Unforgettable Night: Creative Nonfiction Prompt #5

The fear of being kidnapped grips me when I was stranded in the middle of the road. While on the road, no motor vehicle stopped to pick me up because I was on a strange land and road.

Hehe, it was like a nightmare when my elder brother sent me on a journey I could not resist. He asked me to follow his wife to a village they called Tonkere Village where he had planted cassava because she was on a mission to process Garry.

Meanwhile, in Tonkere Village I have never been there before but I used to hear the name of the Village from the people. When my elder brother said I will go there, I was excited to hear it and I said wow! This is a great opportunity to visit Tonkere Village, and my brother also promised to give me cash to spend.

The money involved also motivated me to do the job. I was the one that asked for the date and time to go there. My brother said just go in the morning and return in the afternoon before sundown. That was how I followed my brother's wife as planned and we got to Tonkere Village early but before we could round off it was too late. Immediately I got to the village and boarded a vehicle that brought some villagers.

On my way back home, our motor vehicle had a minor issue and we stopped to fix it. But before we can get to where I will join another motor that will take me to my town, it was high time that no vehicle could be stopped to pick up passengers again because it was a highway road. Those people that boarded the vehicle in the Tonkere village with me advised me not to stay beside the highway road at that time because of the danger associated with it but I should go to where I can pass a night so the following day I should continue with my journey.

The thing that made me devastated because I didn't tell them at home that I won't return that day. Later, something came to my mind that I should go to my other elder brother's house in the capital city. I remembered that he used to mention the name of the place he was living at that time. I said mind thank God, I will use this opportunity to visit my brother. Brother Julius loves me to the extent that he could not allow anything whatsoever to happen to me. Let me go to him but he was a social person who liked to hang out with his friends at the nightclub.

Hey, today is Friday. Am I going to meet him at home? What about if he is not at home? What should I do? At least I have his address. Okay, let me locate his house first and if I get there, I will introduce myself as one of his siblings. I believe that they will accommodate me.

When our motor reached a town they called Ede, Ede town is not too far from Osogbo town. I was told to get down at the motor park to board another motor that will take me to Dada estate where my brother resides. When I got to the park, I met with a driver that was going there but only me was in the motor till 11:30 pm and he said Mr man, I can't carry you to that place again and waste my fuel because of the small amount of money I will collect from you.

Dilemma stage.
Oh my God! Sir, Please help me. I am a stranger here, and I don't know where I can stay. Worship God through me. If I want to get another motor, I don't know where I can get it. As you can see no movement of motor vehicles, or motorcycles again. Only some people are passing this time.

"Hey, Hold it! Hold it there!! Look at me very well, I am not the type of person who you can talk to anyhow. There is nothing I can do for you so find your way. Do you want me to carry only you to Dada estate?" the Driver said.

That was how I left the motor park and went to the roadside to see if I could get a motorcycle or a motorcar that would take me to Dada estate. Fortunately for me, one Toyota jeep was coming and stretched my hands to stop it. Initially, the driver ignored me and drove past but after some minutes he reversed the car to pick me up. I was terrified because of the security situation in the country and I needed help at the same time.

"Who are you? Where are you off to? I hope you are not one of the armed robbers because I don't use to pick up strangers in my car but it was God who ministered to me that I turn back to pick you or you will have been there without help." The man said.

I cut in.
"No, I am not an armed robber and I am a stranger here. I am going to the Dada estate in Osogbo. Please, Sir."

The man said, "Okay, get inside."

That was how I got help. When I got to the Dada estate, the man dropped me and I saw security men with guns.

"Hey, Stop there! Where are you coming from? By the way, who are you looking for? Okay, you are one of those thieves that robbed the chief Balogun's residence yesterday. So you came to spy again to enable your gangs to know where to operate. You have failed this time because we will use you as a scapegoat." The guards said.

I was shaking on my knees.
Oh, no, I am not a thief Sir. I am a stranger here. I am coming from Tonkere village to see my elder brother in this estate. Thereafter, they instructed me to do a frog jump for an hour. I was panting heavily and swept all over my body.

Later, One of the security guards asked. What is the name of your elder brother?

Julius Kuty Sir. His name is Julius Kuty and he told me that he is popular in this estate because everyone knows him very well. Please help me! I am not a thief.

They stepped aside to whisper. And when they were done talking. They said to me if Julius denies you will smell it that is a promise. One of them held the waistband of my trouser to my brother's apartment. When we got there, they knocked! Knocked! Knocked on the gate no one responded.

Their commander said to his junior colleagues that we have to execute him the way we used to deal with other thieves.

Immediately, I said is this how I will end my life? God of Mercy, be merciful to me! I was yelling audibly with all strength in me.

Meanwhile, one of his co-tenant woke up and went to wake up my brother in his room. "Julius! Julius!! and he said yes, what is the matter?"

"Are you expecting anyone? Because securities are outside with one small boy. Said his co-tenant.

Brother Julius nodded.
"No, I did expect anyone, but let me check."

Security guards were about to take me away from there, and my brother showed up.

"Hello, well-done officer. I was told that you brought someone here, but I did not expect anyone. I hope that person is not one of those thieves." my brother said.

I reacted. "Heh, I am not a thief, my brother. I am Olubamiji your younger brother."

"I know that one of my siblings is bearing that name but that one has never been to this place before. Let me see your face" Brother Julius replied.

They dragged me to the front where he could see me very well, and he was shocked.

"Hey! It is true. How did it happen? Where are you coming from? Thank you, officers. Is my younger brother but I wondered what he will be doing outside at this hour because he is the last born of my parents and our parents don't allow him to stay outside for long. He is a Mummy's boy. Brother Julius confessed.

That was how they released me for my brother and I thank God because he didn't allow the devil's plan to prevail over my life.

         The End
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