff who worked there were transferred to the Central Library of the Sucre Nucleus. There I worked with the faith of God and the perseverance that I always had in my assigned tasks until 2006 when I was retired after 25 years of service working in that department of the Universidad de Oriente-Nucleo de Sucre.

Today I feel very proud of having had that concern that invaded me before I went to present that contest of opposition that crystallized once I went to present it and after a short time I was selected.

At present I am 72 years old. I enjoy my pension from the Universidad de Oriente and from the Venezuelan Insurance Institute.

This is a non-fiction story
I hope you like it
the drawings are mine
use deepl translator

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