Fiction: Harry and the sky?

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Harry and the sky?

Harry opened his eyes and trying to blur the blurred images with the circular movement of his hands, he realized that he was in a place full of light, the golden color bathing the impassable walls of that fortress. He kept rubbing his eyes trying to eliminate that fantasy, but that golden fortification was still there.

His restless touch passed through the structure and the delight of the epidermis did not wait for the extremely soft texture, so much so that his hand slid abruptly on the surface. He began to walk looking for an entrance, the mist that adorned the floor did not allow to see his steps, he kept walking and under his feet he felt as if he was in quicksand, but without sinking, it was very strange, however he kept walking trying to solve the mystery.

After a long walk he could smell a sacred aroma, it became stronger and stronger with each step. Like a good canine, he sniffed the scent that would lead him to where there were answers. After a while, Harry spotted an entrance and ran as fast as he could, while a colorful little bird with wings of fire followed him. Harry watched it out of the corner of his eye, feeding his brown pupils with the beauty of the spectacle.

He reached the entrance and was met by a watchman, dressed all in gleaming white, a perfect face in a symmetrical sense, golden hair displaying a certain enchanting glow. Harry made contact with those deep blue eyes that seemed to carve the soul.

"Welcome to heaven, Harry," the being said to him in a voice that filled him with peace.

Harry tried to assimilate the being's words, resorting to logic, which at the moment seemed incoherent. "How do you know my name, who are you, which sky, did I die?!!" Stunned he kept asking in an increasingly loud and stuttering voice.

"I am a worker of this place, my name is Urihel, I am in charge of welcoming new guests. Apparently you died in a car accident and were referred to these domains."

While Urihel continued speaking he began to walk, entering the interior of those golden walls, Harry was following him engrossed by the situation and the place, more and more amazed by the structures he could see: Great pyramids, sculptures of anthropomorphic animals; in that instant he looked at a column of fire over one of the golden pyramids that was lost in an apparent watery firmament.

Urihel came to a small office, decorated with a few abstract paintings, a small table of an ivory-like material, and a chair of the softest cotton he had never seen in his life. Urihel walked over to a file cabinet with two drawers, opened it, and Harry was impressed. That drawer was bottomless, the man couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Urihel would pick up a file and approach Harry. "Alright, let's see what we have over here." Holding his hand to his chin as he read the file with almost overwhelming anticipation, he would then say to the man. "Apparently there was a mistake, you shouldn't have died so soon, hehehe. We can say it was a technical error."

"What are you talking about, technical error, you're kidding, I was getting married, besides my family loved me very much, my career...!" Fury washed over Harry, remembering everything he left on earth.

"Calm down, boy, there's nothing we can do about it. Now I'll assign you to your quarters, take that blue button and put it on. An attendant will come to pick you up and take you to your final resting place." Urihel was patting him on the back trying to comfort Harry.

The assistant arrived and while Urihel was talking to him. Harry looked out the window and looked at the little fire-winged bird, it landed on the window.

"Make a wish, make a wish...," it repeated over and over, in a cycle of repetitive phrases.

"What is it you say, little friend," it spoke to him staring at him in an act of sensory connection.

"Make a wish, make a wish," he would repeat endlessly, his voice high-pitched and blabbering.

Urihel was returning to the office. "What are you doing with that bird, you must get ready to go to your quarters." Urihel looked quizzically at Harry.

Harry in a desperate attempt to escape, was making the wish, "I want to go home, I want to go home...."

Harry closed his eyes and the bird landed on him, covering him with its wings of fire.

Urihel screamed in desperation, "Noooooo!" As he pounced on Harry.

The bird and the man disappeared, as Urihel sounded the alert all over the place. A loud sound took over that place, creating chaos in all the beings that lived there. Urihel gave the order to find the fugitive and the bird.

After a moment Harry appeared in the pyramid with the pillar of fire. The bird said, "Come in, come in...."

Harry saw that pillar of fire and could feel the great overwhelming heat, he hesitated to do so, he didn't know what could happen to him. A bundle of indecision was Harry, in that instant of doubt appeared from nowhere Urihel, who looked different, now he was a demon that expelled fire from his eyes and mouth.

Urihel with its claws black and sharp was going to catch Harry who was petrified of fright, the bird pushed him into the pillar of fire, while Urihel screamed deafeningly. Harry watched as the beautiful place was transformed into a horrible one: with dark mountains, fire everywhere, rivers of lava running through the valleys, lightning dancing across the sky and a pungent smell of sulfur.

After a few moments the place disappeared and Harry returned to his body, finding himself on a hospital gurney with the doctor, who was applying electric shocks to his chest. Harry opened his eyes to the happiness of the medical staff and his beloved girlfriend.

After a few days he could not believe what he had experienced and thought it was a dream. The sunny day made him feel happy and as he looked out the window, he saw the colorful little bird perch.

"Make a wish, make a wish...." He kept repeating the little animal.

While the blue button appeared on his chest with an inscription in ancient Latin, then a sinister laughter accompanied by the morning wind, sheltered the whitish room.

The end


Sources of the cover image Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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