Not A Soul


It was the end of the school year. The senior graduates were ready to party so hard they’d turn the classroom into a hurricane disaster victim, but the teacher bargained with everyone to settle down so she could play a movie.

While everyone rearranged their desks to sit with their friends, Norie stayed by herself. While her eyes trained on her teal blue fingernails, she wasn’t really staring at them.

She was lost in thought about home. She was thinking about her Dad. He was the giant who used to pick her up and put her on his shoulders for fun. He was the homie she used to eat donuts with on the drive home after school. He was the friend who eased all her problems with his wise words.

He was also the man who left with a suitcase last Wednesday.

Norie looked around the dark classroom. Everyone else was laughing with friends, or whispering to one another. Some kids had their phones out reacting to videos on social media.

Why did Norie feel so alone? Like she was on the outside of the classroom, watching everybody else have fun, grow up, and continue on in life?


Norie was pushed. She jumped and turned to see Ethan, who was smiling at her.

“‘Now that I got my car, Imma be the flyest boy at my college!” Ethan whispered.

Norie smiled. “Ethan, stop. You’ll still be the geek who plays shooting-games on weekends.”

“Ay, at least I know what I’m going to college for, other people aren’t so lucky…”

Norie’s smile faded and she looked back down at her nails.

Ethan’s brow wrinkled. “Norie, what’s up?”

“Nothing.” Norie didn’t even look at him.

“Don’t give me that. What’s wrong?” Ethan took a seat at the desk beside Norie.

Norie looked at Ethan. Should she really tell him? Nobody else was around, but then again, who tells some boy their personal life problems? But, Ethan was a close friend. But no, she shouldn’t tell him. Should she? Oh, Norie couldn’t decide!

Meanwhile, Ethans dark eyes were staring a hole into her cheek. “I know somethings up. You aren’t laughing with the rest of the girls, and Elisibeth told me you’ve been acting down lately.”

“I…I think I’m depressed.” Norie’s voice wavered. She hesitantly looked at Ethan.

He just stared at her. “Really?”

“Yeah. My Mom and Dad have been arguing, and that’s why you haven’t seen my Dad so much. But he just left last week and my Mom’s been a crying mess and it’s hard…it’s hard…” Norie’s vision grew blurry. “I wanted to talk to him…about college…I don’t know if I’m going to go, but I…”

Norie gasped and a tear rolled down her face. She was going to burst. She got up and quickly rushed out of the classroom, too embarrassed to look back at Ethan.

When Norie went back to class, she was quiet as a mouse. The teacher asked her if she was okay, and she replied, yes, harsher than she meant to. She had made up her mind that she would never tell another soul about her sadness.

Ethan glanced at Norie only once and that was the only interaction they had for the rest of the day. Norie came home and made dinner, saying nothing to her Mom who spent a majority of the afternoon locked in her room. That in itself was nothing new, but Norie did overhear her speaking to Ethan’s Mom.

The first week of summer Norie stressed over college. Should she go? Should she NOT go? She wished she could speak to her Dad about all this, but she wasn’t talking to him for the rest of her life. If he cared about her, he wouldn’t have left her. She wished she could just unwind and eat sushi with Elisibeth, but Elisibeth wasn’t an option.

Even thought Elisibeth tried to come over multiple times, Norie ignored her. Norie would find a new best friend. One that didn’t go around blabbing to people that Norie’s been acting weird lately.

At some point, someone banged on the door and Mom wasn’t home. After a few annoying knock patterns, Norie moaned with a rasp at the back of her throat and opened the door to see Ethan.

Norie stared at her socks. She didn’t wanna face Ethan after she had vented her life to him on the last day of school. Time had barely brushed the embarrassment away.



“Can you come out?” Ethan asked.

“Uh…” Norie thought about it. She hadn't left the house aside from going to the store in weeks. Norie decided that she needed fresh air, and this was the perfect excuse to get some. “Sure. Give me a minute.”

Soon the two were walking down the neighborhood street, ducking tree branches and dodging dog poop.

Norie stared at the cars that lined the sides of the road, resenting the polking glances Ethan would send her way.

“How come you haven’t come out in forever?”

Norie shrugged.

“At least you haven’t given up on our gun games. I get more wins than you every time, Norie.”

This earned him a beautiful, rounded-cheek smile from Norie. “You hack.”

Ethan’s forehead wrinkled. “No I don’t.”

The two began to banter back and forth, all the way to Sally’s Sushi Spot.

“I didn’t bring any money, Ethan.” said Norie.

Ethan smiled. “No worries, just walk on in.” He opened the door and stood aside for Norie to walk in.

As she came in, she saw a small crowd in the center of the restaurant.

Here stood her Mom, Elisibeth, Norie’s brother and sister, her tiny niece and nephew, and her Dad.

“Elie, Atiah, Xavier!?” Norie yelled at her best friend and older siblings, but then she turned to the most surprising figure. “Dad!? You said you were going to Iceland!”

“I did, but I got on the next plane back here to see you.” he smiled, and then walked over to Norie. She backed up but he still wrapped her in a hug, then came her wobbly niece, who hugged her thigh, then her siblings came in, then Mom, and even Elisibeth hugged her from behind.

“I-I don’t understand. This can’t be real! What are you all doing here!?” Norie asked.

“Nor, you didn’t tell me you were battling depression! Why didn’t you say anything!? I would’ve never left you alone!” Elisibeth squeezed Norie.

“She said she was depressed, not battling depression,” Norie’s Mom corrected, then she looked her daughter straight in the eyes. “You don’t have depression, right honey?”

“No,” Norie laughed, her chest feeling lighter than it had in weeks.

Next Norie’s siblings came in for a hug. “Why was Ethan the first person to tell me you were down? You should have told me in person,” her brother poked at her to make a point.

“Ah! Xavier stop!” Norie yelled back, but she was already turned to the entrance staring at Ethan who was staring back at her.

“You told them about this?” Norie asked him.

“Yeah.” Ethan nodded.

“He told all of us. ” Elisibeth said, holding Norie’s niece. “You shouldn’t deny being depressed.”

Norie’s Dad spoke up again. “Everyone feels like that at some point in their life, and you should know that you’ve got all of us to help you. You really shoul’ve told me about this, Norie. You’re my baby girl and I love you, always will. Just because I moved to another country didn’t mean I would leave your life.”

“Okay,” Norie wiped her glazy eyes. She was smiling. It felt good knowing she wasn’t the only person in the world to feel so sad and uncertain about life. And now she knew her Dad still loved and cared about her. “B-but, y’all know Imma cry if I talk about this stuff now.”

“Well, you can talk to me alone later,” Mom answered. “Me, or your father, or both of us, whatever you want. But we came here because you need to get out and be happy for once, and we all know you love sushi.”

Everyone laughed, including Norie.

Someone said, “Speaking of sushi,” and the crowd began to make their way to the front counter to order.

Ethan walked up as well, but Norie grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

Ethan turned. “Huh?”

“Thanks for this. Seriously.”

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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