Sneak And Treat

Bady Abbas

"I'm home!"

Her voice rang out from the lobby.

Immediately my heartbeat accelerates, anticipation coursing through my veins.

I take in shallow breaths not wanting to breathe too loud so she wouldn't hear me.

She's well known for her excellent hearing capabilities.

I watch from the crack on the closet door as she strides over the carpeted floor looking left and right searching for me.


She calls out.

I almost giggle, eager to be found by her but I am determined to win this game even if it's once.

Playing hide and seek with Mommy doesn't always go the way I want it to go. I always imagine hiding really well and then sneaking up on her when she's not aware and screaming BOO! at the top of my voice.

She'd be super scared.

I let out a quiet sigh as I look through the crack in the door once more, my eyes tracking over the brown colored couches sitting proudly in the room.

She's not here, time to change my hideout.

I take a deep breath as I slowly open the door and step out on tiptoe.

The door makes a little creak, quite a small sound really but audible enough for someone with ears like Superman.

"I know you're there Luke!"

As expected, she calls out from one of the inner rooms.

I run as silently as I can on my little legs a giggle rising up in my throat as I hear her steps pound behind me.

Without a second thought, I run to the kitchen and crawl into my favorite play spot.

A quaint little cabinet which contained all of my favorite toys. My favorite toys deserve the best place to stay.

I laugh quietly as I shut the door leaving it open a small inch so I can see her when she comes in.

"I'm coming for you Luke!"

She calls out as she runs towards the kitchen.

I giggle helplessly in my palms struggling to keep it in so I can get my golden chance to say the magic word.

Soon her feet hidden in black heeled boots stop right in front of the doorway of the kitchen for a minute before they step back and walk away towards the steps.

"You can come out now Luke, you win!"

My eyes pop open as soon as the words leave her lips.

She's right!

This is the longest I've hidden by far in our history of hide and seek.

I've won.

And now it's time to scream the magic word!

I hurriedly open the cabinet door and crawl out on all fours giggling loudly now as I anticipate my imminent victory.

I run up the stairs as fast as my feet can carry me.

I can smell her perfume which means she's closeby.

I peek through the first door by my right, I don't see her, so I tiptoe to the next door by my left.

As I get closer, her perfume smells stronger and I know she's in there. I hear her muttering something about how adorable I am and something else I can't quite place.

I peep through the open door and see her bent over the ornately carved wooden table sitting in the center of the master bedroom.

This is it!

This is my chance!

I take a deep breath as I step into the room with my mouth open, the word on the tip of my tongue.

But she turns around with a smirk on her face before the words leave my lips.

"Boo! Boo! I got you!"

I scream out anyway as I run to hug her, I got to sneak up on her at least.

She laughs out loud, mirth twinkling in her beautiful gray eyes.

"There you are. I got you too."

She catches me and lifts me high up in the air and I finally let loose the laughter I have been holding.

"I won mom, I scared you!"

I hug her tightly as she nods in agreement.

"Of course you did. My boy is a winner," She pulls back and smiles at me.

"Let's get you the treat I promised," She ruffles my hair.

"Yayy!" I jump in excitement in her arms as she carries me to the car for a ride to my favorite ice cream place.

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