The mermaid

The mermaid

The story goes that in a far away country there was an island with several small villages and in one of them there lived in a very humble house a fisherman named Francisco and his wife Mery. Every morning he would go out in his boat to fish.

One day he was working in the open sea, he saw in the distance that something was swimming, he approached and could see with great astonishment the body of a little girl of about 1 year old, who was swimming and emitting a sound similar to the song of a mermaid. The fisherman jumped into the water, approached her, held out his hands and she clung to them, he took her in his arms, they got on the boat and he decided to return home. When he arrived he began to shout full of emotion "Mery, Mery, I brought you a little mermaid that sings like them instead of crying". His astonished wife asked him "how did this discovery happen?", he told her what happened and very excited he said "we will raise her as if she were ours and we will call her Romina".
When her father went fishing, the girl accompanied him. While he was fishing, she would dive into the deep sea to swim. That is how her childhood passed, then she became a beautiful young woman, tall, white skin, big green eyes like emerald, yellow hair like the sun. All the inhabitants of that town loved her and called her mermaid, because she spent most of her time in the deep water of that blue sea that is lost in the horizon, swimming and singing like a mermaid.
One day a shipwrecked sailor arrived at that island, dragged by a giant wave.

He heard the song of a mermaid that came a little further from where he was, he approached and was amazed to see that at the bottom of the sea there was a young woman who swam and sang similar to a mermaid, also had a lot of resistance to stay underwater without breathing, he contemplated her, without leaving his amazement whispered "What a beautiful and beautiful woman".
He went out to the shore and waited for her to come out of the water. As soon as she came out, he turned to her and said, "How beautiful you are, I am spellbound by you. I feel I have sensed and seen you before." Romina replied, "In all my life I have never seen you before, you are wrong", turned around and went home.

The castaway had nowhere to go, so he built a house on the shore of the beach with coconut palms and tree trunks. With the liana from the trees he made a hammock to sleep in, hanging it from end to end of the house, with two stones that he rubbed together he made a fire and lit the firewood to protect himself from the cold and cook the fish and other food provided by the environment.

As was her custom, as soon as dawn broke, the young woman went to the beach to swim and dived into the water. Immediately the castaway climbed the tallest coconut tree to contemplate the mermaid from there. He was ecstatic to see so much beauty and skill of this young woman, he felt that every day he fell more in love with her.

After so many hours of swimming, when the sun was setting, Romina decided to return home. On the way she met the castaway and he told her "I am madly in love with you". She replied "I don't like you, so please go your way and don't get in my way anymore".
One day when she was swimming in the sea, the young man also went swimming and in the depths became a dolphin, with his fins he embraced her, turning her into a real mermaid. She went to another habitat different from the one she belonged to. The villagers say that she came to earth to fulfill an ephemeral mission because she moved to another place, at night you can hear her siren song.

Image of my property

Her father went every day to fish and to listen to the siren's song, to communicate internally with his daughter, but as the years went by, he grew older and older and could no longer row his boat. The only consolation he had was to go to a statue of the mermaid built by the inhabitants of the village to symbolize Romina, which became a tourist attraction for all those who visited the island.

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