The Mad Bride

Source:Picture gotten from amix_6 on pixabay edited using Canva

With Dilor Vision, you can now look into someone's mind....

Since that announcement in 2056 the idea of mind reading became possible.
It sold to the general public for a while, but it was clear how high of a price such a feat of medical-engineering item would go at.

After an unfortunate market, the inventor decided to sell it to government agencies and both the CIA and The International Psychotic House bought it....

I tuned out the introduction speech as I looked at the wonderful machine in the Looking Room.
The idea was that there'll be 2 therapists for a patient, one to attend the patient and one to watch the machine.
The idea that we could see what those of the weaker mind could see enthralled me.

After the introductory ceremony, we were grouped and assigned our patient's.
I was grouped with a certain blonde guy and given the patient 435.
I looked my partner over and decided he was quite the catch.
Now I don't fancy men, but he was easy on the eyes, and he knew it too, smiling at all the females there and acting like a prince.
He came towards me with a smile
"Hey, I guessed we're partners, I'm Jonah?"
"Shawn.." I replied to him distractedly, noticing that the Looking Room lights were off, meaning the patient was asleep.
He followed my eyes and shivered,"The Looking room. I would hate to be the one in there."
"You don't want to see what they see?" I was confused as to why not.
"Why would you?" He asked me back
I thought about it for a while...
'Why did I want to see inside their heads?'
I shook my head, it doesn't matter anyways. "So I could get the first turn using the Dilor Vision?" I asked him
"Knock yourself out. When are we meant to see her anyways?"

"Right now." I replied back looking at the timesheets given to me.
"How do you know the gender?" I asked him back.
He laughed and put his hand over my shoulder.
"I can just feel it, you know. In my cheekbones. I know when I have an appointment with a girl." He replied, shining his teeth.

We reached her ward tagged Violent. Apparently the wards were classified by their main traits.
I walked on to her door number with Jonah trailing behind me.
I opened the door and was greeted by her tearing disemboweling her pillow, laughing maniacally.
As she sighted us, she stopped what she was doing and ran straight into the separating glass, landing on the floor quite awkwardly.
I walked out of her room to the Looking Room beside it, slapping Jonah at the back, "Goodluck Charmer."

I walked into the dark room, noticing the customized VR Dilor goggles on the desk.
There was a screen and a microphone to see what's going on in the patient's room and to communicate with Jonah.
"Testing 1, 2, Jonah can you hear me?" I say into the mic.
"Loud and Clear. How is it?" He asks, referring to the Dilor Vision.
"I haven't put it on yet." I admitted, the thought of entering her crazed mind, sounding both exciting and a bit intimidating.
"She's getting up!!" Jonah called out and I looked at the screen, seeing her slowly standing up.
Jonah walked towards the screen and sat on the floor in front of her.
She shuffled back looking at him suspiciously.
I took that as a sign to put it on.
"I'm going in now" I called out to Jonah as I slipped the Vr goggles on and flipped the switch.

Immediately, I was transported to another location. A normal tea shop looking at a young blonde man, drinking his cup of Ginger grass with Lemon extract.
It took me a moment to realize that I was viewing the scene from Patient 435's perspective and from that perspective one thing was clear. She was in love.

I watched him as he came to the shop, day after day, noticing how he comes late in the afternoon tired and early in the morning hopeful.
I got teased by my co-workers over my crush and got helped by them to step up and talk to him.
We talked for a while, with every conversation being longer and more enthralling than the last.
Till finally, he asked for my number. The joy I felt was so genuine that I couldn't have thought it to be an illusion.

I gave it to him, stumbling over the digits in nervousness, then waited impatiently for his call.
He called the next day and we talked a lot longer than we usually would in the shop.
Talking about everything from family to life struggles to wants and needs.
I was so happy and my heart was full.
He asked if we could be more than friends and of course I agreed.
We took things step by step, slowly gaining trust and bonds and then he finally did what I was waiting for since the first call. He asked for my hand, in the same tea shop that we met.
It was such a romantic gesture with a touch of corniness that I couldn't and wouldn't refuse.
The days planning the wedding with him were the happiest days of my life.
Fretting over things like the guest lists and my hair.
I was overjoyed.

The day before the wedding, we had a long phone call of how our honeymoon would be, me waiting in nervousness, impatience and unholy want of him besides me in the bed.
Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.
Getting told on the altar that he had slipped on the stairs, breaking his neck and died.
The grief snapped me, I broke. The pain of the loss of it all was simply too much..

I removed the VR Dilor goggles from my head, breathing heavily and covered in sweat.
I looked at my watch and shivered at the amount of emotions I had at such a meagre 5 mins.
I looked at her sitting at the corner looking at Jonah with tears in her eyes and shivered that she's stuck with such grief in her head.

"Jonah?" I said over the mic, noticing how coarse my voice was.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Jonah asked concerned.
"Yeah, don't worry about it, it's nothing. Did you say anything to her? Or did she say anything?" I asked him.
"I just asked 'hey?', then she broke down, crying and screaming why."
I looked at my skin, noticing the goosebumps coming out of it.
"Let's go outside Jonah."

I came out to the bright light of the ward, still shaking a bit from my experience.
Jonah met me leaning and hugging myself at the wall.
Looking at him, I gasped at how much he resembled the man in her mind and I broke down crying.
"What happened over there?" Jonah asked, a bit scared.
"It's nothing." I said in between wails.
"It was just a very bad memory."

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