How Will You Use It?

"What are you going to do with your money, Dave?"

Dave put the wheelbarrow back in the garage, then wiped his brow. "I'm going to save it towards my truck, Dad."

"You're already over halfway there, and you still have three more years before you can drive."

Dave shrugged. "I really don't need anything right now. Might as well save it."

Dad nodded. "That's a good habit. Then it'll be there when you do want or need anything."

The next morning, Dave got the wheelbarrow out again. He took it down the street, and parked it in front of a small house.

He rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, an elderly lady opened the door. "Why hello, young man. Are you here to finish spreading the fertilizer already?"

"Yes, Mrs. Likens. It was so hot yesterday, when I did it in the afternoon. I thought I'd get an early start, if that's alright?"

She smiled. "That's perfectly fine. I'll have some cookies and ice cold lemonade ready when you're finished. I do wish that you would come down more often, I love to bake. But since my Roger passed, I really don't have an excuse to."

Several hours later, Dave took the wheelbarrow back home, and into the garage. When he did, a flash of golden fur streaked out.

He followed, and was just in time to see a large dog run under the porch across the street.

The boy went inside, and got a package of lunch meat from the refrigerator.

He took it across the street, and tossed a piece under the porch. Almost immediately, he heard snuffling and licking.

He tore another piece in half, and tossed it in. This time, closer.

He saw a black nose, and then the meat was gone. He tore the remaining meat in his hand in half yet again.

This time, he put one piece just outside of the dog's hiding place, and kept the other. Dave took one step back, knelt, and extended his arm, palm upward, meat clearly visible.

The wary dog slowly approached him. When it was close enough, it sniffed his hand before taking the meat.

Dave didn't move until the dog retreated to eat, then he took another piece from the package, and tore it into many pieces.

Ten minutes later a thin, filthy golden retriever trotted at his heels. He took off his belt, and made a quick leash / collar combo. Then they went into the house.

"I sure wish we could keep you, boy. But we already have two cats, and nobody is here except on weekends. Don't worry, though. I'll find you a great home."

The boy took the dog into the bathroom, and gently washed him. The dog calmly accepted the attention, even seeming to enjoy it.

When he was finished, he left the dog in the bathroom. Dave put the cats in his parents' bedroom, and shut the door.

He then let the dog out. The happy animal explored for a few minutes, then curled up in front of the couch.

"You're used to being inside, so you must have belonged to someone. But you don't have a collar... maybe you were abandoned?" he asked, and the dog looked up.

Just then, Mom and Dad walked in. The dog politely greeted them, even offering each one a paw.

"Dave, why is there a dog in the house?" asked Mom.

Dave quickly explained.

Mom nodded. "You did the right thing, but he can't stay here all alone. And the cats can't live in the bedroom, either."

Dave looked at the dog, who was napping again. "I know, I thought I'd see if Mrs. Likens is willing to take him, at least for now. She seems pretty lonely."

Dad ran his hands through his hair. "She's not rich, Dave. This dog needs to see a vet, and gain some weight. She'll probably want him, but I'm not sure if she can afford him."

"I really don't need all the money I earned, Dad. Maybe we could use it to take the dog to the vet, and get him a big bag of food? Other than my truck, I mostly just wanted to keep in shape until basketball season."

Mom went over and petted the dog. "I guess I could put a few dollars towards giving him a good start too. He's such a good boy!"

A few hours later, Dave rang the elderly lady's doorbell again. This time, his parents were waiting in the driveway, in their car. A golden retriever sat next to him, thin but otherwise healthy.

"Oh my, it's good to see you again, David. Would you like more cookies? There are plenty left. And who is your friend?"

Dave rubbed the dog's head. "He's why I'm here. May I please come in, and explain?"

Soon the two were comfortably seated, with the dog curled up at the woman's feet, as if he'd always been there.

Dave explained the situation.

"So you'd like me to foster him. Until you can find someone to take him, if you can't find his family?"

"Yes please, if you could."

She bent over, and the dog reached up to lick her face. "I don't want to foster him. Unless someone lost him, I want him to live here, with me. I love him already."

Dave grinned. "I'm glad you said that. We have some things for him in the car, let me go get them!"

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