A Whale called Blue.

We all be sailin' aboard me pirate ship, The Flying Down, with Capt'n Dreemie. Sailin' fast for Thursday's port -but we be headin' for a hidden sand bar! Unbeknownst to any pirate, this sand bar was newly created in the last storm of the area, and if we hit it - we'd be marooned there for days!
Lo and behold - a massive whale starts headin' our way...
"Capt'n! Whale off the port bow! She's headin' straight for us!!!"
Right before she hits me ship - she crests the water - almost takin' flight over the ship! She creates a MASSIVE SPLASH and wave that begins to push our ship out of the way of the sand bar.
"Blow me down!!! She's trying to steer us off course! All hands on deck!!!" I spin the wheel back on course and try to put us towards our treasure destination - heading BACK towards the sand bar.


Being a part of the Dreem clan, it's my duty to write and finish stories. Yes we're a family of storyteller's, but we're a bit different, in the fact that we determine our own story. The Eknok Whale, a story that has been left unfinished for centuries and it's what the library chose for me in my Read of Reckoning.

At the mention of this story, I shivered and after being read the beginning by the story master, I'm straight up shaking in my boots. I've read all about pirate's, and their adventures on the sea. A merry band of thieves, looters and cutthroats and now I have to visit and help or drown with them? The horror. Why couldn't the library choose a simple Garfield story or the hilarious classic of Tom & Jerry?

"What do you think about the story boy?" The story master asked me, the ancient man studied me with beady eyes. Some say he was here when the story was written and although he claims to be a very healthy eighty-nine, I know better.
"Ermmm.. it seems very adventurous Sir, a bit too adventurous for me." I answered honestly, hoping he would change the story.
"Adventure is what we dreemers do young one, just last week a kinsman of yours finished a dinosaur story, you read it . The one where she thaught a T-Rex to cook." Actually I did read that, and I was mortified at the risk she took. Teaching a T-Rex to cook seems great, at least if I'm to be eaten, I'll find solace that I'll be well done and dressed.

I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to wiggle my way out of this and it's best to just get it over with. Like my Grandma always said, "Challenge your fears and turn them into a dream." A funny one, my grandma, for if I see my fear in a dream wouldn't it be a nightmare?
"I'll do it." I said, although not too sure. I noticed the ground was glowing, the old man had started the inscription before I had even made up my mind. He finished and said "Great, I think the story would be sad if you did decline it an ending, it was written for you after all."
"Wait what?..."

I blinked the spray of salty water out of my eyes then took a look at myself, I was standing on a ship wearing a striped blue and white shirt with brown trousers and boots.
"Hey there lad, what you standing there all starstruck for? Get the ropes, secure the mast and come help us bail the deck." A huge man with a huge gut screamed at me. Then I realized that I was on The Flying Down. I ran to get the ropes and was surprised that they were easy to carry although it was as thick as my wrist.

After handing the ropes to another frantic pirate, I went to a spot near the back of the ship where the crew was gathered. It seemed they were under attack immediately I shivered, pirate battles were written to be quite deadly but I didn't see any other ships.
"What's attacking the ship?" I asked another pirate who was standing next to me his name registered as Long Jaw and he was the 3rd in command. "It be a blasted whale lad. She be coming to keep us from getting the treasure, but we'll outrun her y'see."
Typical pirates , always running after treasure, I decided to scan the water and then I saw it. A big blue whale watching and following us intently.
"Is she getting bigger?" I asked out loud . "Nay" Longjaw replied, "She be getting closer. Captain!!!!!" He yelled. "The blasted beast is here again."
"Persistent, that one" the Captain came swinging down a rope to the deck.
"Thank you Longjaw, One eyed Jake had told me that she was gone." "Old one eyed, it seems the other eye ain't be working that well for you ye? Ha Ha Haargh?" She took a look into her spy glass and whistled. " She be coming alright, I love the intent in her eyes really makes you want the chase." This Captain seems to be crazy "Crew!!!, Seems our partner be coming back into the race. Well you don't need me to be tellin ye what to do now do ya? Full speed ahead!!"

This brought on a loud chorus of cheers from the crew but their joy was short lived for no longer did the ship pick up speed. Did One eyed Jake cry "Sand Bar ahoy!!!"
The crash was unsatisfactory, The Flying Down wasn't flying anymore. With the ship sinking fast and pirates abandoning ship, no one seemed to remember the whale who started this whole fiasco.
" Seems like you all ran into a bit of trouble." She said while chuckling. Everyone was shocked, only Captain Dreemie got back her wits; "Well shiver me timbers a talking whale!" She exclaimed.
"Yes I am a talking whale Captain and as a talking whale I have the right to speak out the fact that I don't like you and your crew disturbing my waters so early in the morning." She complained.
"Well I'm sorry Miss, it's just how we pirates do y'know?" Capt'n Dreamie honored the whale with a bow and a flick of her hat.

This is when I decided to speak up, "If you don't mind me asking Mrs Whale, why where you chasing us?"
"Yes why pursue us?" The Capt'n shadowed my question. The whale floated a bit before answering, "Well I wanted to warn you about the sand bar of course, but your ship was to fast to catch up to. Though it seems you don't need the warning any more." The whale and the crew looked at the ship, The Flying Down in all it's glory, sunken upto it's mast.
"Yes tis a pity." The Capt'n said " And I all so wanted to get that treasure."
Then I felt the pull, it seems my time in the story world was coming to an end. I can't let it end like this though, I need my first story to have a happy ending after all. So I summoned courage and asked the whale for a request.
"Say Mrs___ ?" "Blue" the whale so gratefully provided. "Mrs Blue, would you mind helping us?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" She asked "Yh what do you mean lad?" Capt'n Dreemie asked again. It seemed like the whole crew was looking at me and the pressure was bad. Still I summoned courage, for this was my first story and I won't be overshadowed by a cooking T-Rex.
"Would you Mind Oh great Miss Blue, to tug our ship to the nearest port? For you seem so strong and I'm sure we would be lively company." Blue seemed to dislike the idea but all the pirates bought it. They all looked at blue with puppy eyes, which I have to tell you was the most hilarious thing you could see.
Finally she answered "Well, I don't see why not." All the pirates cheered and they got their ropes ready to tie to the boat and to blue.
I was joining them when I felt the tug again and with a flash of light was pulled back to the real world. I met the story master and he looked at me with proud eyes. "You finished the story, how was it in the life of a pirate?" "Honestly it was fascinating, never had I seen a more friendly bunch and a woman Captain?"
"Women Captains were said to be more effective than the males though, but we can talk about that later. Your initiation is almost over , kiddo just one more step and your a fully qualified dreemer. You have to rename the book".
I knew this step was coming and I've been thinking about it since the beginning of the story. I smiled as the name popped in my head "Capt'n Dreemie and a Whale called Blue."

ecency art by @dunsky
This post is an entry for the Name the Whale contest.

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