Family And True Happiness




"Ah Finally"

Dr. Fred sighs as he takes his jacket off and sits on the wooden bench in the park. He has had a long day in the surgery room of his hospital. Even though it's his hospital, Dr. Fred loves to be really hands-on in running the business rather than just be a "sit-tight" boss, as he calls it. Today, he had a 5 hour surgery which, against all odds, was a success. He can't help but feel proud of himself.

Sitting on the bench, he can see kids playing around, elderly women feeding pigeons and owners trying to control their dogs. There are also people riding their bikes, some having picnics and others simply taking a stroll. It's just a typical day in the middle of spring and a good day to be in the park. The weather is bright and sunny, the grass green and healthy, and the trees are on full display. Remembering all the good things he has accomplished, a smile forms on Dr. Fred's face.

"Ooh what are you smiling about?"

Dr. Fred looks up and sees an elderly lady in a long flowery dress, an old brown wig and with a bag of bird feed in her hands.

"Oh I was just thinking about something. Sorry. It's creepy smiling like that." Dr. Fred replies feeling embarrassed.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." The lady says smiling back at him.
"Can I sit?" She asks.

"Yes of course." Dr. Fred replies as he adjusts.

"Thank you son." The lady thanks him as she sits.
"Hey I know you. You're that great doctor everyone in town is talking about. You own the hospital down the street. Frank right?" The lady asks with excitement in her voice as she starts to pour the bird feed for the pigeons.

"It's Fred ma'am, and yes I am and I do." Dr. Fred replies her with a smirk.

"Wow. Good for you. I'm sure you must be really proud of yourself". She says still feeding the pigeons.

"Mmh yes I am."

Dr. Fred replies but this time he isn't smiling. There is something about the lady's tone that makes him wonder if he is really proud of himself. He has accomplished a lot in his life. At just 35 years, he has finished med school, owns a hospital and has a great fiancée. However, for some reason, he has always felt a void in his life. What could be the issue? He has enough money so it can't be a money issue. His house is already really nice so it can't be a house problem. He can afford any car he wants so it's definitely not a car thing.

So what could it be? Dr. Fred has always asked himself this question.

He looks at the rest of the park, at the pigeons and then at the old lady. He is surprised to see that there are more pigeons with her than the others.

"The pigeons are my friends. They're more like family to me. I come here as often as possible to spend time with them. People think I'm crazy but when you get to my age, it doesn't take so much to be happy."

It is as though the old lady had read his mind and explained before he could ask. Dr. Fred thinks to himself, What a strange thing to say. They are her family? Maybe there is bliss that comes with old age.

"Do you spend time with your family?" The lady asks looking up at Dr. Fred.

Dr. Fred hesitates for a second.

"Not really. No. My mum and brother live in a different town." he replies.

"Oh but you stay in touch right?" The lady asked very eagerly.

The doctor looks at the lady as he starts to get uncomfortable.

"Uhm I really don't have the time to always stay in touch."

Dr. Fred replies anxiously as he scratches the back of his neck. He knows that what he said isn't totally true. Yes he is a busy man with a tight schedule but he has not spoken to his mother or brother in over a year and hasn't seen them in 7 years.

Growing up in a poor home with a single mum, Fred had always wanted more from life. He worked really hard to get into Pre-Med and then Med school. After becoming a doctor, he worked his way up the industry ladder before moving to the big city to build his hospital. As the years went by, his hospital got bigger and bigger until he became a top player in the industry. It was all good but on his way up, he neglected his family. He was too focused on the business that he didn't pay attention to the things that really matter. He became addicted to the game of power, fame and wealth so bad that it cost him his relationship with his brother and mum. He pushed them away without even knowing it. No wonder he always felt alone.

"You should always keep in touch with your family." The old lady's voice brings Dr. Fred back to reality.

"No matter how far apart you are, you should make time for people that mean something to you. It is only real experiences with them that can make you truly happy."

The words of the lady struck Dr. Fred really deep. He realizes that he really misses his mum and brother. His brother always looked up to him and he let him down.

He turns, picks up his phone and fishes out his brother's contact. Seeing his brother's name name, Dr. starts to tear up a bit. Embarrassed, he doesn't turn back to the old lady immediately. He manages to get a hold of himself, wipes his tears and turns to speak.

"You know what lady? You're absolutely ri..."

The old lady is gone. He looks out in the distance but he can't find her.

Was she really here?

Did he imagine her? Of course he didn't. The pigeons are still feeding where she sat.

What just happened?

Dr. Fred had always believed that angels can appear as humans to guide people.

Did he just meet one of them?

That would explain the flock of pigeons. Perhaps that is what she meant by they are her family.

"Well, I need to connect with my own family again." Dr. Fred thinks to himself. For the first time in a long time, he thinks he can really be able to fill the void in him. He picks up his jacket, dials his brother's number and starts to walk away with a bigger smile than when he came.


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