

There is a saying that “Curiosity is a mind in search of knowledge" and knowledge is said to be power. As humans, we are mostly in search of that knowledge as we learn, unlearn and relearn every day.

I am naturally an inquisitive person as I love asking questions about things I don't understand and I always like it when I get answers to them. In cases where I don't get an immediate answer, I keep asking till I get the required answer.

In terms of superstitious belief, I will ask questions on reasons why a certain thing is said to be forbidden or taboo. A trait my mum sometimes dislikes because I would inquire as to the reasons why I am supposed to stop doing a particular thing. Often time, she doesn't have answers to them herself and the reply she gives is that "I just know it's not good" and expects me to just accept that answer.

This superstitious belief is common amongst the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria. There are lots of things we are told not to do because IT'S NOT GOOD. I am curious to know why as I have lots of questions I am yet to get answers to. For example, I am curious as to why are we told not to eat with our left hand, not to keep things with our left hand (though the answer given to this was that we will forget where we kept the thing), not to talk or sing in the restroom, not to wash clothes at night, not to look in the mirror at night and so on.

Though, there are a lot more but these are the ones I can remember whilst writing this. Whenever I do any of the things listed above, my mum gets angry with me and always warns me from continuing. But ever since I have been doing them, nothing has ever happened to me.



There was a day I was too tired to carry out my house chores, so I left so many things undone and left for work. When I came back home, I rested a bit and I felt energized to sweep my house and then I remembered one of the superstitious belief my mom always told me when I was younger about how bad it was for me sweep at night, I was curious to know what will happen, though I was a bit scared but I didn't let that stop me.

I walked into my store to pick up my broom and dustpan and then I proceeded to sweep. After sweeping my house, I was waiting patiently for the consequences of my actions, but after some days nothing bad happened and then I realized it was just a myth.

Though there are other things she tells me that I believe in but If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that curiosity might kill cats, but I guess it doesn’t kill people.

Thank you all for coming around.

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