The Dream World


War… they say it instills pain in people. The catastrophe, the death, losses, and brutality it brings. But yet, we still yawn for it. Die to fight for it. In the end, victory. Victory at the expense of the lost souls, dead soldiers, and civilians. Why?

It has been ten years since the war between De van Jun soldiers and The System was over. The forceful change of power has caused things to be different. The System was known to be the creator. Creator of order and our humanity. They were known to be Gods. We were ruled by them and forced to walk according to their will and order. Yes, we were controlled. And if anyone refuses to obey them they will be evaporated, liquidated like a solid butter placed on a heat frying pan, and thrown into the soil. Here that soil is called 'The land of the forgotten.' Forever mixed with the desert sand.

That's to tell you how powerful they were. But they were men that were tried, fed up by being controlled by The System. So they siege war with the Gods. Just imagine a war with your Creator. The Gods.

Yes, we were no match for them, but they felt our rage and hunger to end them. But at the cost of this war, many lives were killed, those who fought and who didn't want the war died. I could still remember holding Jasmine, my wife in arms as she died. An arrow pierced through her heart, as she groaned and slowly passed away. I couldn't erase that memory from my mind because it broke me.

The Gods saw that if they continue the war, it will be the end of humanity, to their creation. So they ended the war and stepped down from power not because of the weapon forged by De Van Jun and his soldiers, but because they understood the true meaning of peace. The peace they say, I laughed at peace. After the death of my dear wife, now they want peace. Well, peace was given. But when the power got the hands of De Van Ju, the definition of peace changed.

He divided the earth into three regions. The Uplands, The Downlands, and Outcast. The Uplands are made for the elites, those who can afford the luxury lives and power. The Downlands are for the average workers, they are there to live under the subjection of the Uplands, while The Outcast are the rebellious ones, they are those of strong will, ready to corrupt others and to restore balance to the world. But with all these, they still felt pain and grief for their lost ones.

In my grief, I decided to create a machine that could navigate one mind and recreate the memories of lost ones. But you must be in a deep sleep. I called the machine, The Reminiscence Maker. The machine made it possible for someone to reconnect with their dead loved ones. Creating that sweet memory, but you have to be asleep and if you stay too long dreaming, else your mind will be lost and can't be awakened. The machine was built like a bathtub but in a pod-like shape.

I and my partner, Jessica had to operate it because people pay to have that experience. Once you take off your clothes, Jessica will fill the pod with fresh water, while I connect the pod plugs to the server and I walk them through the dream world with my voice.

"Listen to my voice, you're in a space, a field filled with green grass, spread your hands and feel them, breathe in the cool air, and feel the wind. Now recreate." Those are the words I used as I directed them to their dream world.

Jessica once experiences it. She went into her dream world to say goodbye to her daughter and vowed never to go back there again. I knew the urge and desire to be with the lost one, but she controlled herself. Hmm, easy for her to let go. I just can't.

Each time I go to my dream world, I spend more time, more time with my Jasmine, and it almost cost me my life. So one evening, I called Jessica and held over all my properties, money, and all I had to her because I am about to do the crazy thing no one has ever heard of. She warned me not to. But I refused to listen to her. I told her to always fill the pod with fresh water and walk me to my dream world just this once because I won't be coming back.

So I started the process before I stepped into the pod. I gave Jessica a friendly kiss and hug. Then I took off my clothes, dropping them close to the pod, while I stepped into the reminiscence machine. As she closed the pod, then she walked me into my dream saying those words.

Now, in my dream, my Jasmine was waiting for me at the beach, sitting on the beach sand staring at the waves of the sea. I walked up to her and called her name. She turned and smiled at me. "Welcome, my heartbeat."

This is what I want. This is my Reminiscence.

Thank you for reading my story.

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