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The dream day was finally coming true. Emma was ready, admiring herself in the mirror covered in white. At first, she smiled and sighed. She had sporadic moments of slight nervousness, and then, she began to feel that feeling; an alarming idea that she could not get out of her head.

She fixed her veil, shook out her dress, and smiled again. She was sure she was the most beautiful bride in the world. She was about to marry a wonderful, intelligent man who respected her. Emma loved Jonathan very much, and they finally took the step of getting married despite the difficulties they were going through, but everything was ready, or, so she thought.

Lucille, one of her friends and maid of honor, walked in the door with anguish. Emma looked into her eyes steadily, and through them, without hearing a word, she could discover what was mortifying Lucille.

"No..., it can't be... He can't do this to me!" Emma exclaimed dropping the bouquet.

"Darling... I'm sorry... Let me..." Emma evaded her friend and ran to the church chapel.

She stripped off her veil and dragged her dress. She arrived at the chapel with her face distorted by sadness and anger. The other bridesmaids told her that her fiancé had left with a man: his name was Fabrizzio; an employee of the company where Jonathan worked. For some time now, there had been an affair between the two of them, Emma already suspected it, but her infatuation to see Jonathan as the perfect man for her blinded her.

She threw herself to the floor devastated, frustrated, and humiliated. The faces of the guests were sticking into her like sharp pins. She felt them mocking her, pointing their fingers at her and muttering cruel words. Emma could stand it no longer and rushed her way to the door of the bell tower. She ascended the spiral stairs so fast, her dress was torn, leaving scraps of fabric along the way. When she finally reached the top, she surveyed the horizon and released a piercing shriek.

"I'm such a fool, I believed it! For a moment, I thought the hope I'd been holding on to for so long would finally become my wish, but no. All this time I was deluding myself. Locked in an illusion that shattered like a fragile mirror.

"Is no one ever going to love me? Am I never going to experience true love? If so, I have no purpose, and I must end my torment at once..."

Emma stood at the height of fifty feet. She perched on the edge of the bell tower looking down with the idea of launching herself. She collapsed in tears and, as the last tears of her misfortune began to fall, a man emerged through the doorway abruptly.

"No, please!" Emma immediately visualized the guy's face and recognized him: it was Michael, Emma's brother's brother's best friend. They were about the same age and had known each other long before Jonathan came into their lives. Emma was petrified of Michael's hazel eyes as the wind made what was left of her dress dance.

"I know you are angry and devastated, I know, I can understand your pain..." Michael said as he moved closer.

"Understand?" Emma replied elated. "Have you ever been stood up at the altar on your wedding day in the most humiliating way?"

"No..., but, today I was also feeling devastated because I thought I was going to lose the love of my life."

Michael managed to take Emma's hand and bowed. Emma was stunned; breathless, she didn't quite understand what was going on.

"I've been in love with you for a long time. I liked you from the day your brother first introduced us. You were beautiful, simple, I wanted to get to know you better since then, but every time I tried something, someone else came into your life and prevented my plans."

Emma was speechless, her eyes wide open to the limit. A flash of sunlight illuminated Michael's face changing the color of his pupils to amber.

"It's clear you don't like me, I know...but rest assured, my love, I'll keep trying until..." Emma leaned in to kiss Michael and the whole confession ended there. They looked into each other's eyes, caressed each other, and smiled.

"Let's go, Michael, I don't want to be here," Emma whispered, Michael took her hand and together they walked out of the bell tower.

Seeing that Emma was well, the guests began to applaud, smiling as if the wedding had taken place. Although the ceremony did not take place, at least two lovers walked out the church door.


The logos and title image were taken from freepng and the separators were created by me in PowerPoint.

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