The Constellation Upon Us

Star light, star bright, the first star that I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might grant this wish I have this night.

As an avid astrology fan, Mickey always believed that the alignment of stars corresponds to the signs of successes, failures, and opportunities that may come to her in the next few days or throughout the year. As the season of her birthday, and she can finally tell herself that she is ready to take a risk and make her teenage life extra colorful, the constellations speak to her.

As she gazed up at the sky, it was not usual that the Archer would be seen next to Scorpio, if not, based on the angle of her bedroom window. The Archer facing Scorpio's back and Scorpio on the south of the Archer is an extravagantly pleasing scenery to her eyes. The twinkling stars and bright illumination of Sirius fascinate her eyes, but this day the constellation draws her attention, and she starts writing poems about her first love.

She reminisced about the first love that piqued her interest and that she would love to bring light to his pallid eyes.

📸 Roma Danica
The Night Sky of December 27, 2022

Being shy that she is, Mickey took out her diary and re-read those essays that remained imprinted with her handwritten notes in the three-year-old journal.

📸 Ading AJ
Snippets of me writing

"Love," She read in the first stanza that she wrote three years dated back.

"I don't know if it's your eyes that look like all the twinkling sparks have been summoned by the blackhole that makes my heart wild, or is it your artistry painting the aurora in a starry night makes me want to bring back the light in your empty eyes?"

Mickey laughed at the thought after reading the following few lines of her essays. It will always be cliche and funny, cheesy on her friend's accord, but the feeling she puts into writing will always be as genuine as what she feels for the man that makes her creativity flow secretly for years.

With her night lamp on, she gazes again at the constellation. So then, Mickey tapped her chest, which protects her heart. A little risk will only hurt if you try to work it out.

Archer, as she says, depicts cupid's arrow. As if arrows were directed to Scorpio, which was her zodiac. If the constellation tells her they could be an item, maybe she'll let Alex fall in love with her.

Alex was her one true love. Or for what she believes. For years that his pallid eyes too drown her. Lex will always be her muse for her writings; she wishes she could be the man who would share her waves of laughter and sorrows. Lex had only considered Mickey his younger sister, someone to protect from the bad guys but not considered her a woman.

The constellation told Mickey to at least try. Confess her feelings, and if rejections feel so light, she may want to leave Lex to do and pursue someone he loves. But if her courage would be as her firm determination upon rejection, she would like to give it a try until her heart finally says, "it's alright, we tried. Give Lex a break; he deserves the happiness you cannot give him, right."

The stars speak to her more than other signs. She believed that she had a special connection with the stars that could show her the things that were destined for her—especially the ones she would cherish for the rest of her life.

"Lex," Once again, a little smile escaped her lips.

"If I were Sirius, the brightest star in the dark sky, then you could be my home that I tend to light at night."

Those cheesy words that she always wanted to tell Lexx finally answered.

📸 Roma Danica
Bonfire under the starry sky

"Mickey...Sorry," Lex approached her in a silent gesture, extending his hands for a fistbump.

They could remain friends, and that simple act made her heart happy.

Lex knew her existence, and her feelings were acknowledged but rejected.

She knew this was coming, but as she said, the rejection felt light, and she was still not ready to give up her dreams to make Alex's eyes dreamy.

The year ended, and Archer and Scorpio were found hemispheres apart.

The constellation upon us does not always mean two hearts could meet at some point and become each other's source of happiness.

Mickey, who loved Lex dearly, came to a realization.

Lex is destined to educate her heart to love with no conditions expected in return. Love is not always happy. Love is always about the lesson it teaches you. Love matures you.

Mickey is still young and fated to fall in love with Lex. The man is destined for another woman who is a struggling star. Lex's space is too dark to house a family of bright stars. He belongs to the northern hemisphere, the opposite of Mickey's constellation.

The stars once communicated Mickey's fate, and the stars did not tell her perception was correct. One thing is for sure, the stars do not foresee the future but what is upon us.

unknownnicheJanuary 5, 2023

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