Fate unites again


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"Give me your hand John walk with me"

John was a devoted family man, he really liked his wife Juliet, they both hung out together everywhere.
John was a recent medical graduate and Juliet was an accountant at a large accounting firm.
They had been married for about 2 years but were having fertility issues, couldn't have children, were exhausted from trying so hard.
"I will never be a mother, because God made me this I didn't hurt anyone to have this punishment" said Juliet in John's arms in tears that fell from his face and plunged into his open mouth in suffering and anguish.
John tried to calm Juliet, but he himself was desperate inside, he wanted so much to be a father that he even woke up at night when he was dreaming that he had his son on his lap rocking him to sleep.
The days went by, time didn't stop and the years went by.
John, the doctor, was increasingly desperate, he wanted so much to be a father and Juliet even thought that at the end of his life that suffering was enormous and they had already gone through two miscarriages that left deep marks on their human feelings.

A friend of John Derek's called him for a snack at the cafe around the corner and told John he had an idea.
"John to so many children wanting a home, a family and who are alone abandoned looking around with hope of being adopted because they don't give hope to one of these children."

John after so long smiled despite being a forced smile but it gave hope at that moment but the doubts of how Juliet would react will be that she would accept to adopt a child.

That day John left work early and went straight home where Juliet was waiting for him sitting on the big sofa in the living room she also wanted to talk to John.

"John, I have something to ask you" Juliet said with a smile on her lips after so many years.

"Juliet, I have something to ask you too, but tell me first I haven't seen you smiling like that in so long." said john

"John last night I had a dream and I wanted to tell you, I dreamed that we were both at a children's center to adopt a child and that this child was a boy with round brown eyes and curly hair who as soon as he saw us ran to hug us and call them to the parents"
"You want to adopt a child John" said Juliet with a smile, but at the same time with a tear that fell in the corner of her eye.
Juliet was exactly what I wanted to ask you, Derek was talking to me, and he gave me this idea and on the way I came full of fear that you wouldn't accept this idea of ​​adopting a child but I'm happy, tomorrow we're going to a foster center without delay be a family me, you and our son.
John had a brother he hadn't seen in many years at birth John's father had been in a serious car accident and John had lost his parents very early, his brother and he were taken care of by an aunt of his but his brother named Peter was live with another aunt because the possibilities were few and that's why they had to separate when they were about 5 years old.
His last names were Smith and his brother was Peter Smith and he was John Smith.
It was around 8 am the next morning and John barely slept the night and Juliet didn't even close her eyes to go to the foster center early to deal with the process and adopt a child.
Very early, she rang the bell of an orphanage well known in the region.
A 50 year old lady came to the door with a wide smile and said good morning and invited John and Juliet in.
At that time there were already many children awake, some playing in the nurseries, and many still having breakfast, but everyone looked at John and Juliet with a smile in their bright eyes, feeling that it could be their turn.
On the way inside the orphanage John felt something hitting his legs it was a red ball that a boy with round brown eyes and curly hair had thrown, he must have been about 5 years old, Juliet immediately glued her eyes to that boy it was like the one in her dream .
Something in the boy's and Juliet's eyes touched and John felt something tighten in his heart.
"Juliet I don't know what I have my heart started to skip I don't know what this boy feels like a part of me something familiar something I feel." said john
They immediately went to the part of the records that the child would be their child they would be their parents.
Said the person in charge of the orphanage. "This child has a very sad story, he was orphaned very early and has been here for about 2 years, his parents died in an accident near his house when on a curve the car crashed he was the only survivor do you want to know his name? "
Juliet and John hand in hand nodded in a long affirmative sign and she said: "This child is named Jonathan Smith, his parents also had difficulties getting pregnant and after so much suffering, but unfortunately this accident has left this child orphan".
John shed a tear it sounded like his story but he folded it and asked the name of the child's biological father the person in charge of the orphanage and she said "Let me see in the records the mother is called Lara and the father Peter Smith he had a brother John Smith and lived with an aunt as a child."
"It's my brother, that child is my nephew" John said, sobbing in tears with Juliet holding his hands.
Juliet and John adopted the child who was her nephew, and in tears John asked the orphanage manager, "Do you know where my brother is buried?"
"Yes, I know it's in a small village in the Cotswolds where he used to live in a small house, it's in this village graveyard."
John took the child home and the next day he, the child and Juliet went to the cemetery where John's brother was buried among the long graves he saw a gleaming one with two huge vases and a marble stone inscribed with Lara and Peter Smith with your photos side by side.
João held the child's hand and Juliet's other and said: "Peter fate wanted your son and my nephew to have someone at home to take care of him and he joined me, I promise you and your wife Lara that I will be a good father to him, I know that if you were here you would also be a good father to him, your boy will not lack anything I will take care of him."
In tears John left a rose on his brother's grave and continued with his promise to father that child.

The fate that often separates us, also often brings us closer. Just believe that nothing is by chance.

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