The escape - The ink well fiction Prompt #127.

Source from pixabay

Nohelia is a motherless girl. She lives in a big city. In a mansion near the beach, in the company of her father, Alfonso; who is an industrialist, owner of several fishing industries, when he was young, he was very poor. He worked very hard, now he is a rich industrialist. Since she was a child, the young girl was fascinated by sunbathing for several hours a day and then bathing and enjoying the warm waters of the sea. This is how her life went on, until she became a very beautiful woman.

Shortly thereafter she married a young man, Alexander, a very humble native of that city, he studied, specializing in fishing boat mechanics.

As soon as they were married. Alfonzo told them:

"Stay and live with me, This mansion I gave as a wedding gift to Nohelia".

The following year, The young woman gave birth to a girl, whom she named Dioscri.

Grandfather said:

"I am the happiest man on earth with this child."

From his seat, Alexander rebutted:

"So am I."

The mother, holding her baby girl in her arms, smiled very happily.

As the years went by, Dioscri became a big girl and entered school.

When she was 7 years old, she asked her grandfather:

"I want you to give me the room with the window, which overlooks the beach, looking at it, I get inspired and write poems."

"All right, my daughter, from today you can occupy that room".

Full of joy, she hugged him and kissed him. He, very happy, returned her affection and retired to his room.

Before long, Nohelia began to develop bedsores, shells and rashes. She didn't want to say anything to her husband. She assumed an attitude toward him. Of not having any kind of relationship.

At that time her father got sick, he was diagnosed with the disease produced by the protozoan parasite, (also called American trypanosomiasis), the doctor recommended him to be very quiet, because he could suffer a heart attack.

Alfonzo no longer went to his companies. As there was no one to take care of them, he decided to sell them and give all his fortune to his daughter, Nohelia, shortly after. Her father suffered a heart attack and died.

After the funeral. Arriving home, Nohelia wept inconsolably:

"My God, Lord, give me willpower to bear his absence."

Exhaustion overwhelmed her, until she fell asleep.

As the months passed, Nohelia went to the doctor, who diagnosed her with psoriasis (a tropical disease, caused by people exposing themselves for a long time to the sun's rays). He told her:

"Avoid not getting the sun's rays". He prescribed a medical treatment for two months. She followed his instructions. However, the disease continued to progress.

Very worried, she decided to go to Alaska. She told no one.

Her daughter was then 10 years old. One day before leaving, she went to Dioscri's room, which had a window overlooking the sea. He rolled up his shirt sleeves and showed her his arm. The girl, amazed, cried out:

"Mom, look at that skin.... ¿What happened to you?"
She replied:

"The doctor diagnosed me with severe psoriasis. But I suspect I may have a contagious disease. ".

The little girl burst into tears:

"No, Mom, it can't be! She stretched out her arms to hug her mother and her mother said.

"No daughter, don't hug me, I can infect you".

"Noooo, I love you, mom!".

Nohelia replied:

"I love you too, I have to go, when you think of me stand at the window and look at that immense sea" The cry, broke her voice. Then she continued:

"Imagine one of those seagulls flying over its waters, that's me."

She pauses and continues:

"I won't tell you where I'm going, but when I'm far away, explain to your father the reason for my flight. If I am cured, I will return. If not, I won't come back. They embraced and cried for a long time. Then they said goodbye.

The next day, Nohelia left for another country.

When her father returned from work: Dioscri came out to meet her. She told him what her mother had told her. He said to her:

"Now I understand your behavior towards me. May God wish you well and may you find a cure for your illness."

Five years passed, and they never heard from Nohelia again. Every evening, before the sun went down, Dioscri would sit by the window and gaze at the horizon, sighing and remembering his mother.
He was content to watch the seagulls wheeling and skimming the water with their beaks.

Then he prayed:

"Little God, heal my mother and let us meet her one day, safe and sound."

That same year, Alexander was transferred to Alaska with the industry he works for. He had to take his daughter with him, because his stay in that country was for two years. Upon arrival, they rented a first floor apartment on the second floor.

Dioscri was already 15 years old and was about to enter college. As soon as she could, she enrolled. Together with his father, they started a new life. It was very cold in that country. They had to sleep with the windows of their house closed.

The following year, Dioscri was sitting in front of the window overlooking the street. He saw a woman with long hair pass by, very much like his mother. He ran out into the street and started shouting at her: "Madam, madam". The woman didn't turn around, from deep in her throat she shouted out:

The lady turned around. The young girl felt such a great emotion that she ran and said to her:

"Mom, how I missed you" Her mother hugged her and said:

"Daughter, how big and pretty you are. You are a little woman, I love you!".

Dioscri invited her to his apartment and there they talked. Her mother told her:

"Thank God I am missing a medical result, to rule out any bad disease. Tomorrow I will get out of this uncertainty, I already have 5 years of medical treatment and I feel good. My skin has improved".

The next day, Dioscri accompanied her mother to the clinic to get the result. While they waited. Her daughter was sweating excessively, the sweat soaked her blouse. On her face, there was a pallor, similar to that of the magnolia flower.
Nohelia could not hide her nervousness, her trembling hands gave her away.

When the doctor came out, he said:

"You, what you have is psoriasis, thanks to the treatment provided, your skin has improved. You do not have any contagious disease.
The young woman called her father on the phone to come to the clinic where they were.
Within a few minutes. Alexander arrived. When his wife saw him, she apologized. He told her:

"I have nothing to forgive you for, I love you!". They embraced. Mutually."
Then Nohelia said to them:

"Since I have no bad disease, I invite you to come and live with me in a mansion I bought in front of the ocean, because of the matter of psoriasis. I have to live in a country like this, where there is not so much sun.

You don't have to worry about anything, The house is equipped with everything, for you and in all the rooms there are windows, where you can contemplate the ocean".

Her husband and she were reconciled. Dioscri is also with them. And they live in their mansion, each one when they get up they open the windows of their room and contemplate that immense ocean.

Several years passed and Dioscri graduated as a doctor; specializing in skin diseases, she took as a sample for her postgraduate work the case of her mother's illness. Graduating in that specialty with honors.

This is a fiction story
I hope you like it.
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