Fiction: The ghost of the road

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The ghost of the road

It was a full moon night with the stars marching in the firmament, a young girl dressed completely in blue, waiting for her boyfriend to go to the graduation party.

Celeste's blue eyes shone like glittering stars, waiting for her great love. In both hands she held a lily as beautiful as she was, a pale white that contrasted with the white of the girl's skin.

Her thin lips with a touch of transparent glitter, murmured to the summer breeze the desires of the innocent young girl, happiness was complete on that night, where at last she would end one cycle and open another.

Celeste was getting a little impatient, since her boyfriend did not show up and the minutes were running against the plans of the beautiful maiden. She watched her watch in a constant almost perpetual motion, her eyes reflecting an anxious about waiting.

At that moment Celeste was looking at two lights on the road that were approaching, she put her hand on her forehead to neutralize the incandescent light a little and thus be able to identify the model of the car that was approaching at high speed.

The Ford 58, pearl blue with white on top, was closing the distance to Celeste, at about 20 meters she noticed that something was wrong and tried to run, but the pointy heeled shoes made it difficult to pick up speed.

Celeste wanted to get out of the car's path, but in an instant that seemed like slow motion, she was run over and the 58 Ford crashed into a huge tree and then became engulfed in a ball of fire, which consumed the car completely.

Celeste lost her life immediately and her beautiful, crystal clear eyes full of illusion were extinguished. The white lily lay on the side of the road as a mute witness to the horrible event. After a while it was said that in that part of the road every night the ghost of a beautiful woman appeared, dressed entirely in blue and with a lily in her hand.

"What did you guys think of the story, very scary eh! Hehehehe..." said Tim to his friends, waving his arms intimidatingly.

"It's just an urban legend from a long time ago, I don't think it's real." Franky was rolling his eyes in an apathetic tone of disbelief.

"So you're not afraid, eh! I dare you to go to the road where Celeste passed away, you up for it, chicken?" Tim pointed his index finger rent Franky.

Franky nodded as she rose heavily from the cold, dark rock. "I'll see you tomorrow at midnight if you're so brave. Take care everyone." He waved goodbye to the other boys and was lost in the faint mist of darkness.

The next day and as night began to fall, Franky was waiting for Tim and a steady movement of his legs showed some impatience and anxiety. After a few minutes the boy was arrive showing a pearly smile and swinging his hand pendulously from side to side.

"I thought you weren't coming, I was getting bored already," Franky was say to him with some chagrin at his delay.

"Calm down, girl, my mother put me to wash dishes and I ran out of time, but I'm already here to see the ghost of the road, buh, buh...," Tim was saying in a mocking tone to Franky.

"Bullshit, let's go fast or we're out of time." Franky was take Tim by the hand and they would run towards the supposed place where the ghost appeared.

After a few minutes the two boys reached the road and the moonlight accentuated the gloomy feeling that overwhelmed Tim and Franky.

"It's time to go back, I won't blame you for being a cowardly girl, hehehe..." Tim was trying to dissuade Franky to go back.

Franky's face filled with blood and in an angry voice he replied, "I'm not leaving until I see Celeste and make fun of you and your stupid scary story, now that if you want to leave I won't blame you for chickening out."

Tim was looking at Franky and his pupils were extremely dilated. Silently he kept walking down the road to his destination. Franky was smiling thinking that he was going to prove that the story was just another invention of people.

At that instant a car passed by, it was an old model, dirty and untidy, it stopped and the door opened. "Where are you guys going, hop in and I'll give you a ride, these sides are very dangerous."

Franky and Tim looked at each other, approached the car and sawed an old man, his face full of deep wrinkles, lavishing them with a friendly smile. The boys refused the help the old man offered, but he urged them to get in and the boys felt an unusually cordial energy. They agreed to go upstairs and confirmed where they were going.

Along the way they told him about Celeste's ghost and her tragic story. The old man was skeptical, but nevertheless accompanied the boys to the spot where people had seen Celeste's ghost.

They arrived at the spot exactly 10 minutes before midnight. They got out of the car and the old man said to them, "all right, boys, we're here, now let's wait and see what happens."

"I'm sure he'll show up and you, my dear friend, will have to take back what you said, in front of everyone. hahaha..." Tim was telling him as a mocking laugh peeked through the boy's thick lips.

"Don't sing victory, silly, nothing happens yet and I'll make you swallow your words." Franky was point his finger over and over again jabbing at Tim's chest.

As the boys argued, twelve o'clock struck and the old man called the boys, a thick fog began to take over and the atmosphere became gloomy and very cold. "Guys, guys, look at that, is that..."

Franky and Tim turned their gazes towards the old man. Then they sawed a diffuse shadow appear and become clearer, the fog invaded the place and an immense sorrow was felt in the soft breeze that hovered around the faces of the spectators.

It was Celeste with her beautiful blue dress, the lily and her straight hair waved by the soft summer wind. The spectral figure seemed unmoving and only watched the horizon awaiting the lover's arrival.

Franky, Tim and the old man were stunned by what they saw. The entity did not generate fear, only sadness. Suddenly an incandescent light was seen on the horizon, it was approaching the ghost at full speed, Celeste wanted to run away, but she could not, she was tied to the ground and from her position she raised her arms towards the boys asking for help with a voice from beyond the grave.

The boys looked on helplessly and only wondered what they should do. There was no time, the light turned into a blazing fire and was about to devour Celeste, but at that precise moment the old man ran towards the ghost and as he took one step after another, he was transfiguring into a specter. At the last moment he rushed at Celeste and managed to pull her away from the fire.

After a second everything was a blinding spectacle of spectral lights and explosions. The boys threw themselves on the cold asphalt covering their faces, then everything was calm and the faint breeze caressed the boys.

"Thank you guys, for decades I was looking for the exact place where my Celeste was and thanks to you I found it, now we can be free at last." The old man had turned into a handsome and strong young man, he took Celeste by the hand and together they got into the car which turned into beautiful shiny Cadillac.

The two wraiths said goodbye to the boys and started the car, then they were lost in the horizon and a soft ballad was heard as the lovers disappeared.

The two boys came out of their emotional trance and as they reacted they looked very frightened, then shouted, "The old man was a ghost, Ahhhhh!!!" They ran off in the direction of the full moon.

The end


Sources of the cover image Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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