The Vision


The image was sourced from here and edited using Canva

It was the biggest ever. At least that's what I could determine from the crowd of women rushing into the tent.
I heard her shout and I tried again to get to my wife, the guards apologetically pushed me away.

"A man cannot see visions, especially not an outsider."

That's what they always say after I meet the council to ask why I was denied the frivolity of being with my wife during such dangerous incidents.

"She's not in any danger. It's a gift from our gods to our women. It's a blessing."

They countered and left me to take care of my wife after the vision was through with her.

"A blessing.... A gift from the gods they say". I shake my head in disgust as I help my wife sip her garri.
"What kind of blessing makes a woman as strong and vibrant as my Keziah unable to drink her own damn garri."
She was weak for 2 days, unable to walk or talk and her eyes had paled even more. From a vibrant color red to a more light pink.
After a week, she had started getting her strength back, yet I noticed something. She couldn't see.


She looked again at the cup, waiting excruciatingly a whole 2 seconds before the image could settle in her eyes.
It was clear how badly her eyesight had deteriorated since that vision, yet her attitude didn't change. Still being the literal embodiment of Joy that she is.
She picked the cup up laughing and used it to make drumming sounds for our baby Elle.
I pretended not to notice her hindrance when trying to identify the cup and I watched while she drummed.
Last night's argument came to mind.

I couldn't imagine how a doctor can be so indifferent towards her own health.
She smiled at me but I couldn't bring myself to smile back.
Not that it would matter anyways as she wouldn't see my expressions very well.
It seemed I was wrong as she put Elle into her crib and walked towards me.

"Now I know that I smiled at you, but I could swear that you didn't return it." She said, standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.
"What does it matter?" I replied. "It's not as though you can see clearly enough to know if I'm smiling."
"Yet I knew you weren't." She returned laughing.
I smiled at the reply but remembered I was meant to be angry or at least serious.

"So tell me, dear husband of mine.." She began heading towards the couch, feeling it up to determine if there was something on it, before finally sitting down.
"What's got your feathers all in a bunch?" She asked, crossing her legs and looking at me intently.

"Amie, it's about your vision." I began watching her roll her pale red eyes. Eyes that were once so vibrantly red like an apple.
"What about my vision?" She asked quietly.
I knew I had to choose my next words carefully, yet I had to get her talking so went ahead and said it outright.
"I still insist on you getting glasses." I said with my head held high.
She looked at me aloof. As though she didn't hear or understand what I said.
"What are glasses?" She asked, putting a finger to her chin.
"Don't tell me it's taking away your mind too." I moan out loud.

She laughed out loud. "It's not my love, at least not yet."
She came to sit near me, and hugged me.
"I can't see Henry." She said breaking down, crying on my shoulders.
"I can't see Elle's smile anymore, my love. I barely see yours."
The hurt in her voice tore at my heart.
"Why is it doing this to you Keziah?" I asked.
"The elders say it's a gift..."
"It is a gift Henry." She cut me off. "I can see the future."
"Then why is it taking from you too?" I ask.
"A gift isn't something you'll have to pay for.. at least not this much." I say quietly.

"To see the future, one has to forget the past and leave the present."

"What does that mean?" I was confused.
"It's a bit of my latest vision." She said, crying. I was shocked because I'm not ever told a vision.
"I'll have to leave and forget you and Elle." She says, telling me my greatest fear .
Left out of my own village and forgotten by my people, then getting into this village and finding love, I was always afraid of this, of being forgotten and left behind.
I couldn't be left again, I wouldn't be left again.
"How many of your visions come true?", I asked quietly, dreading the answer
"All of them." She said with a sense of despaired finality. "Although sometimes the timing is different."

I stood up, pacing around thinking about what I should do. How would we get away from this vision?
"What are you doing Henry?" Keziah sat down following my movement with her head.
"Let's run away." I said looking up.
"Let's run away, Keziah. Leave everything, this village, the elders, the gods and the visions." I said rushing to sit and hold her hands.
"We can't Henry, I can't." She replied crying.
"We have to Ziah, Imagine Elle with her mother, me without my love." I begged.
"Where would we run to?" She asked
"Anywhere but here, we just have to run, I'm not losing you." I declared.

I started packing the cup and plate used to feed Elle, when she came to hug me from behind.
"I love you Henry. Always have and Always will."
"I'd prefer for you to tell me that everyday." I said smiling.
She laughed out loud. "Of course I will. Stop smiling like a kid who got the last candy."
"I'm going to pack my clothes. We leave tonight."
I smiled again while I carried the plates to wash.
I kept on hearing what she said in my mind. "I love you Harry.."
I decided to go meet her and apologize for the argument yesterday.
After checking Elle still asleep in her crib, I walked towards our room, seeing the door ajar.
I saw the clothes on the bed, with a bag open but Keziah gone.

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